



It hurt him. The way s would stare at him, the look of scare and fear in their eyes, it made him disgusted of himself. Was it his fault?

They’d either scold him if he starts to talk. It made him sad. Depressed.

Sometimes Woohyun would yell at him when he sees the dishes in the sink, he already told his fellow friend that Gina would probably wash it. But, still nothing worked out the way he wanted it to be.

They would never allow him to go outside to take some fresh air, even if he kneels. It pained him.

The members would usually get out of the house early in the morning and return home terribly late, he himself didn’t know the reason why. He never tried to ask them. He didn’t know why they were like that. It’s not like they had that much schedules to attend to.

He always questioned himself, if it was really his fault, wouldn’t he of apologized to them? He shook his head and began to mutter to himself.

No, they’re just stressed out because of excessive work; it’s not your fault.

He assured himself.

That happened more than a few times a day. Even his beloved maknae is avoiding him. The thoughts of them made him conscious of his current situation.

But, he didn’t mind it that much since they’ll get over it at the end of the day. And he does have friends, his maid Gina and his pet dog Gyu.

He took of the blanket that covered half of his body and walked out of the room. He was thirsty by the never ending veil of thoughts that shrouded his head and haunted him every single day. He then walked downstairs and saw Gyu sleeping peacefully.

He walked towards the kitchen and hauled the refrigerators’ door open, looking for his all-time favorite drink, soda.  He closed the door with a bang.

We’ve run out of soda. I thought Gina bought the groceries yesterday…?

He shrugged his shoulders and walked towards Gina’s room. He knocked on the door a few times and pushed it open. He saw her sleeping on the bed.

“Gina, are you still sleeping?” He shook the woman slowly.

“Oh, sorry sir, do you need anything?” Her croaky voice filled the room.

He looked at Gina who was quickly aging.

You’ve done too much for me; I’ll go for a change.

“No, I just want to go out. I want to buy groceries, just rest Gina, I’ll be back shortly.”

“No sir, I don’t want Woohyun and your other friends to yell at you. I’ll go.” Gina was about to sit when he pushed her back lightly.

“It’s okay. Just for once.” He reassured her and quickly exited the room. Not wanting Gina to catch up to him.

He put on his jacket as it was freezing outside event though it was spring. He pushed the door opened and trudged outside of his house, rubbing his hands together to make friction.

He spread his arms and breathed in the air, enjoying freedom for once.

He jogged off towards the nearest supermarket, bowing towards his neighbors as he’d passed them. He took a basket and made his way to the right aisle and took a few bottles of sodas.

“Excuse me, can you hand me one too?” A little voice greeted him; he turned around stunned by the sudden interference.

“Yeah, sure.” He absentmindedly took another bottle and handed it towards the petite lady.

She was a perfect combination between beautiful and cute. Her caramel colored hair was tied up neatly and her fringe was messy. She wore a simple white dress that made her sharp features stand out, especially her wide round eyes.

A smile was on her face by the time he took another glance at the lady.

“Hi! I’m Tiffany.” She introduced.

“Uh…Why are you talking to me?”

“I like you, you look kind of cute.” She bluntly blurted out, her cheeks were tinted a light pink.

“Do I know you?” He asked, whilst pointing his finger towards her. She shook her head.

“Where are you going after this?” She continued to throw questions towards him. He has never been in this situation; he wasn’t sure about what he would do. He quickly made his way towards the counter to pay for the soda, afraid that the lady will come and interrupt him again.

“You didn’t answer my question Mr.…” Without any warning he decided to run away, leaving his beloved soda behind, he stopped as he was now at the parking lot of the supermarket, panting heavily.

I haven’t exercised in a long time.

He touched his chest, feeling his own heart beating rapidly.

“Hey! Wait!” The quirky voice greeted him again.

“What!?” He retorted angrily.

“I’m sorry; I just…want to be your friend, is it that bad?” She asked.

“I-I… Why would you want to be my friend? You don’t know me.” He stated firmly, his hands were clenched tightly in to a fist.

“I just want to. I mean, I’m a loner. I don’t have any friends, you seem interesting. Never mind then, I’ll just go if it is a bother.” She was about to walk away when he stopped her, he held on to her wrists lightly, tugging on to it lightly as if it was a porcelain doll.

