An Emergency

A Gamblers Daughter

[Beware, a little bit of a long chapter.]

You got ready to get up, you grabbed the bags and turned to Thunder. He looked like he had no intentions of moving. "Yah, Cheondung it's our stop. We have to get off here." You warned. He shrugged, crossed his arms and stared ahead. "Just sit back down, we're not going home yet."  He grumbled calmly. "What? Where are we going?" You panicked for a second. *it wouldn't be anywhere far, will it? We have to get back soon* 

About half an hour later Thunder got up and pressed the bell, "Come on." You opened your eyes, your head was still on your arm. "Where are we?" You asked, looking around sleepily. "Jeng-bear, i'm here." You grabbed the bags followed Thunder and slumped off the bus. "Where are we going?" You squinted as your eyes adjusted to the light outside. Thunder stalked off up the street whilst you were running behind to catch up with him. *trying to get me back, eh?*

It felt like you were walking forever. Until you reached a park, "Are you seeing someone? Where are we going? Are we there yet? Do we have to walk any further?" You tried to annoy him abit your questions but he didn't even look back at you or give you a dirty look. He was slowing his pace as he approached a bench. You could hear a familiar voice, "Ahh, finally Cheondung!" You peeped around Thunder. *oh, what was Mir doing here?*

Mir leaned to the side to see you, "Ahh, you brought my baby girl." He grinned widely as you rolled your eyes and sighed. "What's up baby girl, do you want a cuddle of your oppa?" He stretched out his arms and wiggled his fingers, as if to tell you to go over. *Not off you, not really* You ignored him and stared straight ahead, not making eye contact with him. It's not that you don't like him, it's the fact that he's a little bit erted and he loves and cherishes skinship like there's no tomorrow.

Mir dropped his arms, he stuck out his bottom lip and got up. "Come here honey, let oppa give you a cuddle. I haven't seen you in a while." You flinched and hid behind Thunder, "You saw me yesterday, at school?" Mir puffed up his cheeks, "That was yesterday!" Before you could reply, Thunder interrupted. "Hey, remember what we came here for?" Mir stopped and straightened up, he cleared his throat. "Yeah, that.. one second." He swung his backpack round to his arms, and started rooting around in it. He grabbed a big notepad and pulled it out. "Here you go, these are only rough lyrics, the others said I should ask for your advice on it too and if its okay, I want to see your grandfather. I want to see how he's doing." Your face twisted, "He's completely fine? You don't need to see him?" Mir's expression softened, "I need to go to your house anyway. Thunder and I need to work on these song lyrics." 

"So we came all the way here, with the groceries, just to collect a notepad and a ert?"

Mir beamed, "You do think of me! I don't care if you think of me as a ert, the point is you actually think of me!" He stretched out his arms again, but before he could grab you Thunder pushed his head away with his long arm. "Stop it Mir, you're starting to creep me out too.." Thunder chuckled. Mir hung his head and let his arms flop to the side of him. He exhaled loudly, loud enough to attract our attention and pretended to sniffle. A smile spread over Thunder's face, he then gave his lame friend a side on hug and kissed him on the head. Mir pretended to flutter his eyelashes and put his hands on his cheeks, "Doongdoong oppa!" He squeaked in a high-pitched voice, attempted to sound like some sort of fan girl. Thunder then grabbed his hand and started skipping down the park. They were both making absolute idiots of themselves, but they didn't care. That's why you hung around with them and looked up to them, their care-free attitude you've always adored. 

You shook your head humourously as you watched them skipping whilst holding hands. Ahjummas and ajusshis were giving strange looks at them as they skipped past, you pretended as if you didn't know them. *they're so embarrasing!*

Within 45 minutes you all reached home, as exhausted as ever. You waited behind Mir as Thunder opened the door with his key. *There was no way I was standing infront of that ert, not even for a second* As soon as the front door opened you all piled into the hallway. "We're back, Pops. I'm sorry we're late we had to go collect a few more things. Oh, and Cheolyong is here." Thunder yelled at the top of his voice. He waited for a reply, but never recieved one. "Pops?" He said abit louder than before. You glanced at the coat pegs, his coat, hat and walking stick was still hung up on the pegs. So he couldn't have gone out? Everyone started to grow panicky, especially Mir and Thunder. Their eyes widened with shock, they both exchanged glances and ran into different rooms. Thunder dropped the groceries and so did you. Mir dropped his rucksack and ran upstairs. 

You didn't know what to do, Thunder went into the living room, whilst Mir was upstairs.

