boy i'm lucky

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Early mornings are not Sungchan's favorites, but he'll do anything for Shotaro. Too bad he beat him to the chase


SungTaro nation riize! My comfort pairing that brings me so much comfort and joy it's not even funny. Giggly Shotaro and Whipped Sungchan <<<333 I could die. Clinically obsessed with soulmate, fluffy boyfriends <<<333

and tbh not my best writing, but dude if it was this would be 15,000 words long and who has the time for that? Not me ;(


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29 streak #1
Chapter 1: Sungchan didn’t realize that emotional support is as important as making breakfest and doing chores. Shotaro might seem like a perfect boyfriend, that's because he does things with love for his love

The burnt food got me laughing. This was a soft story, full with fluff and sweet moments!