Love Letter



Hyukjae's POV


It was sunday night when my mom and I eating dinner together in the dining room, talking about random things. I kept thinking hard how to tell her about donghae.

"Oh yes hyukkie I forgot to tell you, your dad and your sister already arrived at korea since yesterday, and actually I met them yesterday night and hang out with them for awhile when you went out with your friend, but your dad still have something to do and your sister accompany him" she said made me widened my eyes in surprised

"REALLY?! GOSH! Where are they?!" I asked excitedly, I really miss my sister! My dad went overboard because of work and my sister accompanied him for 3 months.

"At the hotel near your dad's office, I guess tomorrow they will come home"

"Why your little daughter didn't tell me!" I pouted and she chuckled

"Oops! I made a mistake I guess, maybe she wanted to surprise you. Sorry~"

"Its okay I'm already surprised! Oh she surely will get punished"

She laughed and we ate happily again when I remembered.. My sister. Oh god I forgot. My sister always hates it when I have a girlfriend or when she knows I have a crushed on someone. She always said "I don't like her. Break up with her or I'll hate you", well, I love her tooooo much so I'll always ended up breaking up with them.


But no no, she's not a bad kid, she mostly said that because she has a reason. When I had my first girlfriend, she said "break up now or we're not siblings", and after I broke up with her, I found out the truth that she was cheating on me and I was so angry and I really thankful to my sister.

And my second girlfriend, my sister said "I'll leave this house if you still with her" and after that, I broke up with her, but then she spread out a rumor that I was cheating on her and had a sister-complex. Of course no one believed her. Weirdo.

And to my crush, my sister said again, "I won't love you anymore if you date her", and then when I stopped to try to get close to that girl, one day she forced to kiss me in class and kept telling me 'youre mine!' But I managed to stop her.

Well..other than that freak girls, others were just normal, but some of them would ended up being freak too, its like they would never let me go, and always ended up wanting to do something weird to me. You know, like touchy touchy and something like that. But even with the normal one, I keep listen to my sister and broke up with them. I just can't say no to my little sister.


But now.. I smiled at my thought as donghae's blushing face came into my mind. Yes. This time, I will really try my best to convince her! Yes I believed she will like donghae! Who can resist donghae's cuteness anyway?

Hmm..but what if she won't like him? Should I go away with donghae? Because even if I don't say anything to my sister, she will definitely knows it and will do anything to seperate us if she doesn't like it. Humh, I guess I really should bring donghae away with me, then we will live happily ever after like romeo and juliet! YEAY! Yes yes that's romantic, donghae said he loves romantic thing right? Kekekeke..

I was smiling happily at my own thought when I realized my mom had just staring at me, grinned widely. I quickly stopped smiling.

"W-what?" I asked her

"Nope" she said still looking at me, smiling wider.

"Stop that! You're scary"

"Yah! You should see yourself in the mirror hyukkie" she smiled teasingly

"Why? Handsome? I know"

"Tsk little brat, what's with that silly smile anyway?" She hissed and asked me with a curious yet excited look.

"What smile? Just stop that already~" I whined at her but she just pouted and frowned. I sighed.

"Fine fine, I'll tell you but..please, don't..freak out, okay?" I said, she just grinned widely and nodded her head furiously.

I hesitated at first but its the time!! I inhaled deeply and started to talk,

"I love..someone" I said softly and carefully. I saw her eyes went brighter and she bit her lower lip while smiling.

"And..he's my boyfriend"

FINALLY I SAID IT! But then panic took over me as I saw my mom's expression.

She stunned, her smile disappeared, she just blinked her eyes at me.

"I-im sorry mom about my..gender preference, but I love him! I really..uh I'm really sor--"

"Stop it hyukkie"

I stunned.


She looked angry and stood up from her seat. At that time I told and swore to myself I need to take donghae away as soon as possible, and I nearly ran to donghae's house when suddenly my mom hugged me from behind my seat and said,

"You know I hate it the most when someone says sorry for falling in love"

I blinked my eyes in confusion.

"Come on! You know I'm okay with that, and you caught me when I watched gay romance in my room right?" She said

"H-huh? WHAT?! NO! I never saw you watch--uh gay romance..?" I palmed my red face with both hands.

"U-oh did I just say it?" She said act innocent and giggled, "anyway my handsome monkey, I was really surprised when you said that, but I'm totally fine. In fact I'm very happy!" She beamed cheerfully.

"Happy??" I frowned at her with a 'hell-your-son-is-gay-you-said-you're-happy?' look.

