Die With A Smile

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As rumors of an impending apocalypse spread like wildfire, Red Velvet faces their final days together. While the world dismisses the warnings as a hoax, the members wrestle with their fears and uncertainties. In the midst of chaos, they decide to leave a lasting legacy—a farewell concert filled with love and hope. But, in the face of the unknown, Red Velvet discovers that some things are worth fighting for, even when the world is falling apart. 











This story was inspired by the song Die With A Smile by Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars—a track that’s been on my mind for a while, sparking the idea of writing about the end of the world. I wanted to capture that emotional intensity and give it life through Red Velvet, imagining them in a world on the brink of collapse. The concept was also influenced by the movie Don't Look Up, blending the themes of denial, fear, and hope. I hope you enjoy this journey with my girls as they face the unknown.




This is a one-shot story that had me pausing multiple times while writing. It was hard to get through the emotional scenes without tearing up. I truly appreciate you taking the time to read this. Thank you, and I hope it resonates with you as much as it did with me :")


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sunnysideup01 #1
Chapter 1: i watched dont look up, and it was heartbreaking how the experts tried to warn everyone, but people just dismissed it as a hoax or turned it into memes. i really liked joy and irene's responses when yeri asked about the end of the world. even though they were scared, they accepted it. sometimes, when you know there's no way out, you just have to face it and live each day like it’s your last. i was bawling while reading this, and the song die with a smile just makes it even sadder :(((((
Chapter 1: omfgg im crying so hard right now! 😭 I thought im prepared for this, but this story is so heartbreaking! i stop reading every now and then just to breath and now im so sad 💔💔
mammt_ #3
1022 streak #4
Chapter 1: I almost cried. I thought they were not gonna make it. 😭 This is just proof that I can't let go of Red Velvet girls yet.
percydary #5
Chapter 1: It's so moving and touching how accept their fate, it reflects a deep understanding that, while they can't control the outcome, they can control how they face it together, as sisters. I really also liked the part where they are embracing each other on the middle of stage, as they waiting for their final moment, it's very heartbreaking. I admit it, that part really broke me..

Thank you for writing another beautiful story, will always support you.
1797 streak #6
Chapter 1: This fic reminds me of Code Kunst and Wendy's song 55, luckily it's only a dream~
Chapter 1: i read this early in the morning and im bawling omggg, it hurt and so sad just imagining this 💔
will be waiting for this 😣
wenrene012 #9
May i ask who's the pairing coz there's two?
sunnysideup01 #10
that photo of them you use and end the world story?! I think I need to breath first 😫 im always looking forward to all your works