True Alpha Is Being A Typical Alpha

Alpha and Omega

Jisoo was not expecting this when she went to a therapist clinic. She expected the place to look sad and melancholic but it was far from that. It felt somewhat comfortable and homely in fact. She unknowingly felt safe and more in tune with herself and inner alpha that she could be herself for once. She confidently approached the receptionist and asked to meet the therapist under the recommendation of Chaeyoung but not forgetting to flash her most killer smile that could potentially send omegas into heat. She had to hide her smirk when she was greeted by a flustered look, faint blush and shy smile from the receptionist. 

"Oh you are recommended by Jennie's friend. Have a seat, the last client should be done soon."

Thanking the receptionist, Jisoo took a seat on the couch and waited patiently, reading a magazine that was on the coffee table. Just as she was about to turn the page, she was ushered to the therapist's office by the receptionist. On the way to the therapist's office, she could smell something faint. It smelt like a mix of basil and citrus. However, she could smell something else that was masked by the initial scent, something that smelt sweet and fruity, yet grassy at the same time which she was not able to identify at the moment. Her body reacted to the smell, beckoning her to find the source of it but she resisted and dismissed the scent as being the air freshener used by the clinic used or maybe even the perfume used by the receptionist.

As Jisoo reached the therapist's office, she actually felt the nerves of meeting a therapist. Sense of shame started to creep inside her and the confidence and cockiness that she felt earlier had suddenly disappeared. She knocked on the door gently and entered the equally homely looking office that did nothing to make her feel comfortable unlike the waiting area. 

"Hi," greeted the therapist with a warm smile. Jisoo locked eyes with the therapist and the even fainter smell that she smelt earlier which she was now able to identify as chamomile suddenly became more apparrent, hitting the scent receptors in her nostrils hard. Her body started to feel like a hormonal teenager, hot and seemingly uncomfortable down there where the appendage was starting to twitch and grow in size. She did not know what was happening. She shook it off before muttering a quick hi and took a on the couch opposite of the armchair which the therapist eventually sat on after moving from her desk. She began to judge the woman in front of her. The woman in front of her was likely not an alpha as Jisoo did not feel threatened by her and alphas would never be qualified to be counsellors or even therapists for that matter. The woman was slightly taller and did not possess the typical feminine softness under the beige cardigan and brown pants that she was wearing. 

She must be a beta. 

"I am Jennie, a licensed counsellor and therapist. So, tell me more about yourself," said Jennie as she pushed up the black oversized glasses and gave a gummy smile. 

Jisoo was starting to really like the person in front of her but she constantly reminded herself that she was seeing a therapist. She tried to be cool and said, "didn't Chaeyoung tell you anything?"

Sensing that the client was acting all tough, she replied gently, "Chaeyoung just mentioned that she would be recommending a family member to see me. Plus, it would be unprofessional to ask about a potential client from another person isn't it? I would pretty much prefer to hear from you instead."

She's really professional. 

That was all Jisoo could think about and her defensive wall was starting to crumble that she decided to be truthful to the woman in front of her and maybe even to herself. 

"My name is Kim Jisoo, an alpha. I work at my family's company. Chaeyoung is my cousin, her father is my maternal uncle."

She then took a deep breath before revealing further, "I presented late as an alpha, at 17. But, as you can see I am nothing like a typical alpha. I feel so conflicted over the years and I am starting to question myself whether I am one."

She could feel the frustration that was inside of her starting to come out, eyes brimmed with tears as she looked straight into Jennie's eyes saying, "please help me to find my inner alpha, Jennie."

That indescribable look that her client gave her was starting to get a little too personal. She was invested and made it her personal mission to help Jisoo no matter what. As a therapist, Jennie knew that she was clearly affected by the sweet alpha here and sensed that it may lead to something unprofessional if neither of them were able to suppress their inner wolves. Her omega body had reacted to the woman in front of her moments before the other came in. She could smell a strong scent of field flowers that was stimulating her in a good way. The vibrant floral scent had a mix of fresh, fruity and juicy and powdery notes of mint, citrus and baby powder that she fell in love immediately. It was even stronger when Jisoo appeared right in front of her. Her body unknowingly released her own scent that clearly her omega suppressant was not able to cover up any longer. Her eyes widened when Jisoo told her she was an alpha when her scent was nothing like the typical musky alpha scent.

Jennie shifted in her seat and crossed her legs to suppress the growing wetness that she was feeling down south. She then cleared and said, "why are you doubting yourself when you possess an important physical trait of alphas."

Jisoo blushed, clearly knowing what Jennie was referring to. Indeed, she possessed ual organ that could knot any omega that she so desired but outward physical appearance and personality had made many people think she was a sweet little omega that is not capable of running Kim Corp. She voiced her opinion to Jennie and was yet again reciprocated with an equally thought provoking question. 

"Is the opinion of the masses and the typical stereotype so important that it affects you to conform to normal societal roles?"

Jisoo could only stay mum, afraid that she would be judged by someone that she is starting to like.

Yes, I want some recognition and validation.

