Neighbours (Part 2)

Can it be?

The elevator doors opened. Haneul quickly got out and walked to her apartment. She could hear Yesung following her. As they reached her door, Haneul took a deep breath and put on a smile.

"Thank you for the ride home, Jong Woon," said Haneul. She hoped that Yesung wouldn't notice how nervous she was.

Yesung looked at her and said, "You're welcome."

Haneul expected for him to walk to his apartment but he just stood there as if waiting for her to do something.

"Is there something else that I forgot?" asked Haneul.

Yesung shook his head. "No, you didn't forget anything. I guess I'll see you around. Good night, noona."

Haneul watched as Yesung walked the other apartment. They smiled at each other as they went into their aparments.

Haneul and Yesung didn't see each other for several weeks, due to his schedule. Haneul sometimes thought that night was fate pulling a trick on her, giving her a taste of what she couldn't have. She went to work and stopped by the cafe to see JJ and his family on the way home. She never asked JJ about Yesung. Whenever his name came up, she just smiled.

One morning, she woke up feeling terrible. It was December and she never could stand the cold winter. This time, the flu was really bad. Haneul was thinking if she should get out of bed and drive to the clinic when the phone rang.

"Hello," said Haneul. Her voice barely audible.

"Noona! Are you okay? You sound terrible," said JJ.

"JJ, it's okay. It's just the flu. You know how i get sick in winter," said Haneul. She tried to laugh but it turned into a cough instead.

"Noona, you should rest. I'll be there soon to take you to the doctor," said JJ. He hang up before Haneul could say anything.

Haneul sighed as she laid on the bed. Part of her was relieved that she didn't have to drive herself to the clinic, but at the same time she felt guilty for troubling JJ. She knew that JJ would tell his mother and the kind woman would insist on coming over to take care of her. That was what happened last winter. Haneul slowly got out of bed and went to get ready. At least she would be dressed when JJ arrive. But as she tried to stand, the room spun and everything went black.

Yesung was eating breakfast with Ryeowook when his phone rang.

"Hello, Jong Jin. What's up?" said Yesung.

"Hyung, are you at the dorm?" said Jong Jin. He sounded out of breath as if he had been running. Yesung immediately felt worried.

"Is something wrong at home?" asked Yesung.

"No, hyung. Everyone's fine, but I need your help," said Jong Jin. Yesung relaxed slightly.

"Sure. What do you need?" said Yesung.

"I need you to check on Haneul noona," said Jong Jin. Yesung felt his heart skip a beat. He had not seen the girl for weeks due his overseas concerts. "Hyung, I'm on my way to your place. Just check on her for me. She's really sick. Her passcode is 2408."

JJ hung up before Yesung could say anything.

"Hyung, is something wrong at home?" asked Ryeowook.

"Ryeowook, I need your help," said Yesung as he got up. Ryeowook followed behind. They went to Haneul's apartment. Yesung rang the doorbell but there was no answer. He used the passcode that his brother gave and went in.

"Noona, it's me, Jong Woon. Jong Jin gave me your passcode and asked me to check on you," shouted Yesung. He looked around the apartment but there was no sign of Haneul.

"Hyung, whose house is this? Is it okay for us to come in like this?" asked Ryewook.

"Jong Jin's friend lives here. He told me she's sick and asked me to check on her," explained Yesung. The layout of the apartment was the same as their dorm, so Yesung took a guess at where the master bedroom was located. He knocked on the door.

"Haneul noona? Can I come in?"

There was no answer. Yesung took a breath and opened the door.

"Haneul!" he shouted as he saw the crumpled body on the floor. He ran to her and lifted her head. He could feel her pulse and she was struggling to breath. Her face was terribly pale and her body too warm, yet she was shivering.

"Hyung?" called Ryeowook. "What do we do?"

"Ryeowook, help me put her on the bed. The you should call Dr. Kim. Tell him it's an emergency," said Yesung as he lifted Haneul to the bed. He held her against his chest to help her breath easier, while Ryeowook called the doctor.

It was the longest 30 minutes of his life. The doctor came with a nurse. It was a severe flu, but if it had been just a few hours later, it could have been pneumonia. The nurse helped changed Haneul's clothes and made her more comfortable while Yesung talked to the doctor.

"Thank you, Dr. Kim, for coming over so fast," said Yesung as he walked the doctor out.

"She'll probably sleep for the rest of the day, but you'll need to monitor her breathing to make sure it doesn't get any worse. Here's the prescription. I'll check back in three days.If her condition changes, call me," instructed the doctor before leaving Yesung and Ryeowook.

"Hyung!" Yesung turned to see Jong Jin running towards him. He looked like he ran all the way up to the 11th floor.

"Hyung, Haneul noona... is she alright?" asked Jong Jin.

"You better come in and take breath first," said Yesung as he led his brother into Haneul's apartment. "Ryewook, can you do me a favour and fill this prescription at the pharmacy?"

"Ok, hyung. I'll come back soon with food. Your friend will need to eat something soon," said Ryeowook as he went back to the dorm across the hall.

Jong Jin looked around the apartment and asked, "Hyung, where's noona? Is she alright?"

Yesung sat on the couch and sighed, "Yes, she's resting. The doctor examined her and said it's a severe case of the flu."

"It was lucky you were here, hyung. If anything happened to Haneul noona..." said Jong Jin as he sat down next to his brother.

Yesung looked at his watch. "I have to call the manager and cancel my recording."

"Hyung, you don't have to do that. I'll stay with noona. Mum is coming in a few hours anyway," said Jong Jin.

Yesung was silent for a moment. Somehow the thought of his brother alone with Haneul was making him feel uncomfortable. The doorbell gave him an excuse to leave the room. It was Ryeowook with the medicine and some warm porridge for Haneul.

"Ryeowook, thank you. You can just leave the stuff on the dining table. Jong Jin will stay with Haneul-shi. We should get going or we'll be late for the recording," said Yesung as he left the apartment.

That was the last time he saw her for the next several months.


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The brunch chapter is longer than expected. Please bear with me... =)


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Chapter 10: Haneul, why r u angry at Jongwoon???
Chapter 9: Sweetness over flowing^^
Chapter 7: hahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Jongwoon~ah your cute but abit aggressive^^Haneul will b scared of u...
jongwoon #4
Chapter 7: aww this fanfic seems cute! i also love how the girl is older than him. lol i hope you update often! i can't wait to read more!!
Chapter 6: Finally, you updated^^ I think Yesung really like Haneul to call hi by his given name rather than his artist name^^
I like this relationship older girl n younger man :-)