Wanting to see

Take my breath away


I'm so pissed at hangeng and my fake friends, but more at myseslf for humoring everything he throws at me. Hangeng follows me because we have the next class together.I completely ignore him. This is what I need to do. I'm Kim Heechul! I don't just let anyone dominate me. Hangeng gives up, walking past me with an equally pissed face. What is he mad for?

I was a little hurt when I walked home alone. We still had to do the self-study, right? Avoiding me to this point is going a little far. Even when I started it first. As I squirmed in my bed, I assured myself he'll talk to me tommorow. He's just playing mind games. Tommorow he'll be all over me and I won't even be able to push him away. Right?


The next day he came early and I told myself It wasn't because of me. My pride wouldn't let me talk to him first, but I was surprised when he didn't even interupt my lunch. In fact, he completely disappeared.

It was driving me crazy. For some reason I hoped that if he would just looked at me once- even if it was a glare- I'd be happy. It hurts when he doesn't talk to me, make me blush, or even look at me with his dreamy eyes that I missed so much. It was like that for days, even drawing out til the end of the week. And here I am. On a Sunday. Thinking of him.

I keep thinking back to past Thursday.

"He's avoiding me." I had said.

"Well, he's not avoiding any of us." Of course Sungmin was talking about Hankyung. Who else do I talk about these days?

"I know!" I snapped back at him, irritated that it sounded like he flaunting.

"Maybe he's still hurt from you avoiding him." Leeteuk suggests. Yes of course they know as many times as I've talked about it.

"He's not even looking at me."

"Why are we talking about this again!! I'm tired of talking about Heechul's love life every lunch period. This is the only break me & Teukie get  and we waste it on Heechul's boy problems. OUCH!!" Leeteuk had elbowed him in the ribs and whispered. 'Youngwoon, stop it.' "-WHAT?! I can't say what I what's on my mind, too? Fine." He turns his gaze back to me. "If you really want him have you ever thought of apologizing, huh? The almighty Kim Heechul doesn't know those words? Here I'll help. Say ''I'm Sorry.' Say it with me. 'I'm-" I sighed and kicked his chair. He was already leaning dangerously backwards on only two legs of the chair so my push sent him crashing to the floor. I wasn't even satisfied as I would have been looking at the that bear tumble to the ground. Hankyung, what are you doing to me.

"Heechul!" Leeteuk scolded, getting out his seat to help the bear up. He couldn't really say much to me because I could tell he thought Kangin deserved it too.

"Why do you even want to talk to him? I thought hyung didn't like Hankyung." They all nodded in agreement and I wished Donghae hadn't asked that. I mean, this was the exact question that kept me up at night. I shifted uncomfortably.

"...You know... You know....Because...He's.. You know... He's my fan..........soooo..... -ani... " I try to regain some composure and look arrogant. "He's just something to p-play with. It was f-fun playing w-with him." It was a little shaky, considering it was made on the spot. I knew I woudn't be able convince them- hell, I can't even convince myself- but that was ok just as long as they didn't say anything. And they didn't. Even Kangin who had a sarcastic remark on the tip of his tongue kept his mouth shut probably because of the chair incident. I just avoided their gaze as an awkward silence enveloped us.

"Well I think you should apologize, Hyung."  Donghae concluded.

"Yah! You're my cousin! You're supposed to protect me from bad guys like him! "

Donghae stuck his tongue out at me. "Well I like him. Hankyung is cool! Unlike you! Right, Hyukkie." Damn. No one is on my side.

"Yes...I mean no... I mean" Donghae squeezed the boy's cheeks, making his lips stick out like a fish. This couple...

Don't think I've forgiven you Hyukjae. You were all buddy-buddy with Hankyung but now you're all timid with me. Hankyung. That's where my thoughts usually end at. Hankyung. What is he doing right now?

I remember the bell had rang and I quickly jerked up, as said person was in the next class. However I was stopped by my childhood friend, with his partner in justice of course.

