Smile My Lost Angel: Chapter 13

Smile, My Lost Angel [HIATUS]

Chapter 13:


“This place is important to me.” They both said…and looked at each other.


A/N: LONG TIME NO SEE GUYS! I’m here with your late Christmas present from me to you. I’m also starting to write in third person now, since it’s much easier. BYE~

It was Christmas.

Cheon Sa was just sitting at a café and eating cake while drinking a warm cup of coffee. It didn’t really bother her. After all, she did spend 3 years alone on Christmas, another year wouldn’t really matter.

She was working on her blog when an advertisement caught her eyes.

“Make memories with your loved ones this Christmas. Everyone need love. We hope you have a Merry Christmas and a beautiful time with your close friends and family. No one should be alone.”

*Way to make me happier.* Cheon Sa thought. Remembering the times she spent with her friends in heaven, her eyes became teary.

“I see you’re not very happy spending time alone.” Someone chuckled.

“Huh? Do I know…Oh. Jaejoong oppa…shi.” Cheon Sa stuttered in surprise.

“Is this seat taken?”

“No. Not at all.”

Luckily, the street was quite isolated due to family Christmas parties.

“Well…you all alone on Christmas too?” Jaejoong started.

“Too? Aren’t you supposed to be with your girlfriend or family?”

“Hah…I sound pathetic and lonely, but Chu Ok is overseas with her family and my family is overseas too. I couldn’t be bothered and decided to take a short break. Then, I fatefully bumped into you.”

Cheon Sa secretly smiled to herself. *sound totally like the Jaejoong I know. Taking a break whenever her can.”

“Do you want to go for a walk?” Cheon Sa suggested.

“Actually, I would love to.”

She packed up her laptop into her bag and swung it over her shoulders.

“Allow me.” Jaejoong offered. (Me: OH MY GOD! WHAT A GENTLE MAN! SPAZZZZZ!)

“Uhmm…Okay.” Cheon Sa handed it to him and looked weirdly.

“What? Aren’t men supposed to act like this?”

“Don’t worry, just finding it a little unusual right now.” Cheon Sa smiled.

They started walking down the street.

“You know…there’s something about you that makes me feel warm inside. I don’t know why, but I completely trust you. It’s weird, thinking that I don’t even put my complete trust into my girlfriend.”

Cheon Sa couldn’t help but feel giddy inside.

“They say you should spend time with your loved ones.” Cheon Sa joked.

“I guess I found another loved one.”

“I feel honoured.”

“So…tell me what you most prized gift is.”

That panged her in the head.

*Stupid. I most important thing to me was from you. Pabo.*

“Well, this was from one of my close friend. Actually, it was from a person that I loved.” She admitted to Jaejoong, and to herself for the first time. She touched her neck, in which she wore the necklace underneath the thick muffler she was wearing.

“You trust me that much? I feel special now.” He showed a big smile.

“Hah…yeah, for some reason, I seem to trust you too.”

“So…what was the present?”

Cheon Sa reached under her muffler and took off the necklace.

“This.” Cheon Sa swung it infront off her and Jaejoong.

Jaejoong took a second thought. It looked distinctively familiar to him. He was somewhat…shocked.

“If it important, it must have a deep meaning.”

“It does.” She nodded. “It means remembering someone special to you forever.”

“It’s very pretty.”

“I think so too.” Cheon Sa smiled and popped the necklace onto herself again.

“So, how about you? What is the most important thing to you?” Cheon Sa questioned Jaejoong.

“Well, nothing right now. But I would love it if I have my memory back. But I don’t really worry about it anymore. Live goes on. Just like the sea flows. Look, we reached Han Kang.” Jaejoong halted.

Somehow, the two have walked to Han Kang.

“This place is important to me.” The two said…and looked at each other.

“You go first.” JaeJoong indicated for Cheon Sa to talk.

“No, this time, you go first.”


Sooo...what ya think? I feel so bad for not updating but I'm kind of back since it's holidays *celebrate*



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Please update! It's been months!!!
wait.. so did he get his memory back??
gale17 #3
please update soon..
Advertise_RP #4
Hello! I’m sorry that I haven’t read your story, but I was wondering if you’d allow me advertise your story on my Fan Fiction Advertisement shop, and on our tumblr site. Sorry for taking up a comment on your story, but I’d really love to help promote your story.
-Admin JaeJoong
dawnxiamara #5
New reader. Among the angel storiesi've read in the fanficcommunity, this is a unique 1. 3 wishes? Really love that there is what i call fate intervention or should i call it divine intervention? Really love this story..
dawnxiamara #6
New reader. Among the angel storiesi've read in the fanficcommunity, this is a unique 1. 3 wishes? Really love that there is what i call fate intervention or should i call it divine intervention? Really love this story..
CinqLuna #7
ngaa~~~ update soon.... :DDDDD
fallenangel #8
ok I'm confused how did she became human ??? o.o
seoul-dragons #9
Jae got a girlfriend within the 3 years...a new antagonist :]
wait when did he get a girlfriend awww poor cheansa hopefully jaejoong will remember his memories and i dont know i wish everything would go back to normall i guess update soon