She chuckled. "Aw~ I'm your mom remember? I always look after you and your sister, and I always had a feeling that maybe you're gay or something since you were dating your third ex-girlfriend, but I just threw that thought away" I widened my eyes. What?

"Your sister always said you must break up with your ex, right? And you complied her. Its strange, I mean, since you were little, when you have something you want, you will make it yours no matter what. And when you already have that something you will never let it go. But when your sister said you must leave your ex, you didn't hesitate at all and broke up with them immediately. Its like you never really like her and never want her to be yours".

I just stared at her with wide eyes.

"And it seemed like you didn't care about them at all, you were kind to them just for formality because they're your girlfriends. And when I saw you when you looked at them, I saw there's no love. So I thought maybe it wasn't because you didn't love them, but it was because you couldn't love them. So.. I couldn't help but thinking maybe, just maybe you're gay"

She explained.

"How..did you know that I..couldn't love them.." I asked. It's true, I mean, I liked them but I didn't love them. Okay, call me playboy but I just wanted to know how I couldn't love them.

"Mothers always know, you know?" she winked at me made me chuckled, "that's why when I saw you smiling like an idiot just now, it was like you thought of someone and you really love this someone, so I'm really happy" I smiled at her words.

"But dad..?"

"Hmm I guess your dad will be really shocked, but he will definitely okay with that. I'm just worried with your sister.."

"hm-hmm..I know.." I said and pouted, she chuckled.

"You just need to bring that guy here hyukkie, I'm curious too!" She said happily.

"I will" I grinned widely as I imagined donghae will come to my house soon. then we chatted happily again with her asked me a lot of questions about donghae.






I was sitting on my seat while staring at the guy beside me who was pouting cutely at the teacher who explained about something boring. I sighed. Why so cute, you little fishy-guy? Come on~ lunch time lunch time ring the bell quickly! I want to talk to him! I want to hear his voice! I want to hug him! And uhm..of course I want to kiss him!

I pouted. Your fault, hyukjae. I woke up late this morning , so I couldn't pick up donghae and walk together to school, or even waited for him in front of school gate. When I came into the class, he already sat on his seat and the teacher already came. Urgh.


I was still staring at my cute boyfriend when he turned his head to my side, realized that someone had just staring at him for a long time already. I could see he blushed and wrote on his left hand,

'What's wrong?'

I smiled widely and reply on my left hand,

'I miss you'

I saw his face turned red due to my words, and he wrote again,

'Stop that'

'Stop what? I really do miss you :('

He just blushed and palmed his face, he started to write something again,

'Seriously, sto'

Before he finished his writing, I already wrote on my hand and showed him,

'I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you' all over my left hand.

And he buried his face on his desk with his arms covered it. I laughed at his cuteness made everyone stared at me with a strange look and I apologized to the teacher immediately for laughing in class and grinned widely.


"Okay class, now I will give you some exercises and you have to do it with your partner, you have to finish it before the bell ring" the teacher said while gave us some papers.

I quickly turned to donghae and smiled when he stared back at me, of course I'm with you donghae!! I was was about to stand up when suddenly someone grabbed my right arm,

"Oppa, please be my partner!" Jessica said smiling widely at me. Huh? No way I want to be donghae's partner!

"I'm sorry jessica, but i--"

"You don't want to be my partner?" She said pouting and her eyes getting teary.


"Hyukjae oppa doesn't want to be my partner" she said with a sad tone while looking down and I heard some sobs. Everyone looked at our direction now and-- urgh.

"It's not like that, I'm just already--"

"So you want to be my partner??" She said smiling widely at me.

Oh god I want to be with donghae!! I glanced at donghae and I saw he was looking down on his seat while playing with nemo pen that I gave him on our date, biting his lower lip. Oh god..

I heard sungmin sighed, he walked to donghae's direction, smiling his bunny smile and said happily "let's work together donghae!"

Donghae looked at him and nodded his head slowly.

"Come on oppa, let's do this!" Jessica chirped happily pulling my hand to seat beside her. I sighed and sat down on my seat again.


I couldn't help but glanced at donghae who was doing his work with sungmin and kyu,

"Oppa, I don't understand this" jessica suddenly said.

"Huh?" I said bluntly.

"Teach me please" she said with a puppy eyes. Ggah! Why she always using aegyo to me? I sighed. And started to help her with the task.

"Whoa you're really great! I understand now, you're the best, oppa!" She beamed happily and hugged my arm. I stunned for awhile, but then pulled my arm from her. What's with her?! She pouted but then smiling happily again and continued her work.