"Chullie~~~" He pinched my cheeks, trying to bring them into a smile as he always did when we were young. "Cheer up~~~~" Kangin's face hardened at this contact. He was always the jealous type even when he liked me and he hates it when Leeteuk calls me by my childhood pet name.

"arrraaaassooo~~~" I say through pained cheeks. I do the same to him, and we stand there pinching each other's cheeks like little children. Kangin was getting impatient. "Peter panTeukie~~~ It hurts~~~~  Let go~~~"  It seemed to be the last straw for Kangin because he dragged my childhood friend away, almost taking my cheeks with him.

I rubbed my cheeks thinking about the pain they were in thursday. Thursday. It seems like ages since Hankyung has talked to me. Friday I thought surely he would, because if he didn't it would drag into the weekend. But I was arrogant. It's sunday already. I know where he lives, but my pride won't let me run to him. However, my pride is thinning and is quickly being replaced with anxiousness.


I sigh. Monday.

I'll surely talk to him first.


My poor face~~~


I managed to stay away from Hankyung's house BUT AT WHAT PRICE!?!?!? I'LL TELL YOU WHAT!!! MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!!! My eyes have bags under them! BAGS!! I GOT NO SLEEP!!

I push my sunglasses further up the bridge of my nose as I try to locate Hankyung. WHERE IS HE!?!?! WHEN I FIND HIM I'M GONNA- omo! it's hankyung. Better fix up my hair, it's of messy...aahhh... I'm kinda nervous~~ UGH! But I wanna talk to him. aaaaa... he escaping!!!



I wake up uncomfortably. My head is spinning and the loud cheers aren't helping. Loud Cheers? Wait where am I...OMO My hands are tied to this pole above my head. This is very burdensome because my red hair is- red?? Why is my hair red...This is a wig. I try to decipher where I am. I'm on the top of a poorly painted Castle tower. No wait. This is a prop. Ahh... The drama class. They're only ones that make things like this... but wait. The only time they do this is when there's a festival... I wasn't informed of a fesitival..Why am I outdside...Where's Hankyung?

"HOW IS IT DO YOU GUYS THINK HANKYUNG WILL SAVE HIS PRINCESS" OH! My teacher. She scared me, all of a sudden shoouting on a megaphone. My ears perked at Hankyung's name.

Ugh, she's wearing a dress...I'm wearing a dress. Gosh, it's too cold to be wearing this, my arms are about to fall off. All the blood has been drained from them and they've painfully fallen asleep because someone thought it would be fun to tie my hands above my head. What is this medieval trash?? I position myself so that I can peer into crowd. The whole school had to be there including teachers and staff like the priniciple and the janitor. All of them were crowded around the school yard. This is ridiculous.There's my sorry fake friends. I caught Leeteuk's eye and he smiled and waved. Are we really childhood friends???

"Oh Heechul! You're up. You might be a little groggy from the chloroform." My teacher smiles excitedly.

"YAH! You drugged me! That's against the law! You can go to jail! I'll sue." I try to struggle against the rope to free myself.

"Ani.  You're mom signed this waver to the school. We have her permission to do this." She fishes in her potatoe bag of a purse and draws out a piece of paper. She points to the bottom and I can make out the old hag's handwriting. THAT BITC-

"You prince is over there fighting for you." I shift to try to see where she's talking about and I see it. Him. Hankyung.


Hankyung was dressed handsomely in a prince outfit that strangely suited him more than average clothes. I could see him fakely slicing into his opponents. The drama class students would fall dramatically to the floor, some ending in a faked painful howl.

He was beautiful. I never knew he did martial arts, but knowing how perfect he is it's not really surprising. Every movement was graceful. Every leap was sureal. Every Kick was elegant. I watched his hair move when he did the actions, marveling as they went back to perfect alignement when he stood still. I could tell the crowd was just as mesmerized as I was. The cheers were almost deafening.