Sensing that Jisoo was not going to reply, Jennie continued, "don't you feel tired not being yourself?"

Once again, Jennie was greeted with silence and said her last question.

"Did it occur to you that there may be other alphas that aren't conforming to normal societal roles too?"

Noticing that Jisoo's facial expression had softened slightly, she said decided to say what she felt that Jisoo had wanted to hear all along, "you are capable, Jisoo, just the way you are." 

Jisoo broke down slightly upon hearing the validation that she had always wanted to hear for a long time. However, she tried to hold firm on her beliefs that being a typical alpha would render her capable to stand tall at the top of the social ladder although, part of her was bending towards the idea that typical stereotypes do not matter.

Sensing that Jisoo was struggling internally, Jennie wanted to embrace the alpha and calm her with her omega scent. However, she fought with her inner wolf hard to maintain her professionalism. Instead she asked, "what can you do becoming a true alpha? It can be something small that you can take step-by-step."

The alpha thought hard about the question and knew what to do immediately. She told Jennie about her plan which the other just nodded, not commenting much as she was just being professional to help her client being more self-directed in her journey of change. 

Soon, it felt as though the session was about to end that Jennie told Jisoo, "I guess we come to the end of our session." 

Jisoo clearly seemed somewhat disappointed but quickly gave a small smile and thanked the therapist before exiting the room. She then walked to the receptionist and asked to make another appointment. 

I will work hard to be a true alpha. See you again, Kim Jennie.


After the appointment with Jisoo, Jennie was done with work for the day and went to the counter to meet with the receptionist.

"The last client is really pretty and I thought she was our kind until my body reacted to her. I should really consider getting marked by my mate. I can't imagine being with some other alpha," joked the receptionist as she saw the therapist walking towards her.

Jennie smiled and laughed upon hearing the joke.

I guess I am not the only omega that is affected by you, the atypical alpha, Jisoo.

Jennie then felt a buzz from her pocket and fished out her phone to read the incoming message she had received from her best friend, Chaeyoung. 

From: Chae

So how was my present?

Jennie clearly did not understand what Chaeyoung was referring to. 

To: Chae

What present? 

From: Chae

I am sure that my alpha cousin is able to save you from being an old spinster omega

To: Chae 

Yea yea

Jennie did not forget to throw in the thumbs up and rolling eyes emojis before sending the text. She then packed up after tallying the day's earnings and left with her receptionist. As they were about to lock up and leave their separate ways, Jennie turned to ask her receptionist, "did the pretty client arrange for a second appointment?"

"She did, two weeks later, same time."

Jennie knew that she had to double her omega suppressant before meeting the said alpha. 


- The same night - 

Jisoo was so tired that she collapsed on the couch upon reaching home. She felt really drained from the therapy session but it did help her to at least acknowledge and process her feelings and even think about some way to change. Soon, she felt her phone buzz and immediately reached out for her phone that she had previously tossed aside not too far away from her. Not bothered to check who called, she answered the phone and was greeted by an annoying but loveable voice in the form of her beloved cousin. 

"So, how was therapy?"

Jisoo could imagine Chaeyoung's facial expression as being genuinely concerned and interested.

"It was alright. She asked some deep questions that got me thinking about everything. Maybe I would give it a try."

"That's good."

Slightly curious, Jisoo asked, "so, how did you meet this beta?" 

Jisoo heard a pause which she dismissed as nothing before hearing a reply from Chaeyoung, "she told you her social class?"

"It's obvious that she is a beta."

"We met through mutual friends. Her receptionist's girlfriend is a friend of Lisa."

"I guess the theory of six degrees of separation is real. Speaking of Lisa, how is that alpha treating you?"

"She's treating me right, unnie. Anyways, got to go back to my date. See you on Monday."

Jisoo replied a quick see you before ending the call and once again, tossed her phone gently to side of the couch. She then returned her thoughts to the events of the day and replayed the questions that Jennie threw at her earlier. 

It is tiring to not be myself. There may be other alphas that don't conform to societal norms but they aren't me. They don't carry the burden of Kim Corp's legacy.

Jisoo was determined to change and emulate typical alphas to reach her goal of being a true alpha.

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1211 streak #1
Chapter 4: Peggy Jen next pls authy 😁😁😁
AnDEUSAgrega #2
Chapter 4: i bet that jennie will be preggy
1211 streak #3
Chapter 4: Lol I also hope Jisoo so we will soon see the little beautiful cubs of Jensoo 😁😁😁😁 oh then give Chaeyoung a reward Jisoo cause it was because of her you meet your Omega
Chapter 3: not the cliffhanger 😭😭😭😭😭😭
i'm really enjoying their dynamics, thanks for the update author :)))
1211 streak #5
Chapter 3: .
1211 streak #6
Chapter 3: Oh my thanks for the update authy 😍😍😍
YOU ARE BACK! ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽
1211 streak #8
Chapter 2: Lol Chae she love your 'present' and is looking forward to their next session 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
1211 streak #9
Chapter 1: So excited for the next chap 😁😁😁