


I was driving the car with GD in it, we drove along the dusty western road it was almost abandoned. GD faced me and asked “So who you taking to prom?” I laughed quietly, “I don’t think ill be going to prom.” “Why not?” he asked. “Because prom is overrated.” I didn’t like prom, I didn’t really like anything, but the one thing I did like, well I don’t like, I love. I’m in love with my Girlfriend Chaerin, She’s beautiful. “Who cares! We’ll crash prom! Ive always wanted to do that, please?” GD said. “Fine we’ll go, Chaerin wants to go anyway, so might as well.” “YES! You’re the best man!” He yelled clapping his hands. “Fine but you’re go- SHIIIIT!!” I swooshed the car spinning it around, we saw a man crying blood and blood was all over his chest, we saw that he had a heart carved on his chest saying the Letters ‘A + L = ‘ GD and I were in shock, we quickly got out of the car and saw the person wasn’t there anymore, “, what the hell was that?!” GD yelled, gripping his head. I could hardly breathe, that was something that I thought I would never experience, ever.

My car had a few dints but it was still good to run, we drove faster getting home, GD was still in shock on what just happened, “SHUT UP!” I yelled, GD yelled quietly, “DUDE HOW THE CAN I SHUT UP WHEN SOMETHING LIKE THAT JUST HAPPENED?!” I had to agree, I still couldn’t believe someone would do something to him. I dropped off GD at his house and he shut the door, his head popped through the window, “Dude, I’ll have nightmares tonight, and by the way, don’t forget about prom, you know its tomorrow.” He said. I nodded and drove off to my house.

I walked passed through the doors and saw Mum sleeping on the couch, I went over and shook her lightly to wake her up. “mum.. mum.. I’m home, you should go to bed.” I said quietly. She nodded and got up stairs and went to her room. I decided to go to my room as well, it wasn’t late but I was to frightened and also tired. I laid down on my bed and tried to go to sleep. The image kept coming back to my head, I couldn’t get it out. I finally went to sleep, I controlled what I was doing, but then the moment came to my head, and woke up sweating and panting hard enough that my mum came into the room. “You okay dear?” she asked me. “uh.. yeah, im fine.” I said. She seemed worried and left the room, I was fine, but I didn’t close my eyes that night.

The next morning I walked to school with GD, he was still talking about what happened yesterday, he said he wouldn’t tell anyone, I agreed. “We can’t speak of this again.” I said to him, “How can I not talk about this! We atleast have to tell someone.” He said. “and what are they going to do about it, they’ll think we’re crazy if we tell them.” He stayed quiet and we both kept on walking. Who would believe us anyway, it was all so weird and seriously ed up.

I headed to my locker when the bell rang, everyone had already gotten into class and I was still the slow one getting the books out. I closed my locker and saw a creepy girl look right at my face, she was standing behind the locker door what I closed it. “whoa , dara you scared me.” I said as I jumped in shock. “Will you go to prom with me?” she said in a innocent creepy voice. “Sorry dara, im going with CL.” She gave a creepy grin and I walked off. “Dara is such a creep.” I thought. Shes always been creepy, she didn’t have any friends as well. But her just coming up to me to ask me out to prom was just unexpected. 

In the afternoon school had ended I was heading to where I usually go to after school, I always give myself a challenge and I always climb this cliff that’s 10 meters high, I always go to the top and stay there and have a cigarette. These was the place I would always hang out and stay until I knew it was time to go home, I stayed there for a while I looked up to the sunset, tonight was the prom and I was a bit excited because I knew I was going to be with CL. I felt a strangle in my neck and I was pulled back, I saw a handkerchief come up to my mouth and it passed me out.

