You Won't Leave Me


neither was willing to give anything up for the other they were both just too greedy


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woosoogyu #1
Chapter 2: The story plot is quite confusing... So when was Woohyun in the dreamland...? Did the fight take place...?
Anyway, as long as woogyu are fine together is sufficient... ^_~
ilamby #2
>.< Why so angst?? T.T
Chocolato #3
okay. I am confused but that's okay.
the whole writing, plot and everything confuses me.

thanks for writing this though.
woogyulover #4
this is so nice. :') really woo can't live without gyu.n gyu can't live without woo coz woogyu is love :')
shedding-dream #5
;A; ;A; so angsty ;A;
OMG, this is so depressing..... But i enjoyed reading it~ XD maybe cause i read a fluffy fic before this..
man, depressing much haha xD in a good, angsty way of course :P well written, seeing as english isnt ur native language. keep it up
so sad but really well written!
Angst overload. O_O
Nonetheless, I liked it. They are totally ed up, and since they weren't able to let go of each other, I guess this was the only possible ending to their love. Still, Woohyun, what the hell man?! O.o
Chocolato #10
omg, this is mighty depressing and woohyun, why D: