
When A Star Lost Its Shine {DISCONTINUED}

Soojin open her eyes.The blurry view before her eyes slowly becomes clearer,forming a body belongs to her husband.Their hands still interwined together.

She felt her hands gor firmer.She stared at their hands.Am I still dreaming or is HyunJoong really tighten the our hands?

Her eyes lifted to his face.It’s calm.Unlike before,he looks like he’s in tense.

‘Can U feel my presence?’SooJin smiled.She kissed their hands.

“Err...Sorry for interrupting,Madam.But..have you eaten yet?” a voice suddenly came out from the back,startled her.

"Hmm..not yet..I just wake up..." she rubbed her eyes.

"Do you want me to buy them for you,or.."

"It's okay.I will go by myself,"

"If that so,I will guarding at the door,"he said,smiling.Understand the situation when he saw the husband and wife interwined hands.

"Thank you"

Mr Jeong nod and walked out.

"I know U are aware of my presence.So get up faster,ok?I wanna grab breakfast first.I didn't eat anything since yesterday.I just realized it now after I'm sure U're okay and I'm super hungry.I promise I'll go just for a while okay?So....Can you letgo of my hands now?Seobang pleaseee..."and in that instant,HyunJoong loosen his hands.His eyes still closed though.

"Thank you...Please know that I love you,okay?"Soojin get up,her hands caressing his hands,and his face.Then she went over to his face,cupping them and plant a soft kiss on his temple.

"I will comeback,okay?Get up by the time or I'll going back to America,got it?kekeke..."

Soojin walked out and closed the door.


Outside the room,Mr Jeong is nowhere to be seen.

'Hmm.he went somewhere else,maybe.Wonder if he has eaten or not,'Soojin thought while walking to the hospital cafeteria.Suddenly she bumped to someone and fall on the floor.

"So...sorry,my mistakes,"

It was a girl.Her face was hidden by her long,black hair.But somehow Soojin can see tears stain on her cheeks.

'She has been crying..Maybe her relatives had been admitted here and in critical condition,'she thought.

"Miss,are you okay?"

The girl didn't say anything.She bit her lips,get up and run away.

'What's with her?'



Half an hour later,after having some simple breakfast and bought some breads and coffee for Mr Jeong,Soojin went back to her husband's ward.There's no one guarding the door.Seems Mr Jeong is not back yet.

Soojin only managed to open the door slightly when she heard some unfamiliar voice in the room.It is a girl's voice.Soo Jin peeked into the ward,seeing a girl with long black hair,and wearing casual outfit beside his bed.

"Thanks God Oppa,u're awake!!!"


"Hei..Ryung?What are you doing here?"

"Oppa how could you said that!I was here all night long!"

Soojin flinched upon hearing that.If the girl waited for him,then what was she doing all night?

She checked the room number to make sure she is in the right room.

501.So she is in the right ward.But what was the girl saying?

" night?"

"Yes!Oppa don't you believe in me?"

"But...I thought.."

"What was you thought?Ahh..I went to get breakfast this morning.I told you before I go.Oppa don't remember?"

Hyun Joong didn't say anything.He was thinking about something.

"If it was you,then.."

"I hold your hand till i fall asleep beside you.I did this,"the girl interwined their fingers and kissed them.
Soojin felt like something pierching into her heart.

'No,it was me who did that...'

"Oppa can't you feel it?When u was unconcious?"

"I..I did but I thought it was.."

"It was me!I did it!I stayed all night long for you!There was no one beside me!"suddenly the girl raised her voice.

"Uhh...I'm sorry...I was..out of control,"the girls said,holding Hyun Joong's hands again.

"If it was really you..then..thank you.."

"I can do anything for you,Hyun Joong Oppa,"

"Hei Ryung know I'm..."

"U're married so what?!!Where is she when u're like this?If she really loves you why did she neglects u for months?Is that kind of woman deserve to called a wife,to be with you?What kind of woman she is?She might already run with another man!Only you stupid enough to think that she loves you!Just divorce her and mrry me!I am more suitable for you,not that cheap woman!"

Soo Jin can't take it anymore and closed the door.She almost fall at the door,hearing such cruel accusations.

'No..I'm not like that...I love you Hyun Joong,I love you..I have my own reasons...'

"Madam Kim?Why are you here?Why don't you come in?

"Jeong? luggage is in the car,right?I wanna go home..I'm tired.."

"Yes,your luggage is in the car.You wanna me drive you home?"

"No,no..You have to guard here,"

"It's okay I can call the other..,"

"No I will use the taxi.I dont wanna bother your job,"

"Okay if that is what you want..Follow me to the car,"



*Annyeong all!Meet ya again!phew...I thought I've already posted this a long time ago but it actually only 95% done.The other 5% was done in my head,kekeke

Btw please read this post.ThanKYU ^_^


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start on 8/7/2012,I'm having my Industrial Training(Practical training),only can online at nights but i still can't promise if i can update my fanfics


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marquez #1
Chapter 13: u know my dear, u can't just leave ur husband cause u are jealous. that's a stupid thing to do. a big no, no. thanks.
mariacathykhj #2
Chapter 28: Please continue the story...... :-( i really luved ur story...
N please delete the last chapter S.O.R.R.Y it's really irritating
Btw.....if not the scandal....what made u stop likinh Hyun joong oppa???? :3 Am really curious! :/
Chapter 28: I was quite upset after reading this chapter... But if thats what you want, then I'll understand... :) well, I had fun reading the beginning until the last chapter! ^^ I just hope you can write a new fanfic that you can really finish next time! :)) and thankyu for sharing this story at least! Wish you all the best and FIGHTING!!! ^_^
zanet0909 #4
Chapter 28: Pls don't say tht u r still a triple S but you are not a big fan of HJL though....just tht sounds so irritating...sorry to say this..but true triple S loves all five of them as a whole eventhgh might have bias but we will never say tht we r not a big fan of a member of tht grp. Yes...HJL is my bias...but when it comes to all of them...i love them all equally. If you can't continue the story...i can clearly understand tht...sometimes it happens. But just don't use tht excuse...if it is true tht u are no longer a big fan of him then that means you have never been a true fan to him either
Linxyme #5
Chapter 28: Never start something you can't finish its irritating
Chapter 28: Whyyyy whyyy whyyyy i was enjoying myself reading the story.. Authornim whyyyyyy hahahahah nvm goodluck with ur other future fanfics.. Hwaiting!
anabeatriz #7
Chapter 27: Continue. I'm curious! !
maiyaa #8
Chapter 16: Poor hyunjoong :'(
Too rude soojin :@
maiyaa #9
Chapter 10: Ur story is amazing trully but one thing is that soojin leave korea for a ridiculos reason although she have a loving hubby but still she didn't even discuss it eith hyunjong.. i mean i don't want to be rude i eeally like ur story but this thing it kinda don't suit it :) btw (Y) :D well done
genie1421 #10
Chapter 27: poor hyunjin/i think soojin is pregnant/why hyunjoong don't try to find her,find his world//thx for updting its been a while/i hope u can update regularly//