Love Locked Down

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Minho & Taemin are rival professors at a fancy university and their feud is so famous around campus, that there were hundreds of bets and rumors going around about them that were started by the students. One day during campus lockdown, professor Minho walks through the background of professor Taemin's zoom class in his pyjamas and everyone is shocked because they didn't realize the two of them were actually married.


Hello again dear readers! This is just another silly 2min au from the drafts I thought you’d all enjoy. I currently have a lot of finished one shots in the drafts so I am making it my mission to post all of the ones I really like for you all! thank you for reading if you do. I appreciate the support <3 


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Chapter 1: I love it to be longer 😭
fayrenz #2
Chapter 1: So cute! I love this kind of aus a lot ❤️
Beau1996 1480 streak #3
Chapter 1: I love the name of the university!! Zoom has embarrassed many people!