“Do you really want to be my friend?” The lady: Tiffany turned around her eyes sparkling with joy. She nodded her head vigorously and looked up at him, smiling like an innocent child.

“You won’t regret it?” She shook her head and removed his hand softly; she then clasped their fingers together, hands intertwining.

How can she be so different?

“Are you going back home?” She then broke the silence.


“You haven’t told me your name yet!” She sang happily.

“My name is Sunggyu. It’s nice to meet you Tiffany. Sorry for my rude behavior.”

“No problem. It’s my fault actually.” She bashfully admitted but giggled after that.

They soon arrived in front of his house; he took out his key and opened the door, letting Tiffany enter first.

“Nice house, it’s so spacious!” She touched the wall excitedly and sauntered off towards the kitchen.

‘Do you want anything to drink? Water, perhaps?” Sunggyu offered.

“No, thanks. I’m fine.” She waved her hands, declining the offer.

“Do you live alone?” She asked as she settled down on the sofa. Sunggyu shook his head and sat beside her.

“The other people who live here are currently out, working.” He said awkwardly.

“Really? What do they work for?”

“They’re… artists.”

“Wow! What about you? What do you do for a living?”

“I used to be an artist, but then I was put on hiatus after having some personal problems.” He muttered. Tiffany frowned and nodded.

“I’m asking a lot, aren’t I? Sorry Sunggyu, I didn’t mean to hurt you in such way. I’m just curious, that’s all.”

“It’s okay. It’s been awhile since I’ve talk to anyone. I mean…you’re nicer than other people.” Tiffany’s face lightened up.

“Thank you.” Sunggyu coughed as the conversation ended awkwardly. As if on cue, someone knocked on the front door. Sunggyu hurriedly stood up and opened the door. Woohyun entered with a small smile on his lips, the others entered after that, opening their shoes and instantly resting in the living room.

“Hey, guys. This is Tiffany.” Sunggyu pointed towards where Tiffany was sitting at.

Woohyun furrowed his eyebrows, Dongwoo sighed and shook his head; Tiffany looked up at Sunggyu confusedly. She waved her hands slightly towards them.

“Hyung! Why are you like this, again?” Sungjong asked, his face was unreadable.

“What are you talking about?” Sunggyu retorted, his hands already balled in to fists.

“Just stop this right now! This is ridiculous.” Myungsoo who usually ignored this situation finally spoke up, he tossed the paper bag he was holding on to the sofa, it was Sunggyu’s daily medicine. He stomped his feet and stormed in to his room, Sungjong following closely behind him. The others merely sighed and entered their rooms.

“Sunggyu, I think I should leave.” Tiffany stood up and took her handbag, her hands shaking with fear.

“No, you stay right here. Don’t go anywhere.” He begged.

“I don’t know…” Tiffany muttered.

“They’ll get over it, let’s go to my room.” He pulled her hand and entered his room.

“Won’t they get mad at me if they find out that I’m still here?”

“I’ll figure something out. Let’s forget about that matter.” He brushed the topic off. He went towards the table that was located in a corner of his room and took a CD. He handed it towards her and smiled.

“This was the last album I was in. Look, that’s me.” He pointed towards his own figure on the album cover. Tiffany smiled and the picture.

“Aren’t you going to join your group again?” Tiffany asked curiously.

“I guess so, but I don’t know when.”

“I hope you do, it’s your passion, isn’t it? I bet you have a lot of fans. I’ll become one of them.” She cheered and hugged the CD tightly to her chest.

“Ah, thank you.” Tiffany looked at the alarm clock and giggled.

“Look at the time! It’s already 8PM. You should always sleep early if you don’t want to get stressed.” She took of the blanket and patted on the space.

“Lay down, it’s time to sleep.”

“But it’s still too early.” Sunggyu whined holding on to her wrists. She smiled and patted his head.

“Please sleep with me; I don’t want to feel lonely.”

“I-I can’t. I’ve got to go now.” Tiffany tried to pry his hands of her wrist.

