Realising the Truth through Blinded Eyes

Proof of Love

I will be posting more stories! When I started it I wrote to the 'foreward' it would be 2 or 3 chapters long. It is still going, please don't be confused! ^^

The Super Junior members heard a phone ring. It was Hyukjae's phone. He looked at checked who the caller was. It was Junsu. The members knew why he was calling, it was no surprise it was about what the topic was about. With a slight grimance on his face, Hyukjae picked up the phone.

"Hello?" Hyukjae spoke. Luckily, he pulled the phone away from his ear before Junsu started talking.

"Yah! What happened?! Kyuhyun's here crying his eyes out! Better yet, he came here in the rain! By the time he reached my dorm, he was soaking wet! He must have been freezing!" Junsu basically yelled. All the Super Junior members could hear, even without it being on speaker phone.

"Kyuhyun's at your dorm?" Hyukjae asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah. He's with us. He won't stop crying. Really, what did Siwon do?" Junsu asked.

"Well, Siwon broke up with him." Leeteuk spoke into the phone bluntly.

"Hyung. Why did Siwon break up with Kyuhyun? I thought things were going great." Junsu asked.

"... We sort of... convinced Siwon to break up with Kyuhyun..." Heechul muttered into the phone.

"What?! Why?!" Junsu yelled/asked in a shocked tone.

"Well... we didn't know that Kyuhyun really loved Siwon..." Kangin blurted out.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Of course Kyuhyun loves Siwon, have you seen his room?" Junsu asked rhetorically.

"His room?" Siwon asked, Junsu reconized his voice immediately. On the other side at DBSK's dorm, Changmin snatched the phone of Junsu.

"Yah! How the heck could you make Kyuhyun cry?! He came here in the fricking rain! Now he's caught a cold! How could you?!" Changmin yelled. They all felt guilt. In the faint distance, they heard Kyuhyun's voice. It sounded so fragile and delicate that it would break in the palm of your hand. It sounded so weak, the members were surprised.

"Changmin, don't worry about it. I'm fine... really..." They heard Kyuhyun mutter quietly. Another stab of guilt filled their hearts, especially Siwon's.

"If you go in Kyuhyun's room, it'll tell you how much he cares for you." Junsu spoke into the phone. Siwon gave a strange look.

"Really?" Siwon asked.

"Yes. If you still love Kyuhyun, you better see him soon. He's still sobbing. Not to mention he's sick. Ah! Changmin's still mad. I got to hang up now, bye!" Junsu spoke as they heard a beeping, signalling he had hung up.

"Go look in Kyuhyun's room. We'll get the car ready." Leeteuk said as the Super Junior members headed down the stairs.

Siwon didn't know what Junsu meant. With a heavy heart, Siwon walked back into the dorm. He walked past the kitchen and lounge room, heading to Kyuhyun's room. Because everybody knew Kyuhyun's room was messy (Sungmin moved out), nobody really wanted to be in there. Cautiously, Siwon opened the door. To his surprise, it wasn't messy. It was actually quite neat. Siwon looked around the room. What was there to tell him Kyuhyun loved him? Siwon looked around and saw a book on the desk. He picked it up, Kyuhyun's diary. On a whim, he began to read.

Siwon hyung asked me out, of course, I said yes. I'm so happy~ I always really loved Siwon hyung. I never thought he'd have the same feelings as me. I want to scream in happiness. Ah, I feel like such a fangirl. I don't know what he saw in me though. I'm curious on why he asked me of all people out. Well, doesn't matter now. Can wait for tomorrow~ I want to see him again... I feel like such a stalker right now~

Today, he took me on a date~ It was so fun. I couldn't stop blushing. Ahh~ I feel so joyous right now. What should I do? I've fallen so fast. I wish he was still here~ Is it possible for me to miss him so quickly? Well, anybody would miss Siwon hyung. I really want to see him again. I wonder what he's doing... not again! I've turned into a total fool with just the thought of him. Why am I such a freak?

Siwon hyung has to go to China~ I wish he didn't have to go. I'm to embarrassed to tell him I want him to stay with me, I wish I weren't so shy~ I need him by my side~. Actually, a lot of people have told me I act really cold and uncaring towards Siwon hyung. That's not true though, I'm just to shy to respond like a normal person. I hope he doesn't break up with me. I want to tell him I love him, I can't though....

He's finally back~ I spent everyday thinking about what he was doing~ I bet there were many fans. I feel a little bit jealous. I really wanted to text him and call him, I didn't though. I figured he'd be too tired to talk and text me back. I will just let him rest for now~ I really don't want to bother Siwon hyung. I have so many drafts on my phone about things I wanted to send him. Aigo~ I wish I weren't such a scaredy-cat...

Siwon hyung told me he loved me~. I don't think I've ever felt so happy in my life. I feel like I could do anything~ I didn't know love could feel so good. I'm so happy now~ I feel really sorry towards him, I really can't I love him back~ Please forgive me Siwon hyung~ I love you so much~

Siwon hyung bought me a ring today~ I lose and break things really easily. I really don't want to damage this. Instead, I'll put it in my pocket or on a necklace so I won't forget it anywhere~ I feel really good today. I hope he knows how much I love him. I really want to give him something in return though... aigo, what should I do?

I went shopping with Siwon hyung today~ We bought matching shirts. I'm also a messy eater, I'll probably stain it. I can't wear it out. It's so embarrassing~ I'm really happy I have Siwon hyung in my life. It's a pity he's wasted on a person like me. There are so many better people in the world!

Siwon stared in shock. He flipped through more pages of the book only to see more of Kyuhyun's thoughts. He didn't know about any of this. He didn't realise. With his head starting to throb, he looked around the room. Everything Siwon had ever bought or given Kyuhyun was there. In the closet there were matching shirts which were neatly kept. In the draw, there were accessories Siwon had bought for Kyuhyun. On the shelves, there were books which Kyuhyun probably never read but kept anyway. On Kyuhyun's bed, there was a little plushy from maybe 2 years ago. On Kyuhyun's phone, there were 4 or 5 phone accessories, Siwon had given them to him years ago, yet Kyuhyun still kept them. Siwon's eyes slowly trailed to a small frame on the side of Kyuhyun's bed. To his surprise, it was a picture of himself... Siwon couldn't believe it...

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Chapter 5: I Love Wonkyu.Thank You
mrs_kyu #2
Chapter 6: '3'
yes babykyu... make it hard ...
siwon had to learn his action ...
mrs_kyu #3
Chapter 1: awww poor kyu.....
you owed him suju oppas !!
he was crying :(
Just found this ff...i liked it. You should do the sequel if u have time and if u want to..maybe not only focus on kyu's revenge but to how kyu slowly opens up to show his love and affection, what siwon would do to show more of his feeling, and of cpurse the revenge....kkkkkkk
ally-chan #5
sequel. we all looveee them.
I definitely agree to Winnkz , to test Won's love, there must be someone to make a move on his Kyu. :-)
Winnkz #7
Yesss... sequel pls... he doesn't have to be cruel to Siwon but just to make Siwon realise how much he love Kyu. Or maybe someone will appear to try to snatch Kyu aways from Siwon?? =evil eyes= ^^