I turned my head to look at donghae, he was..looking down staring at his nemo pen. Did he..see? I was about to stand up and approach him when suddenly I heard the bell ring,



"Fiuhh thank god I finished it on time! I will give it to the teacher, thank you oppa for being my partner and helped me!" Jessica said happily to me and hugged me.

I widened my eyes in shocked as I saw she already ran outside the classroom, catching the teacher.

I came back to my sense and quickly turned to my left side, to..donghae..

He bent his head more kept staring at his pen. . Did he saw that?

I went panicked.

"Donghae.." I called him softly as I approached him,

He turned his head up to me slowly,

"I'm sorry, that was--"

He shook his head furiously, "its..okay" he said more like a whisper and went outside the class slowly to sungmin and kyu's direction. I sighed.




"What do you want to eat?" I asked donghae

"Uh..I'm not really hungry" he said looking down.

"but you should eat"


"What do you want to eat?" I asked him again cutting his words and smiled softly at him. He just looked down.

"Just..french fries then"

I sighed, and smiled "okay then" I patted his head and went to order the food. Not missing the teasing grin from sungmin and kyu who sat opposite us, and kyu went with me to order his and sungmin's food.


I went back to our table with the foods, sat beside donghae of course, and I gave him his food. He stared at his food confusedly.

"H-huh? I didn't say..cheese burger"

"No, but no way I let you just eat french fries, you might get sick"

"But I'm not hung--"


I cut him and offered him the cheese burger in front of his mouth, he widened his eyes. He hesitated at first but then slowly ate the burger from my hand. I could feel everyone in cafetaria was staring at us with a shock expression, but I just ignored it and kept feeding my fishy baby.

"awwwwwwww~ I didn't know you could be this romantic hyukkie!" Sungmin squealed happily,

"Yeah, makes me want to puke" kyu said while eating,

"Tsk, I'm always romantic, you know" I said confidently.

"Yeah sure" sungmin said and rolled his eyes, "the last thing I know when your ex-girlfriend didn't want to eat, you just ignored it and eat by yourself"

Donghae looked at me cutely in disbelief with his round big chocolate eyes, and I pinched his cheek, couldn't stand with his cuteness.


Then suddenly I heard someone dropped a plate besides our table, made it scattered all over the floor.

"OUCH!" I heard jessica winched in pain, she was going to take the piece but turned out her fingers and leg got cut and bleeding.

I quickly helped her since she was beside our table and helped her to stand up, brought her away from the pieces of plate that scattered on the floor.

"You okay?" I said as I wiped the blood on her fingers with tissue.

"Yes.." She said blushing.

"You should go to the infirmary, the cut quiet big and quiet a lot, where are your friends?" I asked, then yuri and sooyoung came to our direction and helped her,

"I'll send her oppa" yuri said to me, I nodded my head and smiled,

Then I felt jessica kissed my cheek while muttered "thank you" and went with her friends to the infirmary.

I stunned.



I widened my eyes, and slowly turned my head to donghae's direction.

Oh my..


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PhwePhweKhin #1
Chapter 49: I’ll be waiting for your next chapter! 😭💙 This is so cute 🥺💙
sjvirus #2
2022 and still remembering this cute fic 😭😭Hope u will continue creating new chapters for this amazing work.
16 streak #3
Chapter 49: ah i hope you'll update this soon...
aize96 #4
Keep coming back to this story.. love it so much... Hope you update this soon
Eunhaefanfic #5
Chapter 49: This is my number 1 fanfic I ever read I have already read and re read this numerous times but still it feels super fluffy, cute and lovely to read again pls pls pls author nim update this fic . I hope you are doing good in your new place 🤗
dramanime #6
Chapter 49: I just found this story and i couldnt stop reading becos its soo cute and fluffy i felt like i was watching anime with all the school setting and school trips and all!!! I love tis story soo much even tho its incomplete and will be rereading tis many many times in the future!! <3
minamoru26 #7
Sweet and innocent Donghae and possessive and jealous boyfriend Hyukjae. I like this story and when I first read this story's chapter one, it gets me hooked. Thank you author for this amazing story. Hope to see your amazing work in the future.
Chapter 49: Where ars u authornim ??:'''
Chapter 49: Omo, don't stop here.... Please continue and update this story again.... I wanna see they graduate and getting married ... Please complete this story, author nim...
nourawad #10
hey there, i think a lot of people is going to die to read an update , please update , i read this story 5 times already and I'm dying for an update.