Stage 1: Friends ~ Savior

I See You


There are many things in life that i wish was said to me beforehand before it happens. Like when dad got sick and almost died because of it. But i guess what fun is there if everything is expected?


I heard someone yelling behind me.

I turned around to see that mister snow white was calling me.

"Oh hey" I smiled, surprised by his approach.

He was catching his breathe i guess he ran.

"Were you going home?" he asked me.

Commonly i would hesitate to answer this complete of a stranger but i can't shake off the feeling i met him before. 

"Uhm. Yes."

His face ligthened up. "Really? Let's go"

I blinked. Later I walked beside him. It didn't hit me even that HE knew the way to my house or even if our house is near each other. But whatever.

He caught my attention afterwards and said,  "I'm Eunhyuk. Don't dare forget it."

I giggled. 

He continued to walk. And like a dog i followed him willingly.


I fully wasted my effort on trying to be early by running. Not only have i wasted my energy, i also tripped and landed on my infront of kyu.

Uh. Embarassing.

Kyu and I aren't in the same class.

He luck and entered the classroom.

I, Lee Sungmin don't really talk much to people. And.somehow they are all too happy to.ignore me, not that i care or anything.

Upon entering I saw a new face. He looked younger than me . His eyes looked bored as if he wants to do something else or be elsewhere. Aside from that I can say school was pretty much cliche.

I met up with Kyu later on who happened  be pissed. 

"What happened? " I asked. 

He bit his lower lip. "You know that Eunhyuk guy?"

Does he mean the one who son of the beautiful actress that appears in almost every magazine? "I think so. What about him?"

"He!" His eyes widened, his fist clenching. "He is in my class."

I laughed. I find it really childish. 

"Hey! Stop laughing this is serious business." 

"Oh sorry. Serious." I tried to stop but I can't. 


We were half way away from the school when I begin to think I haven't asked his name yet. 

I was so engrossed to the fact that until a while ago he still doesn't know me or asked me sign a photo of me, I mean come one. I am good looking and the son of a beautiful actress. 

Well okay for one thing he is a guy but still there are still some guy who asked me my photograph. 

I don't know why it is such a big deal in the first place. Maybe now that I think of it, it is because no one really bother not asking who I am or care for that matter. 

"So..." I tried breaking the silence. "You really have no idea who I am?"

I know. Pathetic, I haven't asked him much of a question except this one. 

He shrugged. "No not really." 

Pssh. Does he even watch TV or read magazine for him not to recognize me. 

"So..." I tried to make a decent conversation this time. "Enjoyed your first day?" 

He looked surprised and taken aback. "Wh-what?" 

I laughed. 

"Oh sorry. Uhm, surprisingly normal. There was only one professor who asked me to introduce myself infront of the class. " He sighed. "Those things are not my thing. Introduction I mean, I always get scared when People look at me."

"I guess everyone has to get to that stage. But one must conquer fear before fear conquer you." I tried to cheer him up. "Look at me, before I was scared on dancing on stage, now, I am dance any where. HAHAHHAHAHA"

His mouth widened and drew a smile.


I turned my head.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

He paused. "Being my friend."


My blood is still boiling. That stupid Hyukjae is in my class. Pretty sure most of the attention would go to him. He might even be president in a snap if he wanted. This is not possible. No! No!

"Kyu." Minnie poked me. "You are scaring me."

I chuckled. Of course anyone would be scared.


"Do you remember that tree?" He pointed the old tree in the park. 

How could I forget? That tree is the very tree where I first met Min. He was taller than me back then. I don't know what happened in his puberty. Hahaha.

"Of course" I smiled. 

"Ever since that day, I sticked to you like a glue. Next time..." he stopped. 

"next time what? " I asked.

Then he smiled. This smile is different. "I would save you."

Definitely different. Maybe the weather is getting onto me but I feel spasm in my hands. This weird feeling. What do you call it? 

We walked quietly after that.

"Ohh before saving me you may want to get a bit taller." 

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crumbledkingdom #1
Thanks. But i was planning on making my own. :D