The Misfits
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Hana didn't know if it was a good idea to reveal them who they really were; she trusted Luhan though and slowly calmed down. Maybe it hadn't been a really good idea for her to get all worked up over that guy but she couldn't have hold back herself.

“Who are you?” Hain asked again but Luhan didn't pay him any attention. Slowly, he walked towards the throne, from which he knew that it was a copy from the throne in the palace. “Sit.” Luhan whispered but Hain didn't. Immediately, Luhan narrowed his eyes at him and the man stepped back. “I said, sit. All of you.” His words were like a force no one could resists and even Hana had to sit down. The only ones standing now were Kai, Sehun, Lay, D.O, Baekhyun, Changmin and Victoria.

Hana didn't need any help to stand up again though and she knew that Luhan probably would have excused himself for that just now; right now though it was not the right time that's why she kept silent. “It wonders me that you still don't know who I am, considering that you have to say so much about me.” Hain surely had some guts, that Luhan had to admit because that guy didn't pale at all.

“What is with that appearance?” There was a tiny tremble in Hain's voice but it was not quite clear if it was out of fear or excitement. “Did you really think that we would come here without a proper disguise?” For a long time now Hana hasn't hear Luhan talking with such an authority and if she had to be honest, it was downright scary. He was a king, if he wanted it or not.

Hana couldn't deny that fact anymore, even though she had done that for a very long time. He was meant to be a king and something told her that he couldn't run away from that duty anymore. “What do you expect me to do? Bow down before your mightiness?” It seemed like that Hain couldn't had hold back that sarcastic comment. Luhan sat down on the throne but he didn't take in an arrogant pose.

No, rather than that he leaned forward a bit, propping his elbows on his knees while placing his chin onto his hands. “No. I want an explanation. Do you use my brother or any of his allies as your sponsor?” There was no emotion in Luhan's voice, which made it hard for anyone to read what his intentions were now.

“Of course we do. Not your brother directly but many of his people help us because we keep the cities silent. If we wouldn't do that, out society would be at a civil war state and you should know the best that the humans only wait for this.” Yes, Luhan knew that. He had seen the misery, gre

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93 streak #1
New subscriber here^^
I would be happy if you can accept my friend request. Thank you!
Chapter 5: Restarting this series ^^ sent a friend request too; kindly accept it! ^^
After 3 years I'm finally back and reading this story again😊
Chapter 69: Changmin and his whole heart want to skin Luhan alive...🤣
Chapter 12: Changmin really just described Kai's falcon as chicken...dumbhead.🤣
Chapter 10: Changmin just straight savage! 🤣 At least have mercy on Hana's heart. She's a new vampire and a monster looking vampire could scare her...yeah, pretty much Luhan..🤣
Chapter 5: It seems like I understand Hana better now. She just lost everyone in her family and she was being turned into a vampire without her knowing. And had to hear it from someone else must be shattering her so much. Imagine, she just lost everyone and she is now a vampire. I would be a wreck too if I was in her place.😭
Chapter 4: Not at Luhan insulting himself..🤣
darkangle #9
Chapter 178: OH GOD that was a goood ride I fell in love wiyh the story all over again every thing is perfect characters and their development through the story, the plot, the dialogs and of course the fights I can't wait for the lost king to be finished cuz Sehun here is one of my favorite characters
darkangle #10
Chapter 115: one of the best things in this story is the brotherhood between them and how they have each other back specially Luhan and Sehun. love how sehun hates Neyla for toying with him and making his relationship with luhan gets worse it though he loved her this shows how much he holds this relation dear to him and it is important to him.. also though he isn't fond of Hanna and he is afraid she might be like Neyla but he treats hear good even protects her like he did before she became strong