But there was a problem. He was headed towards me. With every opponent he defeated, he got a little closer to me. But I'm not ready. I haven't even picked out the words I'm gonna say to him.

'Are you still mad?' No.. I don't want to bring it up yet...

'Long time no see.' Sounds to...

'You look hot in that outfit?' Definetly not.

I peek at him again and he's scares me because suddenly he's so close. He had defeated the last of the opponents and was probably getting ready to climb up this piece of trash tower.

However someone- a knight looking guy- jumped into his way. He was geared in chain mail and armor- omo! That's Siwon. As in Choi Siwon. As in ex-boyfriend. I mean it doesn't even count because we only went out for a day. I broke up with him because I couldn't handle his constant skinship.

He's doing good for himself... Did he join the drama class?...I wonder is Hankyung would look hot in that- FOCUS!! If Siwon wins Hankyung won't come up here. That's good because I'm not ready.


Wait. If Hankyung doesn't win then what will happen to me? I mean they already drugged me who say they won't leave me here to rot.


I apparently didn't need to cheer for him as the match was easily over with the graceful slash of Hankyung's fake sword. Siwon dramatically falls to the ground and Hankyung holds out his hand to help him up. What's gross is I can see a little bro bond forming between them. As if to prove my point, Siwon swiftly brings him into a hug. Hankyung looks surprised at first, but pats his back back. Great now the prince and the knight are gonna go elope into the sunset and forget about the princess entirely.

Hankyung lets go of Siwon and disappears from my sight. From the sound of the cheers, he's climbing up the ladder. No! I'm not ready!! What am I gonna saaaaay

OMOMOMOMOMOMOMOMO. The sound of his feet climbing the ladder is nowhere near the speed of my heart right now. The person who I've been longing to see. Who I've been longing to talk to.

The eyes I've been waiting to get lost into.

okay. The last part was going to far-


I watch as first his head then his body emerges. He walks to me in what seems like an eternity because for some reason when he walks my mind plays it in slowmotion. I just watch his shoes, to shy to even look at his face. The teacher squeals and I can feel him in front of me, kneeling. Oh god. I just know my heart's not ready for this.


"Hey princess."


"Your Prince is here."

oh god I can hear the smile in his voice DON'T LOOK DON....

He cups my chin and brings it align with his face.







I died.

That's it you guys. The story is over.

Everyone can go home.

Everyone can go home.







There they are. Those eyes. How many people have lost their sanity and quite possibly their lives as I have staring into these works of art.

But they're looking at me. ME. I thought I'd never see this day again. He smirks and it just brings me back to reality. CRAP!! This is not how it's supposed to go. Now Heechul, you haven't talked to him in a while and he might still be mad. Let's try to be nice... ok here I go..

"YAH! TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH I WAS ABOUT TO ROT HERE!!!" ah....what is.... what is ..wrong... with me...I don't even...

He just smiles. "Mianhae~ I had some obstacles to deal with first."I should say something like 'I saw you were beautiful good'.

"YAH! JUST HURRY UP AND UNTIE ME!!!" What...I wasn't even... who.. what am I..

"arrasso~~Hold on." He fiddled with my restraints, but that wasn't the problem. TOO CLOSE!!!


"arrasso~ Wait a second." Please...

It was forever until he drew back the rope in his hands. My hand had no strength to even hold itself up. Curse you rope! Curse you teacher! Curse you school! CURSE YOU OLD HAG WHO GOT ME INTO-

Hankyung offered his hand to me to help me up. I should take offer. I should-


Thanks to my stubborness I had to struggle by myself which was hard considering my arms were practically dead and would be of no use. It was a huge struggle but I did it. However as soon as took a step I tripped and met the ground face-first. A roar of laughter erupted from the students and my face turned red with embrassement. I pull up the skirt to my dress to reveal my tied up feet. That's strange I don't remember... I don't think I even noticed.

