
Take my breath away

I don't remember returning home. I don't remember getting in bed. And I really didn't remember waking up. However I knew I did when the sun greeted me. Seriously, you may think that's ridiculous but all I remember was replaying last night's situation over and over. Just what was going through my mind when I closed my eyes.I went to school late to avoid hankyung people. I cursed when It didn't really matter because we had a total a three classes together, all of which the teachers immidiatley arranged for us to sit together when we arrived. It was torture. Hankyung stared at me the whole time, while I stared at the board, determined not to repeat my previous mistakes.

Finally, for what seem like forever, lunch came, and I felt relieved that Hankyung and I would part ways. I had to get the gross school lunch because I forgot to make mine (Yes I had to make my own because that old hag can't be trusted with a knife) and ever since Hankyung transfered y own fanclub were avoiding me. I plopped in my usual seat, and sighed.

"What's wrong, Heechul" I eyed Leeteuk who sat across from me. Not only was he the student council president, but also my childhood friend.

"That Hankyung guy! I hate him!" Leeteuk nodded. "I heard alot about Hanchul." My eyes widened. "What did you just say?"

"Hanchul...hyung." Kangin, vice president and Leeteuk's right hand man (literaly, he was sitting on his right)  answered for him. We get along pretty well, despite the fights we get into.

"What is a Hanchul."

"Hankyung-ssi and-" "I know what it is just- who came up with that disgusting name." Kangin shrugged. "Rumor has it your mom came up with it last night and emailed it to your fanclub page using your username." My eyes turned to slits. That woman is just too much...

"Are you sure you don't like him, hyung?" Donghae asked, using one hand to eat, while the other hand disappeared under the table. I knew he was holding Hyukjae's hand underneath the table because they were too shy to do it in front of us. He was sitting on the left of Leeteuk.

"I'm  sure!" I snapped back at him.

"But you guys look good together." Sungmin offered from beside me.  I shifted my glare to him.

"Plus you guys are always together" Leeteuk added. This angered me. "Yah! You're practically joined at the hip with Kangin and you guys always insist you aren't going out with each other." He flushed, as I knew he would.

"Going out and admitting to like is a different thing, hyung" Kangin came to his rescue, like I knew he would, being more of the stable between the two.

"So you guys admit to liking each other?" This time it was Kangin's turn to blush.

"Yah! Kim Heechul! We're talking about you here!"

"Kim Heechul!?! Kangin are you are of your mind!?!" Kangin always had a hard time accepting I was older than him due to my looks. He was the only one other than my mother and Leeteuk who dared to call me by my full name, which was usually the cause of our fights. Which is ridiculous, because I'm the one who turned him gay. Yes! I turned the almighty heteroual Kangin the bear into a . At one time he wanted me to call him Oppa (which I never obliged to unless I needed something from him which I made sure was never). I'm the practically the reason he fell in love with Teukie. Without my help, he probably wouldn't hae opened his heart to a man. Just look at me, changin lives. But how does he repay me?

"Heechul-hyung.... I don't think hyung meant it that way." I softened a little because it was Hyukjae. Hyukjae and I are still awkward with each other over me turning him gay. He rarely speaks to me at all, so when he does I always try to make him feel as comfortable as possible. Hyukjae had once confessed to me. Of course he was turned down (I mean, who can handle all of this), but after that he was never comfortable around me even when he found his other half Donghae. Did I mention Donghae is my cousin? Well now you know.

"I know, Hyukjae" It didn't help our awkwardness that I had refused to call him by his nickname 'Eunhyuk' when everyone else had happily obliged. I dunno... Hyukjae seemed to fit him more than Eunhyuk. I didn't need to look at Hyukjae to talk to him because he never looked me in the eyes anyways. At the corner of my eye, I saw Donghae whisper something into Hyukjae and watched when he relaxed considerably. Everytime I saw this it actually hurt me a little, but I never admitted it. Was I that unpleasant to talk to?

"Heechul already said he doesn't like him. We shouldn't be pushing him." Leeteuk said, nudging Kangin in the ribs. Kangin caught his elbow and pulled his arm, bringing their hands together. "If you say so." He says greasily. COUPLES HERE COUPLES THERE I SEE COUPLES EVERYWHERE!! Leeteuk lightly hit Kangin's arm with his free hand, blushing slightly. "Stop it, Kangin, You'll make misunderstandings."UGH!! JUST GO OUT ALREADY!!!!

I looked at my fellow single comrade Sungmin. "Minnie" I called.

He was drawing on his new Samsung Note, ignoring me. Traitor.

Minnie was one of the few people that I didn't turn gay. The guy was already gay before my charm could hit him, which was good, because based on his personality he wouldn't have fallen for it anyways. I both like and dislike him because of that.

Before I could even start my lunch, OMO Hankyung dragged a chair over to our table settling himself between Donghae and Leeteuk, making himself right in front of him. The others just made room for him when he came. Really, guys? We just talked about this! I hate him, remember!

"Hi Heechul." I glared holes through him.

"What are you doing here, Hankyung?" He ignored me.

"You must be the President and Vice President." Leeteuk turned to greet him but quickly shielded his eyes.

"Why is he so bright?" Ahhh, my dear childhood friend. I knew there was a reason why we are childhood friends.

"Yes, we are." Kangin answered for him as he always did. I watched as Kangin reached over our president and gripped Hangeng's hand with his own. They sat there for a while,  trying to indtimidate the other with pressure as sparks flew between them. I guess Kangin lost because he was the first to crack a smile and release his pressure.


Of course Kangin didn't hear my inner tormoil, and Hankyung went on with introductions, making my friends his own. I watched as Leeteuk introduced himself as my one and only childhood friend, and afterwards when Donghae did likewise as my cousin.

Even Hyukjae, warmed up to him, smiling friendly when Hankyung spoke to him, which is something he never did for me.






Squeezed out another chapter before I went to bed.

You subscribers commenters keep me going. jk love you too silent readers ;)


got the Kangteuk you wanted sorry if it's not what you expected



so late



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immamel #1
Where r u Couldn't help but cursed to this mystery missin' chapters, needs more of it,
Niel_CM #2
More please and I love your gifs they are funny
Chapter 8: I love your story and your gifs so much XD and Yunho is my DBSK bias too, so I know how that feels... never insult a band in front of one of their fans... we're creepy people
update please...
phoenix_taemints #5
lol! hahaha!!! way to go heenim... you should never insult a cassie..! :D
caitykoala #6
The gifs! I died XD Loved this chapter. hurry up and get closer! hehe
Is that Siwon's face?!? LOL this is so funny!!!
rellawrites #8
LMAO. This is so cracktastically good! <3 moar pwease.
This just keeps getting better and better!
I can't wait for the next one! Please continue making this an awesome story.