Stepping Away

Cake Of Love
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Jin’s pov... 


“...after what Jungkook told me, only I realized as to why Yoongi was so angry and upset when Miss Ahn wanted to negotiate further. He didn’t really give much choice except to take the offer or just the compensation money. Miss Ahn’s face was flushing red at that time. I think she also felt embarrassed and down by Yoongi’s action. I can see Yoongi still has some feelings towards her, he just acted cruel and arrogant. He must have felt so hurt. But who’s fault, was it? Miss Ahn? What did she do at that time? What I can think, normally the girl is cheating. It's so complicated, that’s why I’m not ready to be in a relationship yet. 


...end of pov... 


Jin walked in “...Yoongi, I think the contract is, you may have a look if you need to change anything....” Jin handed him the folder. The CEO took the folder, which Jin noticed Yoongi’s face wasn’t as bright as usual. “.... how does the promotion for an individual tenants progressing?” he asked while still going through the folder. “...that has been taken care of, and most of them are interested on the ground floor....” Jin answered. Yoongi nodded his head and looked up “...okay, looks fine with me, just proceed with it....”. “...very well, it’s settled then...”. The older was about to turn away when he stopped him. “....can you block the slot on the 01st floor, I mean...the one right at the center...”. Jin looked at him “ problem...”. Jin didn’t ask why because he knew that Yoongi was not in the mood.  


...a month later... 


So Hyun managed to get a small shop somewhere near the city center. She has used up half of the compensation money to pay for the first three months' rental. It was impossible to buy a unit as she knew beforehand. Her bakery shop was at the corner along the small alley leading to a shopping mall. “...Unnie, this place is a bit quiet; you see there are not many people passing this way...” Mi Young told her in concern. “...don’t worry, people don’t know yet about our bakery because we just opened....” So Hyun told her. It was already past 5pm in the afternoon, cakes and pastries are still a lot in the glass cabinet. “...let’s just pack them...will give it away for free to can take some home too....” So Hyun told them when she glances at her watch it’s almost 6pm. “...unnie I will bring home some...” Mi Young told her. After finishing packing and clearing the counter, So Hyun switched off the lights and closed the shop. “...see you both tomorrow...”. Both girls waved at her and So Hyun drove away. “...Ga you want to come with me?...I’m going to call Jimin and meet him at the noodle shop...” “...yah!...I don’t want to be a third wheeler! You go ahead...”. “, I’ll ask him to bring along Taehyung...”. “...but,” “...but what?” Mi Young asked her. “...honestly, I don’t feel comfortable meeting him, knowing that he didn’t really look at me Mi Young, I felt like an idiot having this stupid affection towards him...” Ga Eun looked distressed telling Mi Young. “...don’t worry just act normal, Taehyung is very understanding...” Ga Eun sighed heavily “...okay...”. Mi Young quickly took out her phone and sent a quick message to Jimin. 


Baby girl: “...can I see you tonight?...” 


Jimin was with Taehyung and Jungkook on their way to out to eat dinner. Suddenly Jimin’s phone dinged with a notification. He read the message then texted her back. 


My mochi: “...I’m with Tae and Jungkook now to have our dinner, if only you told me sooner, I could’ve have not gone with them....” 

Baby girl: “...bring them’s even better...Ga Eun is with me anyway...please meet at the house of noodle...I’m already on my way...” 


“...Tae do you mind if we go to the noodle house? Mi Young is waiting there, she’s with Ga Eun...”. “...sure I’m okay...what about you kook?...” Tae responded whil

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