RapunHae and Sleeping Hyukkie (Chapter 5)



Chapter 5



It was a beautiful morning, the sun is shining so bright and the flowers start blooming with the rays of the sun. The flowers and trees are swaying slowly because of the cold wind that keeps on blowing softly. In a land not so far away from the Night Night Palace, a land known as Rapon-pon Land, there is a castle. The castle that is full of beautiful flowers and tasty pumpkins. In that castle, the evil fairy witch and her evil mirror live.


“When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are...”


The evil fairy witch was singing happily while staring at her evil mirror who keeps on frowning at her


“YAH! I keep on noticing that you’re frowning at me, what’s wrong with you?”


The evil mirror smirk


“Your voice ”


The evil fairy witch raised her eyebrow


“What did you say?”


“Your voice is ugly”


The evil fairy witch laughs loudly and holds her mirror tight




She laughs again


“My voice is cute not ugly, do you understand that?”


The evil mirror nods at her. She releases her grip and start singing again


“Honestly, why are you so happy today? Are you planning something evil or you already did something evil today?”


She smiles at her mirror making him blush


“I’m just happy, was it wrong to be happy?”


“It’s very rare to see you like that. You suppose to do evil or plan evil because you’re the villain of the story”


She pouts at her mirror


“Leave it for next time. I just want to be happy today”


The evil fairy witch stares at her mirror


“What’s the news today?”


“Am I paparazzi? Why are you always asking me?”


“Because you’re a magical mirror that’s why you know the latest gossip”


The evil fairy witch clears and smile brightly


“Mirror, mirror on my hand, tell me who is the most beautiful woman in the whole universe”


The evil mirror laugh


“Do you want me to tell the truth or should I lie this time?”


The evil fairy witch frowns at him


“PABO!!! Are you using your brain?”


The evil mirror proudly smile at her


“Of course my dear evil fairy witch, I’m using my brain when I’m solving math problems and playing my games. You need to have a good strategy to win, that’s why you need to use your brain and I win in a math competition before because I’m good in mathematics”


“We’re not solving problems here ok and we’re not even playing. Can you please stop revealing yourself? I mean, stop giving clues because the readers will know your real identity”


The evil mirror raised his eyebrow


“Do I need to hide my real identity?”


She nods at him


“So there will be a thrill, we only reveal ourselves at the end of the story”




The evil fairy witch shook her head


“Am I the author? I’m just following her, if you want to know the answer just ask her and not me”


The evil mirror smirk


“Why are you always smirking?”


“Because I’m going to tell you something evil. I don’t smile, I only smirk”


“Fine, just tell me what it is”


The evil mirror clears his throat and stares at the evil fairy witch


“I’m always thinking about it. I am very smart, handsome, good in playing games and mathematics”


He paused for a moment and smirk again


“I am evil, well...people often say that I am evil”


He coughs


“Straight to the point...if we’re going to compare, I possess all the beautiful aspects while you don’t”


The evil fairy witch stares at him blankly


“What do you mean by that?”


“Well, compare to me you’re beautiful but you look like a bunny and I think that was so funny. You only know how to eat and eat and eat with your high pitched voice best friend. To be honest, you look so chubby because you always eat. Every time that I will set my eyes upon you, I always saw you eating”


“So, what are you trying to imply? I already gain some weight?”


He nods at her


“I need to go on a diet?”


“Yes my dear evil fairy witch”


The evil fairy witch smiles at him and hold him tight


“I can’t breathe”


She laughs so loud while staring at him


“Who gives you the permission to insult me?”


“I’m just telling you the truth”


“But when it comes to my weight gain you need to lie, arasso?”


The evil mirror nods his head. The evil fairy witch loosens her grip and smile


“Now, please tell me who is the most beautiful woman in the whole universe”


“Do I need to lie?”


She pouts


“Do you think if you lie something will change? You won’t make me happy even if you lie about that”


The evil mirror cough


“Then I must tell the truth?”


“Nothing but the truth”


The evil mirror nod and turns black


“Base on the poll on the magazines, newspapers, animal kingdom, plant kingdoms, the seven dwarfs of Snow Black, and social networks. The most beautiful woman is still Heenim godmother, nothing change at all”


“Aish! I can never beat Heenim godmother. Well anyway, what is my ranking?”


