Chapter 4

By The Old Street..

(Kyuhyun's POV)

I was walking by the street where I usually see him.The place where he always ran away from me.I sighed deeply by the thought,knowing that I'll never ever have the chance to be with him.And that's just !
Geez,I wonder what's taking him so long.He usually goes home around 9pm or somethin'.

I was walkin' by,glaring at the moon.I sighed,then brought my head down,sighing more when suddenly,I saw few men beating up a guy,a white guy.I tilted my to get a much better view of the situation.Wait..The guy seemed familiar,really,really familiar.
Then I came up on the realization that it was the guy I've been waiting for,the reason why I am here in this street.
I rushed over to that certain area and tugged the man who just broke a chair on the poor boy's back,I then punched him hard on the face and he stood back.I proceeded punching those bastards until they go weak themselves. They were about to attack me when suddenly,one of their comrades spoke,"STOP YOU IDIOTS! It's Young Master Kyuhyun!" then they stood still,bowing twice begging for forgiveness.I leaned over the other guy and tugged him on the shirt as well.I could feel him shaking uncontrollably, "Who the ordered you to do this?"
But he chose not to talk.

"Damn you." I felt anger,really large amount of anger surrounding my whole body.I clutched my hand hard,unconsciously landing few fists on the man's face,earning few gasps from behind.I think I got enough and just let go of him and walked over my poor pink guy.I bent down,carefully lifting his body up,carrying him bridal style.I walked carefully,making sure each step wouldn't hurt him.I was staring at his swollen eyes and tear stained cheeks.I could feel how my heart was torn apart in pieces.This was my weakness,when he's hurt.I don't know why I feel like this towards him,I like him,I adore him so much,he's the only one who can make my heart beat faster and slower at the same time.I hope I can hold him like this forever,making him know that he's safe when he's with me.

Well I don't know where his house is,so it's better that I'd make him rest on my house for a short while.After I unlocked my house's door,I proceed going upstairs,to my room.Moments later,I can feel him moving and groaning.I laid him on my bed and slowly got rid of his blood soaked polo and threw it on my basket of laundry.My eyes unconsciously landed on his well shaped body and my finger was trailing his chest.He was whimpering out of pain and due to the ticklish feeling.But something suddenly hit me mentally that I came back to my senses and quickly stood up,rushing to the bathroom,grabbing a wet towel,then back to my bunny.I started wiping the blood off his torso and to his arms,then wrapped his wounds with bandages.I stood up,opening my wardrobe and picked out my favorite black shirt.I gently wore it on him and surprisingly,it fit,it fits perfectly on him.

I sat by a chair beside him.I checked on my wrist watch and it indicated "11:44pm",I felt so damn tired that I can't even open my eyes anymore.I closed my eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.


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Haha Sungmin woke up meeting Kyuhyun! ^^ Lol I wonder what'll happen next? Haha I was wondering what story I was reading because of the title but now I know! xD
hey... i love this!!!!
Ohh interesting! ^^ I hope you update soon! :D This is an interesting I wonder how Kyuhyun will get Sungmin's attention! xD