“Hello Darling.” I heard I voice say, I opened my eyes and saw Dara standing in front of me wither father. I was tied to a chair with my hand tied at the back and my feet tied together. I was dressed up in a suit, dara changed my clothes, she knew it was prom night and she decided to kidnap me. Wait.. her father kidnaped me..? “What do you want?!” I yelled at her, she smirked and said “You know no one says ‘no’ to me TOP, why did you say no for, hmm?” she had the scary creepy tone which made me feel uncomfortable,  I started to scream for help then Daras father slapped me to make me shut up. “Daddy, we need the bleach and the needle, it will much more easier for him to stay quiet.” Dara said. Daras father for the bleach and needle, he inserted the needle in the bleach and started taking some into the tube, he handed her the needle and she stuck it into my neck, she pushed it down and released the bleach into my blood veins, I felt the pain and it was horrible. I started to yell but no sound came out, Dara smiled and she started to laugh, I started to puke on the floor, it started to taste horrible and I couldn’t say anything, I tried to, but it was like I lost my voice.

“I’ll be back, I need to get ready for prom.” Dara said.  She held her fathers hand and went into her room.


“Here you go sweety, I picked this up and I thought you might like it.” Daras father said, he had given dara a big pink box, she opened it and saw a bright pink dress, just to fit her. “Oh daddy this is beautiful ~ and its also pink! My favourite colour.” Dara said. She started to take off her clothes only having her underwear and bra on, her dad gave her a look, his eyes saying ‘Your body is so beautiful.’ She slipped on the dress and it was a perfect fit. “Daddy can you zip up the dress.” She asked him. “he came over slowly and slowly zipped up the dress, when he was done he held his hand onto her shoulder and said. “Sweety I have something else for you.” She turned around and saw a crown, like the ones you buy in a $2 shop. “You look like a princess.” He said when placing the crown on her head. She smiled and looked at herself in the mirror. “You look beautiful.” He said softly. “Thank you daddy, and its all thank to you.” She kissed her dad on the cheek and walked off into the living room to see TOP.


They both entered the room and Dara was wearing a bright pink dress, it looked hideous on her. Pink isn’t her colour. She came over and started to look a tad . “TOP, you don’t know how much I was you badly.” She said seductively. “Your little of a girlfriend CL, has no chance with you.” She said, no one ever says anything bad about CL. I started to get pissed off and she came closer, I kicked her in the face when she bent over, It was hard to kick someone with your feet together. “You okay sweety?” her dad said as he come over to her. “Daddy, get me the hammer.” He got the hammer and massive look-alike nails. “How about we hammer your feet so you don’t kick me again huh?” she had no strength to do it, so her father did it. He got down and started to hammer my feet to the floor. I tired to scream my lungs out but I had the bleach stopping me. The feeling was so painful. “Shall we eat before dancing?” Dara said to her Father. He nodded and got the food from the kitchen, Dara pushed the table in front of me she went into a dark room and took out her mother, she was half dead a drill to the forehead and very pale, it looked like she wanted her life ended already. She sat down with Dara and her father for the food into the table, he set out rice and chicken onto the table, “This is my favourite daddy!” Dara yelled. They both ate while Dara’s mother and I weren’t eating. “Eat Mummy!!” she stuffed the chicken in and she started to chew it slowly. “Good mummy.” She said patting her head lightly. “Why don’t you have some TOP?” she said smirking. She took a piece and slowly putting it closer to my mouth. I turned my head but she forced it, I ended up spitting out the chicken onto her face, the taste was horrible, it was like it’s been there in the kitchen for years.

“It’s time to dance.” Dara’s dad cleared the table and pushed it out of the way, He put the lights on and some music that wasn’t my taste. She stood me up and my feet started to hurt even more.she wrapped her arms around me we both started to dance but I was hardly moving, all I kept feeling was pain pain pain pain. “You don’t feel right. You’re not my prince.” She said quietly staring into my eyes. She pushed me back onto my chair, she seemed really disappointed about it. “You’re worthless!” she yelled at me. “Show him, ‘Them’.” She said facing her father. They removed the rug that was in front of me on the and saw a massive sliding door on the floor. The opened it and all I heard was noises. “Hello Lovelys!” Dara called out.