The evil mirror gets his laptop and shows her his power point presentation


“Base on the presentation that I made last night, I gather some information and I found out that you’re still in number four spot”


“Why? That’s unfair”


“Well, that’s because you’re being evil”


The evil fairy witch sighs


“I need to be evil because I am the villain here. How can the people not understand my situation?”


“It’s ok, someday they will understand you”


The evil fairy witch sit on her pink throne


“Anyway fairy witch”


She stares at her evil mirror


“I’ve calculated the months, years and days and base on our calendar, Princess Hyukkie will soon turn eighteen years old”


“So? The hell do I care about her age? I’m not the one who is getting old, it’s Princess Hyukkie. Why will I bother?”


The evil mirror cough


“Are you telling me that you’re no longer interested in the curse that you give her during her birth?”


The evil fairy witch suddenly smile


“I almost forgot that, thanks for reminding me”


“No problem”


She laughs loudly like an evil


“So what is your plan my evil fairy witch?”


“I already plan everything”


“Are you coming on her eighteenth birthday party and witness her sleeping beauty?”


The evil fairy witch shook her head


“I will let Princess Hyukkie celebrate her debut happily. I will not ruin it and will not execute my curse on her birthday celebration”




“I’m not that evil, of course I want her to enjoy her party. Having a debut party is once in a lifetime experience for all the girls. I will let her celebrate it and on the following day she shall sleep peacefully for one hundred years”


She laughs devilishly


“But don’t forget that Heenim godmother soften the curse. She will indeed sleep for hundred years but the curse will be vanished if a man with long blonde hair from Rapon-pon Land kissed her, she will immediately wakes up and no need to wait for hundred years. We both know as well as Heenim godmother that the man is RapunHae, what are you going to do with your son?”


“I’ll throw him at the forest when that time came”


She looks at her evil mirror


“Wait a second, does RapunHae and Princess Hyukkie already a couple?”


“Well, base on the fact that I gathered, love is in the air”




“I’ll show it to you”


The evil mirror turns black again and show her Heenim godmother and Hankyung kissing under the tree, Wookie Belle hugging the little turtle, Princess Hyukkie trying her best to draw RapunHae, Teukie duckling swimming on the ocean to look for her lost boyfriend and finally RapunHae who is staring at the window, humming a sweet melody while thinking about Princess Hyukkie


“See, love is in the air”


The evil fairy witch stand up and scream so loud




The evil mirror rolls his eyes


“Well, it’s already happening and you can never stop it”


She start hitting her evil mirror on the table


“AISH!!! This is so unfair, how come they already have a love life? How about me? When will I find my Prince Charming?”


She keeps on hitting the table using her evil mirror




The evil fairy witch sits on the floor


“This can’t be happening, right?”


“Well, it’s already hap...”


The evil mirror stops talking when he saw the tears that are forming on her eyes


“Hey, this is supposed to be a comedy not a drama so don’t cry”


The evil fairy witch flick her evil mirror


“Pabo, I’m just practicing my acting skills”


She laughs like an evil


“I think you’re being crazy my evil fairy witch”


She stares at him and start singing


“Someday my Prince will come. Someday I’ll find my love, and how thrilling that moment will be?”


She stands up and looks at the window


“When the Prince of my dreams comes to me, he’ll whisper I love you and steal a kiss or two. Though he’s far away, I’ll find my love someday. Someday when my dreams come true”


The evil fairy witch giggles happily


“See, I’m good in singing right?”


The evil mirror didn’t answer, he just stares at her while blushing


“Are you listening to me evil mirror?”


He remains quiet


“YAH! I’m talking to you. Why are you staring at me?”


The evil mirror shook his head and clears his throat


“Why are you singing? We’re not in a Broadway musical ok”


The evil fairy witch sighs


“I wonder when will I find my true love? I really can’t believe that Heenim godmother already found her Prince Charming, but I still can’t find my own Prince Charming. Do you believe in love evil mirror?”


The evil mirror didn’t answer, he just blush


“I wonder where my Prince Charming is. Will he really find me?”


