
You Are My Appa! { YAMU Special Edition }

Big Bang - Blue


With a lit cigarette dangling between her parted lips, she grabbed the wad of cash from the man clad in full black - black leather pants, black ripped shirt, black leather jacket and black sneakers. A skull necklace hung off his scrawny neck and his dark circles and rugged face gave his secret addiction away. Hyojin, on the other hand, donned her trademark trenchcoat, a pair of skinny jeans, and a white long tee underneath. After making sure that the amount was correct, she stashed it inside the deep pockets and dug out a packet of white powder.

"Don't be late next time." she growled before stomping away on her stilettoes. She checked left and right for any suspicious activity like policemen patrolling the dark alley and when she confirmed that the coast was clear, she sauntered off to her favorite hangout, feeling slightly happier at the thought of food for the month.


"Cheers!" Ricky and Changjo clinked glasses, pure ecstasy etched on their faces. TeenTop was at their usual club, drinking to their heart's content, all except for one, Lee Chunji, the goody-goody. He half-heartedly chugged the bitter liquid down his throat and made a face.

"Gosh, did you see that fine piece of ? So going to tap that later." C.A.P his bottom lip hungrily, his eyes never once leaving the girl's body.

"I bet you I can find a girl hotter than her by the end of the night." L.Joe challenged, his eyes scanning the thong of crowd for his target. Chunji shook his head at his friends, sighing softly. Since middle school, they were all well-known for their playboy ways. Their current record of breaking girls' hearts stand at C.A.P: 41, L.Joe: 52, Niel: 33, Changjo: 39, Ricky: 36. It was kind of like a competition among all of them, to see who could break more hearts. Chunji found the game disgusting and sick so he himself was not part of it.

He stood up abruptly. "I'm going outside to clear my mind." he announced and without waiting for their replies, he left. On his way out, he bumped into a girl who was entering. She scowled at him and pushed past him without sparing him a second glance. His was taken aback by the girl's intensity and her disinterest. She was the first girl who had not thrown herself all over him. He turned around to gaze at her before she disappeared into the sea of bodies. Shaking his head, he blamed the alcohol which had piqued his interest in the girl and nodded at the bouncer when he stepped outside, embracing the clean and fresh air.

He contemplated calling TEENTOP to inform them that he was done for the night but decided against it. Afterall, they never seemed to care when they were dead drunk and forgot everything, including their own names the next morning. He sat himself inside his humble Kia and drove off without a backward glance.

Chunji arrived home in less than an hour. When he arrived home, he was greeted by his parents, whom he had not expected to be home as they were usually overseas or in office.

"Mom, Dad." he greeted them politely, yet coldly. He could not understand why the male and female in front of him were suddenly so unfamiliar to him. They were the ones who had raised him up to their harsh expectations; they were the ones who brought him into this world; they were the ones who had showered him with immense love and care, yet they were also the ones who had locked him inside his jeweled cage; they were the ones who had made him kneel in front of his ancestors for the whole day without any food or water if he had committed a small mistake; they were the ones who had chosen their careers over their son.

His father, Lee Myung Goon nodded stiffly. "Were you with the bunch of rascals?" he asked bluntly.

Chunji tried to suppress his anger. He found it extremely judgemental when his father used those words on his only friends. He had only allowed him to hang out with them when he knew they were sons of influential and rich businessmen and political leaders. However, he claimed that TEENTOP were bringing shame to their families by squandering the money their parents earned and sleeping with s and . "Yes." he answered coldly.

"Don't speak to me in that tone." Myung Goon snapped, bristling with fury.

"Then stop acting like a douchebag." Chunji hissed and stormed up to his room before his father could throw a prissy fit. His relationship with his parents was rocky, but now, it was deterioting.

He felt so suffocated, and it was as though he was a puppet his father controlled. He had no freedom, and he could not even have his own thoughts. He knew it was unfilial and ungrateful but he hated being someone he was not so as to please his father.

His mother, on the other hand, was another matter. She was fake and her facade of being a caring and loving woman was obviously for show, so as to make the general public think of her in a positive light. But deep inside, she was also vain and valued pride more than anything.

He could not resist, how could he? He never had the courage to tell them that he actually despised being the perfect little boy; he hated the fact that his entire future was planned out for him; he loathed the fact that he had no say.

Welcome to his life.


Hyojin glared at the man who was obviously tipsy. He had tried to hit on her countless times.

"GTFO of my sight." she spat and ignored his advances. When he tried to feel her up, she felt that she had enough and grabbed the nearest thing next to her. A beer bottle. And she smashed it on his thick skull. She seemed unfazed by the amount of blood, but instead, experienced irritation when she realised that her night was ruined. After throwing a couple of bills on the counter, she hastened her pace and hurried home.

She lived in the outskirts of downtown Seoul, a shabby and dark place to be, especially if a girl was to walk down the path alone at night. The chances of getting was 99.99999%. And she had already gone through that. Returning to her badly furnished apartment, she sighed as she cleared away the limited amount of toys scattered on the floor, then headed to the tiny room. She saw Youngjin sleeping soundly, smiling in his sleep. He reminded her of an angel, but also of her deepest and painful hurt.

She pecked him lightly on his forehead, then left the room. She could still remember, 5 years ago, she was brutally gang-. And she had no idea who Youngjin's father was.

"y." the leader wolf-whistled.

"But isn't she too young?" the one beside him complained. "Her s are like-"

"Shut up." another smacked him on the head. "Just enjoy the . Stop whining like a ing baby."

"P-Please." she implored, her eyes wide with trepidation and horror as she wound tightly around her skinny frame. The leader nodded, then the other two pinned her down as her clothes that protected her were ripped apart. She was devored hungrily and one after another, they touched her, they abused her, they her. When all of them were through with her, she was so sore that she could barely stand up.

Without a single word, they all left, complaining about her lack of figure while some expressed their liking for someone so tight.

And she broke down. She had never cried, not even when her parents died. She felt so vulnerable, so weak. She was tainted. Her innocence was tainted. And she was not pure anymore. Her tears contained utter anguish, agony and humiliation ..

Hyojin closed her eyes and massaged her throbbing temples. She hated her past. She hated her parents for leaving her alone, to fend for herself. She hated fate. She detested everything. Being a drug trafficker was not making much, she could barely provide for Youngjin and herself.

Welcome to her life.



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@iarebreeezy: Haha! You'll see. They will meet in perhaps one or two more chapters. Be patient! ^^
@syonaeo: Thank you! Updated! Hope you liked it! :D
@iarebreezy: Thanks for resubbing! :DDDD