Waiting on the other side of the door...


Comment! I'd really appreciate it...

Kyuhyun stood outside his dorm after coming back from the airport. A battle with himself was going on inside his head. Should he enter and face Sungmin? Or should he wait outside to go with someone to protect him? Kyuhyun may have been the 'Evil Maknae', but he was in no way a fool. In Kyuhyun's own special way, he could actually be considered quite innocent. A simple child that played tricks on his brothers and sisters. A little unhateable, don't you think? Kyuhyun had his own way of showing his love and care for people.

Kyuhyun, the maknae who could bully pretty much every member in Super Junior, was afraid of the cute, bunny loving boy called Sungmin. Kyuhyun feared nobody but him. If you think about it logically, how is it possible? Kyuhyun sighed heavily to himself as he knew what was waiting on the other side of the door. Hesitantly, he grabbed the door handle and turned it with anxiety. He looked inside the dorm and saw a small note on the table. He quickly made his way from the door to the table and put his luggage down. He looked at the small note and picked it up.

Dear Kyuhyun,
Just so you know, Sungmin is pretty mad at the moment.
I bet you're scared right now, we are too. Once Sungmin
saw WGM being aired, he's been really quiet and his
anger is slowly increasing. Yesung, Ryeowook, Henry,
Donghae and I figured that we shouldn't be there. Thus,
we're staying at Siwon's house with Kibum until you sort
it out. Call us when you're ready. Now that you're reading
this note, I'mpretty sure Sungmin knows you're home and
waiting for  you. I hope you come out alive and able to move.
We're praying for you,
Super Junior members.

P.S. Henry has taken some of your games to play at Siwon's
house. He promised not to wreck any of them!

Kyuhyun grimanced to himself. Great, there was no-one to protect him in the dorm, and Henry has taken away his games. With caution, Kyuhyun made his way towards his and Sungmin's room. Should he knock or just walk in? With one clear and nervous knock on the door, Kyuhyun twisted the door handle and saw Sungmin there. A glare was first exchanged which was soon accompanied by a awkward and lethal silence.

"S-Sungmin hyung." Kyuhyun stuttered as Sungmin turned his head to face him.

"Welcome back. Have fun?" Sungmin asked sarcastically as Kyuhyun felt fear.

"What are you talking about?" Kyuhyun asked, trying to talk properly and in full sentences.

"Don't play dumb. You appeared on WGM with that Chinese girl." Growled Sungmin as Kyuhyun managed to step only a inch towards Sungmin.

"It was..." Kyuhyun's mind fell completely blank as he saw Sungmin look him straight in the eye.

"You're so happy you can't talk?"Asked Sungmin with a seemingly innocent manner.

"N-No! That's not what I meant!" Kyuhyun stuttered on of nervousness once again. Kyuhyun managed to walk up to the end of his bed. Sungmin was there on the other side of the room.

"What do you mean then?" Sungmin asked in a rhetoric and somewhat clueless manner.

"I..." Kyuhyun's mind was once again blank as Sungmin stood up and pushed him onto his bed. A natural person would get up at the moment, but not Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun, at the moment, was under Sungmin's complete and utter control. He felt his body go weak under Sungmin's intense gaze and burning eyes. Sungmin had a power no-one else had. He had the power to make control Kyuhyun. A single lustful stare from Sungmin would drain away all of Kyuhyun's strength. Just like now. Kyuhyun felt his arms strength slowly disappear as Sungmin crawled on top of him and straddled him.

"Can't believe you did that." Sungmin muttered.

"I'm sorry." Kyuhyun said with his cheeks slowly turning red and the heat between them increasing.

"Do you really think I will forgive you so easily?" Sungmin asked with a small smirk plastered onto his lips.

As Kyuhyun's arms layed renderless, Sungmin pulled Kyuhyun's arms above his head suddenly and handcuffed them to the bedpost. Kyuhyun stared wide-eyed and shook his hands to see if there was any way of them getting loose. The ironic thing about this is, even if Kyuhyun wasn't handcuffed, he wouldn't have objected at all. I guess it was just for visual effect. You could say Sungmin had a thing for S&M. Kyuhyun sighed as he looked into Sungmin's eyes. That sigh meant 2 things. 1, he had been in this situation before, and 2, he knew what he was in for...

Should I leave it here or continue writing? ? I'm not good at it but if you want me to I'll try... comment^^

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laytopinsulaydude #1
I'm okay with but prefer fluff :)
it's so great!
i'm fine with fluff or , but i prefer just fluff though. it's already so lovable <3
They are so cute~ I love it *_*
Please keep writing!
Kyumin31 #4
*great xD
I agree with sungminxoxkyuhyun. It should fluff not but this was a really get chapter! :D
sungminxoxkyuhyun #7
ITS GREAT so far ^^ yeh and i reckon it should be FLUFF !!! not . A might be too rewarding for kyu >:)
I love it! I want you to keep writing, but I could go for fluff or .
KYAAHH!!!!!! Don't end it there !?!?!?!!!!
Please continue!!!
MyBlackSmile861015 #10
Update soon!^^