“Well, if I were you, just look around and you’ll find him by your side”


The evil mirror notice her sad face


“You don’t need to be sad my evil fairy witch, your sons will still love you even if they already found their Princesses”


The evil fairy witch pouts


“But they will still leave me because they need to live on their own with their Princesses”


“At least they still love you and they will remain as your son, that will never change. Of course, you don’t need to be sad because I’m here for you. I will never leave you”


She stares at him blankly


“If I were you stop looking for your Prince Charming because he’s already here in front of you. He’s always with you”


The evil mirror smirk


“Come to think of it, we’re both evil and we can be the first evil couple”


“YAH! How many times do I need to tell you that I’m not evil?”


“Opposite attracts...I’m evil, you’re not evil. I am handsome, you’re cute”


She just stares at him while blushing. She places her evil mirror on the table and went to her room without saying anything


“What the hell is wrong with that girl? I’m trying to confess my love here and then she will just leave me alone? I can’t understand her mood. I’ll just play my games”


The evil mirror jumps off the table and gets his laptop and start playing his games






Wookie Belle was busy playing with the little turtle while Princess Hyukkie was busy drinking her cold strawberry milk while dancing to a sweet lullaby


“Unnie, what are you doing?”


Princess Hyukkie looks at her sister


“I’m dancing”


“I know”


“Then why are you asking if you know?”


Wookie Belle smiles at her


“Because I don’t know that’s why I’m asking”


Wookie Belle laughs softly and continue playing with the little turtle




Wookie Belle shouts




Princess Hyukkie stares at her wide eyes


“You need to come here, quick!”


Princess Hyukkie walks towards her and sit beside the little turtle who points his little finger on Teukie duckling. She’s crawling on the ground and looks so exhausted


“It’s Teukie duckling”


Princess Hyukkie smiles at them


“We need to wave our hands and say hi to her”


They wave their hands happily


“Hi Teukie duckling, welcome back”


“Help me!!! I’m going to die”


Wookie Belle stares at her sister nervously


“Unnie, she will die. She told us that she will die, what shall we do?”


She start shaking her sister


“UNNIE!!! Teukie duckling will d—“


Princess Hyukkie covers her sister’s mouth to stop her from talking


“Will you please shouting? Your voice is really high”


Wookie Belle calm herself and whisper


“Unnie, what are we going to do? Teukie duckling is dying”


Princess Hyukkie whispers back


“Why are you whispering?”


“Because you told me not to shout so I need to whisper”


Princess Hyukkie smiles at her sister and they hug each other happily


“Wookie Belle, we’re so great”


“We’re really a genius because we know how to scream and whisper”


“That was a very wonderful skills that nobody can ever beat”


Wookie Belle and Princess Hyukkie smile at each other




Wookie Belle immediately stands and run towards Teukie Duckling. She sits on the grass and start screaming




Princess Hyukkie just nod at her




Princess Hyukkie immediately stand and start jumping around


“OMO!!! What will I do, Teukie duckling is dying? I need to dig her grave, but where and how? Where is the shovel? Where is it?”


The little turtle just stare at the two Princesses


“Why are they so stupid?”


He told his self while shaking his head






Princess Hyukkie run towards them and sit on the grass, looking at Teukie duckling nervously


“Just hang on duckling, I’m just going to look for a shovel so I can dig your grave”


Teukie duckling frowns at them and hot their head


“PABO!!! I’m not going to die. I’m still alive then you will already want to bury me? AISH!!! I can’t believe it, so stupid”


Wookie Belle and Princess Hyukkie smile at each other


“You heard that Wookie Belle?”


Wookie Belle nods happily and they hug each other


“Thanks for the compliment Teukie duckling”


“We know that we’re stupid and that’s a very sweet compliment. You really admire us”


Teukie duckling holds her forehead


“I think I will die because of them”


Wookie Belle starts crying and hugs her


“Teukie duckling don’t die!!!”


Teukie duckling sighs to control her temper towards them


“I’m just exhausted, I need water”


“Maybe you need a CPR”


Princess Hyukkie move closer and was about to give her a CPR but Teukie duckling hold her lips


“No need, I’m ok. Water will do”


The little turtle walk towards them and start shooting her with his water gun


“Hey that was refreshing, nice job little turtle. It’s good that you’re a genius compare to this Princesses”


The little turtle gives her thumbs up


“So, what happen in your adventure? How’s the Pacific Ocean?”


