
That goddamn chihuahua
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It was a gloomy Sunday afternoon in the good ol’ Busan, South Korea. For some God-sent reason, I, Winter Kim, decided to actually go outside and drive instead of rotting in my bedroom. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not a degenerate! It’s just one of those weird times when you feel rather depressed. Am i? Google would probably say I have cancer or something. I’m not suicidal though. I’m just in a gray spot, I guess. 


Nature has been my escape for the longest time. My father would take me out for ice cream and we would sit in silence on a bench in a park overlooking the ocean. Solid guy, my dad. He’s not dead, don’t worry. But anyway, these past few days have been difficult. I could feel the bad energy loom over me. Like, what the hell is going on in there, little miss sadness? Stop pressing those damn buttons in my brain’s control center, yea? 


Driving is therapeutic. It gives me a sense of peace. Especially when you’re surrounded by nature as you drive by. I play a quick shuffle on my phone to have music contributing to the vibe. I start tapping my fingers on the steering wheel, bopping my head to the Carpenters.


Why do birds suddenly appear? Everytime, you are near? Just like me, they long to be close to you… Why do “stars… fall down… wow, who are you?” I suddenly mutter under my breath. A woman, cycling on the side of the road on her yellow bicycle with a basket in the front with what seemed to be groceries. Her cascaded hair flowing along with the wind while sunrays kissed her skin. It was a two way road on the side of a mountain with the sea overlooking on my right. Which, by the way, suited this whole cut scene of her cycling, and the sunrays, and her. Like wow did God really intend me to witness this ethereal moment? And here I thought he hated my cause I’m gay! Why am I even heating up with a catholic God when I’m buddhist? Ayo, Buddha what’s good my guy?


I turn right where the road goes downhill into a park area by the sea. It’s an area where people around Busan usually go to do some chill activities. As I drove down the road, I noticed the woman was also headed in the same direction. I sometimes take glances just to see her. I’m not a creep I swear! The moment I decided to take another glance, I realized she was gone. Which was impossible cause there was only one two-way road going… “oh ”. I pulled the brakes, put my handbrake up an

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