NewJeans: One Shots

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Hi my fellow Tokkis/Bunnies who fierecely supports NewJeans,

I am publishing this One Shot Compilation for you as a Thank you for your support to the kids, Haerin and Danielle especially as I am very fond of this duo. I often joke that Haerin fits my ideal daughter, because of how shy she is and how she often spaces out. I am incredibly fond of Haerin and Danielle ever since they dropped HypeBoy two years ago. This is going to be updated constantly whenever I have the time, I will find time of course. I just wanted to thank everyone for the love and support you are giving NewJeans. Here's to hoping for better days for the girls .  New Jeans Fighting! 💪✊🙏




- Sky


For NewJeans Fans, Tokkis and Bunnies who are always fighting fiercely for the Children's Dreams. You guys are the best! 

Please feel free to drop me some prompts or what you want me to write for these one shot stories. Thanks.


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