Teukie duckling sits on the grass and stares at them


“Well...I didn’t find my boyfriend there”


“So, you just waste your effort and time”


Teukie duckling nod sadly


“Teukie duckling, can I ask something?”


She nods at Wookie Belle


“Is your boyfriend a fish? Why are you looking for him on the ocean? Wow, you really swim in the ocean. That was wonderful; nobody can do that because sharks will surely eat you alive”


Teukie duckling clears


“My boyfriend is not a fish, he’s a bear”


Princess Hyukkie raised her eyebrow


“Why will a bear swim in an ocean?”


Teukie duckling sighs


“We’re going on our honeymoon when a storm came and destroy our boat. We get separated because of the big ocean waves”


They stare at her with wide eyes open


“You’re already married?”


Teukie duckling blush and nod


“I really don’t know where to find him. I’m so sad”


The Princesses hug her


“Don’t worry, you can find him soon”


“We will help you”


Teukie duckling smiles at them


“Thanks a lot”


Princess Hyukkie holds her hands


“We must think of good strategies on how to look for him ok?”


Teukie duckling nod


“Let’s just eat, I’m sure that you’re hungry now because you’re exhausted”


Teukie duckling nod


“I love it”


They were about to enter the palace when they saw a cat sitting like a Prince. He was staring at them. He was holding a sword. He was wearing a black boots and a hat


“Is that cat real or just a toy?”


Teukie duckling asks them. Princess Hyukkie smiles brightly and stares at them


“I know who he is”


They stare at her curiously


“He’s the cat in the movie, remember him Wookie Belle?”


Wookie Belle nod at her sister


“He’s the cat that was with the green ogre whose name is Shrink and has a wife whose name is Princess Fellow Na. That cat is always with the white donkey”


Princess Hyukkie holds her lips, thinking about the cat’s name


“Wookie Belle what is his name? We watch it together right?”


Wookie Belle nod


“But I already forget his name”


They were thinking so deeply when someone speaks


“He’s Heebum in Boots”


The girls stare at each other


“Hey, who talk? Is that you Teukie duckling?”


“Is my voice sounds like a man and husky?”


Wookie Belle looks at her sister


“It’s you Unnie?”


Princess Hyukkie shook her head


“Then who?”


The little turtle raised his little hand


“It’s me”


Wookie Belle’s eyes widened


“You can talk?”


He nods at her. Wookie Belle smiles at him and hugs him tight


“OMO, you’re so great. I love you”


“Is that for real?”


Wookie Belle nods at him. Teukie duckling looks at Princess Hyukkie


“Wait a second, what is that cat doing here? Did you invite him?”


Princess Hyukkie shook her head and looks at her sister, but Wookie Belle just shook her head. Hankyung was walking on the field, looking for something. He saw the girls and walks towards them


“Hi Hankyung the Mulan”


Hankyung smiles at them


“Did you see Heebum in Boots?”


Princess Hyukkie clears


“Is he a cat?”


Hankyung nods at her


“He’s wearing a boots?”


Hankyung nods at Wookie Belle


“He’s wearing a hat?”


Hankyung nods at Teukie duckling


“Did you guys see him?”


They point their finger on the cat sitting beside the bush


“Is that him?”


Hankyung smile and carries him on his arms


“There you are, I thought you’re lost”


The cat just stares at him


“How did you know him? He’s the cat on the movie right?”


He nods at them


“Heebum in Boots is actually the cat of Heenim godmother”


They stare at him blankly


“We need to go now. Heenim godmother is looking for him because we will shoot his new movie”


Hankyung wave his hand before leaving


“I didn’t know that Heenim godmother has a cat and her cat is a superstar”


“She never told us”


Teukie duckling cough


“Can we go inside now and eat?”


Princess Hyukkie nod and drags her inside. Wookie Belle looks at the little turtle and smile


“Do you want to eat?”


He nods at her


“I’ll feed you”


“That will be fun”


Wookie Belle pats his head and went inside to follow her sister and Teukie duckling at the kitchen






Princess Hyukkie was combing her beautiful hair while humming a melody when she heard someone knocking on the window


“Is that a knock?”


She stops humming and listen very carefully. She heard a continues knock on the window


“Someone is knocking”


Princess Hyukkie walks towards the window and opens it. She smiles brightly at her Prince Charming


“What are you doing here RapunHae?”