“No! You can’t! I won’t let you.” Tiffany sighed and pushed him on the bed; she covered him with the blanket and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Aren’t you going to lie down?”

“Maybe…” Tiffany shrugged.

She pondered over her choices and finally lied down on Sunggyu’s arm.

“Promise me something.” Sunggyu mumbled, already sleepy.


“You can’t and won’t leave me, no matter what.”

“Alright. Just go to sleep now.” Tiffany ushered him and hummed a song for him until he slept.


“Hyung! Hyung! Wake up! We have good news for you!” A pair of hands shook him. His eyes fluttered open; he rubbed his eyes and stared at the blurry figure before smiling.

“What is it?” Sunggyu asked, instantly sitting up facing his dongsaeng.

“I’ll tell you while eating breakfast, deal?” Hoya gave a thumbs up and raised his eyebrows.

“Yeah, alright.” Sunggyu glanced at the figure that was hunched up in to a ball beside him.

She’s still sleeping; I should probably leave her alone.

“Hyung, are you coming?” Hoya leaned against the door’s frame.

Sunggyu stood up and pushed Hoya out of the room, following him silently.

“Yeah! Our leader!” The dining room was quite noisy early this morning, his eyebrows were knitted together, obviously confused by the bright atmosphere that surrounded all of them.

“Sit down!” Woohyun pulled out the chair beside him and pointed towards it. Sunggyu hurriedly obeyed to his dongsaengs word.

“You should eat first.”

“But, aren’t you going to tell me the good news…yet?”

“Not until you swallow this omelet I made for you.” Sunggyu laughed a throaty laugh and took a fork, digging in the food that was offered. He then sloppily drank the milk.

“I’m finished! Tell me now!” He bounced in his seat excitedly.

“Our CEO wants you back for the promotion of the next album. He says he misses you, and our fans have been waiting for this, isn’t this good?” Sunggyu’s eyes widened, he hugged Woohyun and a wide smile was on his face.

“Really? Are you sure? You’re not lying…right?” They all shook their heads in unison.

“We might start recording later this day. Get ready alright?” Dongwoo patted the leader’s back. Sunggyu stood up and ran to his room, wanting to tell Tiffany about the great news.

She’s probably as psyched as I am.

He pushed the door opened and walked up to his bed; he shook his head as Tiffany was not in there.

She might be in the bathroom…?

He sighed patiently and waited for a few minutes.

“Tiffany? Are you in the bathroom?” No reply was heard, he clasped his hands together. He knocked on the bathroom’s door.

“Hey! Are you in there?”

“Hyung?” Sungjong was standing in the room, his arms crossed.

“Jongie, did you see Tiffany…just now?” The maknae shook his head.

“This doesn’t make any sense.” He blabbered; he walked up towards the table and saw the CD album placed on the table neatly.

Medicine…the medicine!

“Jongie…did you put the medicine in the milk that I just drank?” A flicker of guilt crossed Sungjong’s face.

“It’s for the best.” Sungjong walked out of the room.

Sunggyu was at loss of words.

No…she can’t. She promised me.

Promises were meant to be broken, and a chimera doesn’t last forever.


So... I actually have no idea why I would write this kind of story. Chimera means, a fantasy or an illusion.

That means, Sunggyu is mentally ill, and that Tiffany, Gina and Sunggyu's dog Gyu is just something that lives in his imagination. The medicine that Myungsoo had thrown on the couch was Sunggyu's. And the only way to make him realize is by eating the medicine. As you can see way at the last part when they were eating breakfast, Sunggyu had drank a cup of milk. The milk contained the medicine and so when he got back to his bedroom, Tiffany was not there...because she was just an illusion.

Sorry for the long explanation. Hope you enjoy and please give me feedback. 

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Chapter 1: MY GODDESS!!!!!!!!! GreaT! My two bias in Infinite & SNSD!
I love it. I adore fany and hamster gyu together. This is so cool and refreshing. Please do tell me on my wall if you write any new sunggyu fanfics in the future. Thank you <3
fawbnerdy05 #5
Please write more tiffany ff. Ill be waiting.
Lol. I thought tiffany broke her promise but it was just an illusion.
update soon