Dara saw her best friends and the other people that she had tortured in the deep hole, they all ended up turning out as zombies, one person came in stayed there for a couple of days, and the next came in, everyone come in one by one, they all started to eat each other but they seemed to keep staying alive. Now all they eat are humans. “I have a nice treat for you darlings!” she yelled at them. Daras dad removed the nails for TOPs feet and lifted him up. TOP started to push him and ended up untying the rope for his wrist. He pushed Daras father into the pit of zombies and he got eaten alive. Dara went on the edge and saw him get eaten “Daddy?” she said quietly while crying. Top fell to the ground trying to untie the the rope from his ankles. “You’ll pay for that!” dara said, she lifted up a butcher knife and started to attack Top, He punched her in the face giving her a bloody nose, she hardly noticed but she kept going. Top had untied the rope from his feet and got up steadily. Top started to move around a bit but still wasn’t standing still, Dara got up and came closer to him, she grabbed his shoulders and pushed Top into the pit.


Everything flashed before my eyes, I couldn’t believe I was going to die now. I fell down with the rest of the zombies and got up from the ground, I saw a few knifes thrown at me by Dara from above. She stopped and said “Why would I want to waste time here? I can now go and kill your girlfriend.” She said I went wide eyed and yelled “DON’T HURT HER YOU !” She laughed and left my sight, I was here trying to figure out how to get out of here. I started using the knifes Dara threw at me to kill the zombies. I did that and I had to get out of this pit. I knew it wsa going to be hard because of how tall the opening was.


Top didn’t answer his phone, I couldn’t get in contact with him. I got into the car and drove around the small town trying to find him, I went to his house first. I knocked on the door and saw Tops mother come. “Have you seen Top?” I asked her, “No I havn’t darling. He hasn’t been at home all day. You think something must of happened to him?” I nodded. “I think so, I hope he isn’t hurt!” I went inside the house and she started to dial the police. “Hello? Yes, I havn’t seen my son all day, can you have a search party look around and search for him?” she said, they asked for a a description of what he looks like. She answered and I felt a vibration in my purse.


Top had build a pile of dead zombies to reach the top of the opening of the pit hole. He saw daras phone on the table and called his girlfriend, I could hardly talk but I need to tell her. “Top where are you?!” she yelled through the phone. “Babe, I n-need you to come pick me up, I also need you to a-avoid Dara.” “Dara, whats wrong with dara?” “she kidnapped me and ive been tortured badly I need you to come now! She going out to k-kill you.” CL was shocked and she quickly told Top that she’ll be on her way. CL went inside her car and drove to the address Top had given her via text. She drove as fast as she can and she stopped. “ no more gas.” She said, she kept turning the key to make it start moving. From afar she could see someone walking towards her someone in a light pink dress and with blood everywhere. She got frightened and kept trying and trying. “Start you piece for !” she yelled. The person came closer and she saw the face of Dara.

Top saw Daras fathers car and used that, he knew that CL would need help and he drove on his way to his house, hoping he’ll find CL on the road somewhere. Top saw a car ahead and drove over there, he saw Dara and CL hitting each other, Dara holding a knife and CL only using her fists. CL went out the other side of the car and started to run as fast as she could. Dara was catching up but was still slow. CL saw the car and she started to wave her arms around, “OVER HERE!” She saw the car go past her and Top was going to run over Dara. She flew into the air and landed on the road, Only leaving a broken arm. CL ran towards the car and she saw Top and how hurt he was CL started to scream she was freaking out, and she started to cry her eyes out. “oh my god, what did she do to you?” CL said quietly. CL held Top close he felt the warm comfort of her arms and to finally see CL again. CL turned around and saw Dara crawling on the floor with one broken wrist and a knife of the other hand dragging herself with it. “Kill her.” CL said to Top, he accelerated and she got run over.

She’s Dead. 

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The oneshot isnt half done! ; A; its two pages long so i dont know if you guys are willing to read a really long story? please tell me!


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looking for the one shot!