RapunHae smiles at her. He kissed her cheek and put a rose on her right ear


“I miss you and I want to visit you. I just want to see you, that’s the truth”


Princess Hyukkie blush


“How did you go down on the tower? You jump?


He shook his head


“I climb on the ladder that Teukie duckling show us before”


Princess Hyukkie holds his hands


“You’re so romantic RapunHae”


“I’ve been reading a romantic book and I got this idea from the book. The title of the book is Rodeo and Julliard”


He smiles at her


“Do you want to come inside?”


RapunHae shook his head


“I will be going later. I just want to see you while the moon is shining brightly”


“How did you know our palace?”


“Yesung was the one who told me. He went at the tower awhile ago to visit me and check how many petals are left on his roses”


Princess Hyukkie looks at his eyes


“Why don’t you stay here? We can get married soon”


“Is that possible?”


“Of course”


Princess Hyukkie giggles happily


“I’ll tell my parents about it”


“They will get mad at us?”


Princess Hyukkie shook her head


“I think we can be a couple first before we get married”


“You think so?”


RapunHae nod


“By the way”


He looks at her blankly


“You need to help us in finding Teukie duckling’s husband”


RapunHae’s eyes widened


“She’s already married”


Princess Hyukkie nod happily


“We actually talk some strategies awhile ago that’s why I didn’t had the chance to visit you awhile ago”


RapunHae kissed her cheek


“It’s ok, I understand”


Princess Hyukkie hugs him


“Are we already a couple?”


“You don’t want?”


Princess Hyukkie smiles


“Of course I want. I love it”


RapunHae smiles brightly


“Then we’re officially a couple now my dear Princess”


Princess Hyukkie claps her hands happily


“I love you RapunHae”


RapunHae blush


“Nobody told me that before except Umma”


“Do you want me to repeat it?”


RapunHae nods


“I love you RapunHae”


RapunHae smiles sweetly while absorbing those words


“I love you RapunHae. I can repeat that a million times if you want”


RapunHae hold her lips


“No need to do that”


“Why not?”


“We need to sleep ok, it’s already late at night and if you will repeat it a million times we will stay like this for like a million times too”


Princess Hyukkie suddenly yawns


“See, you already feel sleepy”


“What time is it?”


“Twelve midnight”


“That’s my beauty rest. Take care on your way home”


RapunHae hug her and kiss her cheek


“I love you Princess Hyukkie”


Princess Hyukkie manage to sleep even though she feels so sleepy already


“I love you too RapunHae”


“I’ll see you tomorrow ok?”


Princess Hyukkie nod


“We’re going to help Teukie duckling in her search for her bear husband”


“Arasso, sleep tight my Princess Hyukkie. I’ll be dreaming of you”


Princess Hyukkie smile sweetly. RapunHae kissed her cheek before going down on the ladder. Princess Hyukkie gives him a flying kiss before closing the window


“I’m so sleepy”


She lies down on her soft bed


“I love you so much RapunHae. See you in my dreams”


She slowly closes her eyes and went in dreamland happily

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Chapter 1: ,hahahaha,this is only the first chapter but I'm already,laughing hard!
Chapter 14: Kyaaa the story is so sweet,funny and hilarious I can't stop laughing xDD this story is amazing daebak! and you to author-nim you're really great!!^^ *thumbs up*
Chapter 14: wow...!i never read smthing like this...it was so cuteee,love it <3 <3
Chapter 14: Awwwwww so cute when daddy king ask 1+5 and hyukkie answer omaigahd..
And when hyukkie and wookie so happy to be called stupid ㅋㅋㅋ
Nice story to read author nim ^^
awww, i loved the ending! new reader here heheh :D
freedomlife13 #6
this is soooooooo funny :)) i love the way you change the movies and characters' names, that's so hilarious, love it so much ^^
i haven't finished reading the fic yet but i'm thinking about translating it *while reading :))* into my language - vietnamese to share it with my friends who don't understand English, please answer if it's okay with you ^^ thanks anyway
that's so sweet... and funny too :D
This is so cutee and beautiful ending! Nice work author-nim^-^ really love yewook part lol *notbecausethey'remysecondotp* and eunhae is so sweet!♥