You skidded into the kitchen, darting your eyes to every corner of the room. A faint noise came from behind the dining table, it sounded like a groan. You moved closer to find a figure curled up on the floor. It was winter and you had tiles in your kitchen, imagine the coldness! "Grandfather! Guys he's here!" You shouted, your voice cracked as you felt a lump develop in your throat. Trying your best not to cry, you slumped to your knees, "Grandfather?"

He groaned, his whole body was shaking. You cupped his hand in yours, his skin was ice cold, you blew onto his hands and gently rubbed them to try and bring his temperature back up. "Mir, Thunder get me a blanket!" Within seconds they both turned up with blankets. "Can you move Grandfather? Can you sit up for me?" You didn't want to handle him as you were scared you might do something wrong like pull him up too fast or something like that. So Thunder and Mir gently took an arm each and pulled him up so that he was sat against the under-the-sink cupboard. His face was practically blue, he was shuddering and he couldn't speak or barely move. "It's Chohee, I'm here. You'll be okay. Just endure this for a few minutes." You wrapped 3 blankets around him, whilst Thunder called for an ambulance. You kept your grip around his ancient, wrinkly, frozen hands. "You're going to be okay, I promise you. We're going to be right next to you." Your grandfathers eyes started to droop, "No, no. You can't black out on us. You hear me? You have to keep your eyes open." You shook his hands lightly to wake him up a little.

His eyes opened but they weren't going to stay that way for long. You could feel your eyes starting to sting with tears, and your lips started trembling. Before you knew it you were crying hysterically. Until you felt the wieght in your hands lighten and something cold touching your chin. Your grandfather ever so lightly touched your chin, it felt like a feather. He felt brittle, like he was going to snap any second then. You looked up at him slowly with tears streaming down your face. "Grandfather?" He looked at you. You softly cupped his hands again just in case he became weak. You swallowed hard to try to get rid of the lump in your throat, but no matter how hard you tried, it wouldn't go away. His head was nodding forwards slightly, as if his neck was slowly giving up. He looked like he had a weight in his head that was pulling him forwards and was becoming heavier by the minute.

He managed to glance up at you and ignore the pain he was in. He smiled. A meek, but warm smile. Your heart felt like it was going to crumble into tiny specs, your lungs felt like they were going collapse. You bent down to kiss his hands, you rested your head on your hands that held his and started weeping silently. Your grandfather's smile soon broke and a tear rolled down his cheek. Thunder and Mir were choking up too. Thunder didn't want to see his adopted dad like this, it killed him inside. For Mir, your grandfather was like another dad to him, they used to watch sports channels together and he taught Mir some card tricks. He always showed Mir his coin tricks and they always made him laugh and wonder. They both sat on either side of you, and they both put a hand on your back. You straightened your back and glanced at Thunder, his eyes were red and swollen. You turned to look at Mir, his eyes were red and puffy too, Mir tried to smile but his sorrow got the better of him. 

After what seemed to be the longest wait ever, the ambulance arrived. They put your grandfather in a wheel chair wrapped up in numerous blankets. The paramedics allowed all three of you on the ambulance. You still had a hold of your grandfather's hand, you were shaking more than he was. Thunder had his arm around you and Mir was sat opposite Thunder with his head in his hands sobbing. Both of your oppas knew what was going to happen, you however was clueless as to what happened.

Once you arrived at the hospital they wheeled your grandfather into a ward, you weren't allowed to enter for hygenic reasons. So the three of you were left to worry in the waiting room. *What are they going to do? What was wrong with him? I've never seen him like that. Ever.* You sat down and ran both of your hands through your hair. You hung your head and started thinking of the worst. *NO. What am I thinking! That's not going to happen!* You mentally scolded yourself. Thunder was pacing up and down, breathing deeply. He grew fidgety and decided to go and comfort you. He sat down beside you and put an arm around your shoulder, you leaned in on his shoulder and started weeping. His other hand was wrapped around your neck, his hand the back of your head. He kissed your head and rested his chin on it. Mir was outside attempting to calm down.

After a grueling 2 hour wait, a doctor stepped out. "Uh, Jeng family?" She looked up from a piece of paper.


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[A Gambler's Daughter] REALLY BAD.


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Chapter 5: Hahah,, this chapter was really cute lol, Hope pops get's better tho xo
Good story!!! Loving it entirely!!! Mir and Doongie are soooo cute and their interactions with Chohee are adorable!!!
The missing chapters are back~ So i expect updates soon!!! Please!!!
LMFAO mir xD
_uniquelynghi #4
Update soon~<33 /sniffle