I glared up at my teacher who was laughing like no tommorow. I mean seriously. Where's your proffesionalism?

Only Hankyung didn't laugh, but looked at me with curiosity. I felt  touched that he hadn't laughed but I realized quickly he was forming a plan.

He knelt beside me again.

"Wanna accept my help now?" Yes.

"NO!!" I spat back. Wow self... That's exactly what I was thinking. Hankyung smiled as if he had comfirmed something. He probably knew I'd answer that way-OMO!

OMMMMOOOO!!!!!! Hankyung just picked me up. Not like a princess like you're thinking, but like a sack of potatoes over his shoulder. Either way My already red face is now a ripe tomatoe ready to be plucked. My teacher squealed like some kind of dolphin. I struggled, and started to kick as we decended down the ladder.

"Princess~~ If you don't stop moving I might accidently drop you~~" he teased. Needless to say, all motion was ceased then.

We reached the floor but OMO! Where is he taking me. The students cheered and formed a pathway for us straight down the middle of the crowd. Most were cheering hanchul. Others were cheering 'Give our chinese prince back!' Sorry girls, he likes me so...

I passed by Eunhae and Donghae winked on me. Traitor.

But seriously where is he taking me.


He stops and digs into his pocket for a piece of paper. "Actually I've got a permission slip signed by Hyo Jin-ssi and the Principal." This was expected from a mother like Hyo Jin but the principal too? Where's the proffesionalism? Just how low-grade is our school? Is this the power of Hanchul?


Ah. We're here. That was quick, considering Hankyung was carrying me. I must be light..... I should eat some more. We approach the door. YES! the door should be locked. but wait then mom could just ope-

"There's a note here." He reads it out loud since I  obviously can read it draped over his shoulder.

"To my lovely son Heechul. " Yeah right.

"I'm out to go look for inspiration for my new fanfic." Lies.

"I lied.

I'm letting you two have some alone time because I noticed you were down since Hankyung hasn't visited in a while." NO DON'T TELL HIM AB-

"Plus by now you probably want to rip my face off." More than that.

"Well have fun with Hankyung.

Love the most loving and responsible mom in the world." Lies.

"I lied."

I sighed. Hankyung just opened the door because 'the most loving and responsible mom' conviently left it open. He locked it behind us and I thought this was the time to put me down but he didn't. Instead I watched as the landscape turned from the living room to the stairs and eventually my room. Hankyung finally sat me down on my desk.



We're alone.

In my house.

Oh god.


But...I've missed him so much. And here he is in front of me. He claims he likes me but hasn't laid a finger on me. Why doesn't he touch me? Does he really like me? Hankyung do you really like me?

As if he could hear my inner turmoil he says. "I like you." Which sends chills up my spine. I avoid his gaze shyly. He reaches out to my face and rubs my cheek.




"I heard you missed me."

What  else could I do but nod.


Woah I haven't updated in 10 years


What can I say? I had school.

Forgive me?

I think I lost some subscribers

Oh Well!!! It can't be helped. I'm a lazy writer.

Thank you to all my (surviving) subscribers!!!!





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immamel #1
Where r u mr.author? Couldn't help but cursed to this mystery missin' chapters, needs more of it,
Niel_CM #2
More please and I love your gifs they are funny
Chapter 8: I love your story and your gifs so much XD and Yunho is my DBSK bias too, so I know how that feels... never insult a band in front of one of their fans... we're creepy people
update please...
phoenix_taemints #5
lol! hahaha!!! way to go heenim... you should never insult a cassie..! :D
caitykoala #6
The gifs! I died XD Loved this chapter. hurry up and get closer! hehe
Is that Siwon's face?!? LOL this is so funny!!!
rellawrites #8
LMAO. This is so cracktastically good! <3 moar pwease.
This just keeps getting better and better!
I can't wait for the next one! Please continue making this an awesome story.