(you know) i'm such a fool for you


What was supposed to be an epilogue in their story, turns out to be a new start of a chapter none of them expected to happen.




anyway dont expect too much out of this im just trying to get out of my writing slump it has gone too ing long for me to not write anything at all fksnfkkdmd

there will be no flashback in this story. i will not put any effort in making one. i will just put snippets here and there so yeah enjoy the ride ig 

but we can talk about it in my twitter! and feel free to support me on ko-fi!

so, enjoy this story!


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desyeon 0 points #1
Chapter 7: Yaaasss joohyun,, give proper lesson to jennie for what she did to seungwan. I'm curious what's eating seungwan mind until she asked for divorce

Sorry for your loss, it won't be easy and you will miss him a lot as time goes by. Hope you're getting better soon
zzzzzzz1 0 points #2
Chapter 7: Yes joohyun, tell them. Show them both they can't mess with you and get away with it!! The way I actually felt sorry for Jennie though lmao. And she's right, imagine having the audacity of divorcing the bae joohyun, I mean, c'mon. And I'm happy joohyun decided they needed some time apart from each other. Cause they do, (I love them , please don't don't get me wrong haha) but they do need this. Especially joohyun, cause she has not had time to grieve the loss of her relationship with seungwan. It's different for seungwan, cause she wanted this, she wanted to divorce her, and that's it. I see people asking if there is another reason behind the divorce, and I don't think there is right? Like, she just stopped loving joohyun at some point ,and like fine, whatever. what is the way she handled the entire situation and how she neglected joohyun and their marriage. So I'm glad joohyun decided to put some distance between them cause seungwan really needs to get over herself, dial down that huge ego of hers and understand that she's not some sort of "hero or martyr" and understand that joohyun is an actual person who has every right to make decisions for herself and their daughter as well. And just like she said, she can very well take care of herself. She can live without seungwan by her side, and I hope we get to see more of this!

My condolences for your loss, I hope you're doing well. Take care!
hextotembae 0 points #3
read all the chapters in one go and all i want to know it the reason of their divorce because everything from joohyun's side is alright she hasn't set any foot wrong meanwhile seungwan just keeps messing up i wouldn't understand if she wanted a divorce just because she was going through a rough patch in her racing career there has to be something more anyways this is a great read love to see more formula one and wenrene fics, can't wait to see where it goes.

sorry for your loss i hope you're coping well with it 🙏
oRavio 0 points #4
Chapter 7: My biggest question is why seungwan wanted the divorce in the first place, that's what I wanna know. Things are spicing up now! Really enjoying the story even though I don't know anything about racing.
I'm sorry to hear about you losing your cat, hoping for better days for you author
1802 streak 0 points #5
Chapter 7: You reap what you sow, Seungwan. Tho we still doesn't know why she asked for divorce. Also don't mess with pregnant Lady! I hope with being away, Seungwan can change abit.
I'm so sorry for your cat, authornim.
0 points #6
Chapter 7: Still curious with seungwan decision to divorced joohyun at first place cuz its look like both of them still in love with each other but something gone wrong after the night seungwan out from his house that night…
0 points #7
Chapter 7: Why Seungwan ask for divorce? Am I skip that part? Or it's still a mystery? Is it really because she needs to fully concentrate on racing?
I can understand Jennie frustration when person you admire is not in your favour.
Joohyun action is predictable... That's the only way to expose the blackmail.
Will Seungwan lost her purpose/confidence now she really alone....
0 points #8
Chapter 7: As someone who also had a cat who died years ago. I hope you look at the happy memories you two had together. I hope you do get a chance to put him on a pet cemetery, properly bury him just so you can visit him. We honestly didn't know that such thing (pet cemetery) exists during our cat's time so we just buried her on the front yard of our old house. Which because it was not the proper burial she deserves. And sad thing is that we can't even visit her without trespassing because other people own the property now. Also, grieve in your own way. I know you're still in shock and disbelief but i hope you go through your feelings. Let it flow. Let yourself feel. It's normal to feel that way. I'm sure he's in a better place now. No more pain for him
0 points #9
Chapter 7: Joohyun is so damn right in putting seungwan in her place. She's the one who initiated and put them in the situation they're currently in right now (divorce), so she gotta deal with it and bear with the negative feelings she has caused.

I was pondering if seungwan really did think it through before making that decision or it's a decision made out of emotional mind. Still her for keeping joohyun in the dark when she was still her wife and for making a decision for the both of them without talking things through with joohyun. I hope joohyun won't go easy on her if she wants her back. Remember what she put you through woman! Remember the doubts on yourself that she has caused! That made you question your worth! You deserve more girl! Get up! Stop kneeling omg!... literally hahahahaha (I was laughing as i made this comment) this is not you, it's the hormones doing it's thing.

Best luck to seungwan lol good luck being scolded by the team. I honestly think that it'll take awhile 'til it'll knock some sense into her thick skull. Please do not let it go to the point that you'll lose Chip as well. I know you just want the best to your family but still stop playing a hero and making decisions by yourself. Joohyun and Chip can honestly live just as fine without you. I hope you realize that sooner.

Out of topic but damn seungwan really hit the jackpot when joohyun married her. Imagine a cool, independent, champion, beautiful, and clever to top it all. I just love her autonomy is all. Chip is so lucky to have an eomma like her. It'll only take a while 'til someone took an interest to joohyun and that will be Seungwan's biggest fumbled if that happens.
0 points #10
Chapter 7: Ouch, my heart broke for them... But really admire how Joohyun deal with Jennie tho ✊🏻