Prologue: The Omegaverse

Alpha and Omega

Omegaverse (A/B/O) is an unusual universe where male and female humans are further classified into three es following the hierarchy of wolves, the alphas (A), betas (B) and omegas (O). They are not easily determined at birth and only present around puberty age, between ages 8 and 17.

The alphas are the top of the hierarchy. Physically, they are larger and possess ual organs that knot the omegas. Personality wise, they are more dominant, aggressive and possessive. They usually have strong musky scents that arouse and induce heats in omegas when their in ruts. The betas are regular people with some exceptions. They are at the middle of the hierarchy. They have very weak scents and cannot reproduce with alphas or omegas but male and female betas can reproduce offsprings together. Lastly, the omegas. They are the lowest rank of the society but often coveted. They are physically the smallest, weakest and most fragile. But in terms of their personalities, they are the most well-tempered and nurturing of all the three es. The omegas have sweet scents that are the most potent when they are in heat to attract suitable alpha mates. Moreover, when they are in heat, they are often not in control or thinking straight. Their ual arousal is at its peak, accompanied by excruciating physical pain, high body temperature, laboured breathing and large amount of secretion, which can only be alleviated by an alpha's knot or when their heat cycles end.

Jisoo is fortunate enough to be presented as an alpha at 17 years old. She is immediately placed at the very top of the social hierarchy because of her alpha's status and family's wealth. Despite being an alpha, Jisoo's physical attributes and personality leaned towards omega traits which had led to her always beimg mistaken and treated as an omega since birth. She is small and short and is very pretty, soft, sensitive, gentle, caring and nurturing. When presented as an alpha, she had an identity crisis that put her in conflict with her true nature that she presented with against her personality that she had formed over the years. Heck, even the media had questioned her identity as an alpha and caused stocks of Kim Corporation to drop rapidly for a short while. Although things had gotten better now, she would be approaching 30 soon that she was determined to be a true alpha capable of not only inheriting the family business but also forming a family of her own.

Leaning against the chair and distracted with her own thoughts, she was snapped back to reality when her secretary, Chaeyoung, entered her office and tapped her on the shoulder. 

Jisoo smiled gently at the younger and asked, "what is it?"

Chaeyoung gave a huge smile, passing a namecard to her boss, "this is the answer to your problem."

Receiving the namecard from Chaeyoung, Jisoo read it briefly and questioned the other, "Gangnam Health and Wellness Centre, counsellor and therapist, Kim Jennie? Chaeyoung ah, I want to be a true alpha. I don't think talking to a counsellor or a therapist would help."

"Don't worry unnie, Jennie is my friend and I am sure that she is able to help you get in touch with your inner alpha. I suppose you can fire me if it doesn't go well," said Chaeyoung nonchantly as she shrugged her shoulders.

Jisoo frowned at the response and replied, "you do know that I can't do that right? In case you have forgotten we are family because my mother and your father are siblings." 

Chaeyoung could only laugh and told her older cousin confidently, "trust me unnie. Go for a trial and if you don't like it we can always find other ways to solve your problem."

Jisoo thought about it for a moment and agreed since there was nothing to lose. However, she wasn't sure that Chaeyoung would be able to help much with the "brilliant" idea that she had presented. Jisoo playfully rolled her eyes and gave a hearty laugh before telling the other, "no way will you be helping me solve my problem if the therapy doesn't work." 

Chaeyoung too returned the banter with a playful eye roll and left Jisoo's office with an equally hearty laugh. Jisoo took the name card from her table and looked at the clock on her desk. Since she didn't have much to do, she packed her handbag to meet the therapist despite feeling skeptical about it.

I hope you can help me get in touch with my inner alpha, Kim Jennie.

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1209 streak #1
Chapter 4: Peggy Jen next pls authy 😁😁😁
AnDEUSAgrega #2
Chapter 4: i bet that jennie will be preggy
1209 streak #3
Chapter 4: Lol I also hope Jisoo so we will soon see the little beautiful cubs of Jensoo 😁😁😁😁 oh then give Chaeyoung a reward Jisoo cause it was because of her you meet your Omega
Chapter 3: not the cliffhanger 😭😭😭😭😭😭
i'm really enjoying their dynamics, thanks for the update author :)))
1209 streak #5
Chapter 3: .
1209 streak #6
Chapter 3: Oh my thanks for the update authy 😍😍😍
YOU ARE BACK! ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽
1209 streak #8
Chapter 2: Lol Chae she love your 'present' and is looking forward to their next session 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
1209 streak #9
Chapter 1: So excited for the next chap 😁😁😁