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While waiting for her girlfriend na matapos sa pag ligo, pinakinggan ni Winter ang bagong release na kantang "Love Is" ng paborito niyang opm band na The Ridleys. 

Pagkatapos mapakinggan, napatanong siya kung what love really is, she then asked her girlfriend's thought about what love is. After getting her lover's answer, itinanong pabalik sakanya kung ano ba ang love. 

How about you Jo, what love is to you?

Ano kaya ang magiging sagot ni Winter...abangan. 



Hello! I wrote this one shot story? or very short story because I was inspired from The Ridleys new song titled "Love Is". And as you can see may mga lyrics na nakalagay sa story and doon ko binase iyung mga scenes na nasa story hehe, iyung mga lines from the song kasi iyung mga pinaka tumatak at nag touch sa heart ko. Anyway, you can listen to the song din while you read. I'll attach the link of the song na lang din below so you can have an easy access of it, and i'll take this opportunity to not gatekeep The Ridleys HAHAHAH I recommend to listen to their other songs din!! 


Happy reading, everyone! And may you get the love that you all have been looking and waiting for. 

Leave your thoughts din below sa comment section if you want to share what you think love is. <3 




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268 streak #1
Chapter 1: Cuties ❤️
Chapter 1: ang cutieee hahaha <3
661 streak #3
Okie seated!