The Best Worst Day~

You&I 2: The Sequel


Minwoo finally returned home today. I should be happy, right? But I'm not. Why? I have no clue. Minwoo and I are such good friends, so why am I not happy to see him? Maybe it's because he's here my girlfriend's wedding! My girlfriend! She should be marrying me. Not Kwangmin. She loves me. Not Kwangmin. Then why the hell is she marrying him? I knew she had feelings for him before, but she doesn't anymore. Does she? No, she can't. She likes me. She told me she likes me. I clearly remember her exact words, so why is she doing this to me? I have to ask her so many questions and I have to tell her so many things. I tried calling her so many times but she won't even pick up. What's her problem? I love her so much, but I hate her more. Why is she avoiding me? Today, I'm determined to get everything cleared. I quietly slipped out of the house while everyone else was greeting Minwoo. Hopefully no one noticed. I wanted to take my car but they would've heard me pull out of the driveway, so instead I walked. Actually, it was more like running. I felt as if my lungs were going to burst open, but I didn't care. I just had to see Misha. Now.


It has been three weeks since I've seen him. I can still remember when I last saw him. The look on his face still haunts him. I hate to hurt him like this but I have no choice. I'm not marrying Kwangmin because I want to, I'm doing it because I have to. I told my parents the truth about Jeongmin and they've forbidden me from seeing him. They even picked up my phone so I won't talk to him. I don't care if I can't be with him, but can't I still talk to him? In just a week, I'll have to forget about everything we've ever had. In just a week, I'll belong to Kwangmin. In just  a week, I'll be married. The thought of marriage tears me up inside. I wanted to see Jeongmin. Just once. That's all I wanted. Today, I lied to my parents saying I was going over to a friends house for a sleepover. I felt kind of bad about lying to them, but I just had to see Jeongmin. I was ready to do anything to be with him.


Once I reached the door, I stopped to take a breath. I quickly brushed my fingers through my hair trying to fix it. I knew Misha's mom would open the door, so I was trying to make a good impression on her. Soon, I softly knocked on the door. 

"Hello." I tried to say with class when Misha's mom opened the door.

"Misha's not home." She said and shut the door in my face. Wth? Did she just slam that thing at me? What a butcher! I tried to put my anger aside and focus on Misha. If she's not home, where is she? Maybe her mom is lying to me. No, she can't be lying. Misha's car isn't even in the driveway. Deflated, I begin to walk home. I just wanted to talk to her.. 

Hours passed but my walk home seemed endless. My legs started hurting, but I kept walking. I wanted the pain in my body to numb in the pain in my heart. When I could no longer walk, I turned to look at my surroundings. None of which looked familiar. Oh crap! Am I lost? Oh . Oh . Oh . I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and tried to call my hyungs. Unfortunately, I had no connection. I am so screwed. I have to idea where I am. I looked around for a nearby shop. But everything was empty and there were no shops nearby. I looked up at the sky, the moon had already come out. It's okay, Jeongmin. Calm down. Just walk a little more until you find a gas station, and make a phonecall from there. I tried to stay calm, and decided to walk a little more. Suddenly, I felt something wet drop onto my shoulders. Soon followed by many more droplets. I looked up at the sky, and realized it was raining. Oh great. This couldn't get any better.


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Chapter 10: Omo what will happen?! He found out!
Chapter 10: Omfg! Kwangmin... I'm like... So are you gonna let her leave? Or hold her back?!
Chapter 10: Update soon please i'm waiting and btw i loved this chapter :D
Chapter 9: Who is Minwoo and L.joe really helping?!
Chapter 8: ...So...L.joe and Minwoo is gonna betray Jeongmin?
Chapter 8: Omo! Noooo! They can't ruin the plan! Aw, poor Misha and Jeongmin. I'm looking forward to what happens! Kamsahamnida, author. Update soon~!
Chapter 7: What's with Minwoo having a twin???
Chapter 6: Omg! You disappeared for so long!!! And Minwoo is gonna help??? Aish... jeongmin... Answered his phone... That fell into a lake...•-•"