Ne M'oubliez Pas

When Love comes Around


“I don’t know, I guess, I just wanted to show you this”, the boy on the screen said, and held up a sign that had Ne M'oubliez Paswritten across it. Ahm don’t forget about me Sica”. The beautiful girl that was holding up the ipad, couldn’t help but smile, at the cute boy on the ipad screen. She was surprised to find an ipad in her purse when she searched her bag for a bottle of water.

The beautiful girl was on a backpacking trip through Europe, when she met this boy. At first he didn’t catch her attention he seemed like any other guy, but there was still something special about him.

Here is a story about how two souls thought they were on a trip to find adventure, but instead of just finding adventure they found love.


“All aboard”, was heard through the speakers in the train followed by a sound from a whistle.

All the passengers on the train were busy trying to find their seats, among those passengers was a beautiful girl named Jessica. Jessica was having troubles with trying to lift her bag pack onto the shelves above the seats, until a young man came to her rescue.

“Here let me help you with that” a short cute guy said, and reached out to help her.

“Thanks”, she said, and looked down feeling a bit shy.

“No problem, I’m Jay by the way”, the boy said, and shook the girl’s hand.

“I’m Jessica” the girl said, and sat down on her seat.

“81 huh, I’m 83” the boy said and sat down next to her. Jessica felt so shy that she didn’t know how to reply the guy. Don’t get me wrong she wasn’t shy or it wasn’t like she felt something for him, no it was more like she is bad at making conversations with people she doesn’t know, and because of that people tends to think that she is a .

“Your first time to visit French?” Jay asked, trying to make the situation less awkward.

“Yah. I’m on a backpacking trip through Europe”, Jessica said trying to avoid eye contact.

“What a coincidence, so am I” Jay said and smiled a really cute smile.

“Really then how come you don’t have any luggage with you?” Jessica asked feeling a bit suspicious.

“I prefer to travel light” Jay said with a smug grin on his face. “By the way, where are you from?” he asked.

“San Francisco, you?” Jessica asked.

“Ahh a Cali girl, I am from Seattle” Jay Said. Jessica was a bit offended by how he said a Cali girl, so she took her book out that she had brought along with her and read it, trying to ignore Jay.      

The next couple of hours the two didn’t exchange a single word. Jay got so bored that he went to sleep. While reading Jessica received a text message from Tiffany, a girl she has known since they were both in diapers.

To:Ice princess Sica ^^

From: Mushroom Fany~~

Hey Sica have you reached Paris yet? Met any cute guys? You know the best way to get over a guy is to meet a new guy~~

To:Mushroom Fany~~

From: Ice princess Sica ^^

No, still sitting in the damn train. In a way, but he seems like a jerk. Sometimes I wonder if you are normal.

To:Ice princess Sica ^^

From: Mushroom Fany~~

Aww you know you love me. Haven’t I taught you not to judge a book by its cover? And when you say cute, do you mean Ben Affleck cute or Josh Hartnett cute?

To:Mushroom Fany~~

From: Ice princess Sica ^^

I guess Josh Hartnett cute. I’m sorry Tiff, I’ll try and talk to him.

To:Ice princess Sica ^^

From: Mushroom Fany~~

Good. Call me and tell me how it goes.

Bye.  Love you.

Jessica smiled at how silly her best friend could be sometimes, but she knew that she was right, it   is wrong of her to try to judge someone without really knowing them. Jessica looked over at Jay, and saw that he was sleeping in a rather uncomfortable position. She took her pillow and tried to find a way she could position it under his head, so he could rest on it and of course without waking him up. She accidentally hit his water bottle with the pillow, and the content spilled out and made his pants wet which also led him to wake up.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t do it intentionally, really it was an accident” Jessica said while feeling a bit embarrassed by the whole situation.

“It is okay” Jay said, and was about to say something else, but he was interrupted by an announcement.

“Prochain arrêt à Paris. Next stop Paris”

“I should probably get ready” Jessica said and got up.

“If you are not busy or anything would you like to go out for some coffee or something, it would be my way of saying how truly bad I feel about the me spilling water on your pants thing” Jessica asked while trying to take her bag pack down.

“I would love to” Jay said and also got up, to help Jessica with her bag pack.


I know it is a bit short, but I’ll post the next part on Monday next week smiley.

I got the idea to write this two shot from Lady Antebellum’s, Just a kiss music video blush.

I hope you guys will like this story and enjoy reading it.

Please leave a comment on what you think about this story.


Ps. Ne M'oubliez Pasmeans don’t forget me in French.

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update soon!~ JAYSICA fighting!! =D