The Amorous, Amoral Adventures of Akimoto Nana


I am not a , nor am I easy. I'm just... lucky? My name is Nana. I'm 23, have a smoking hot boyfriend named Song Ji-hun who looks EXACTLY like Kim Jonghyun from SHINee, or so I've been told, though he's kind of a derp like me.  ~_~  


Oh, and I work as a house-keeper for MBLAQ (don't ask me how I landed that gig--I'm still confused how!!!)--though, in all honesty, I think I may be out of a job soon for... er... questionable conduct. But that's okay; Ji-hunnie said he knew some wealthy guys who were looking for a part-time maid (Lee or Choi something-or-other?), and I got lots of cosplay experience from having lived most of my life in Osaka, so I'm sure I can make any client happy. Sure... it's not the same, but how hard could it be to dust and sweep and make rice? Especially for guys (they're never picky as long as the girl's pretty, right?). 


Anyway, I'm glad I have this journal to write down everything. If not, I'd think I don't think I'd be able to deal with it all~! If anyone finds this and reads this... I hope you don't judge me for the things I'm about to say... and for the love of all things holy--whatever you do, don't show it to my parents!!!    >///<



<3 ~Nana~ <3


My Employers


                                                                    ^^ this guy's my boyfriend... isn't he cute?? =^.^=



* * * 


This was inspired by two oneshot requests I received but seemed like a strong enough premise to warrant its own story,

so expect good things from Nana!! This will have its fair share of and fluff, but not as "hardcore" as some of my other stuff.

There will be, obviously, hetero-lovin' with some mixed in between. 


I hope you like it~!

(especially you, KikoBread)




Best, UM



*WARNING: There will be MBLAQ & SHINee shipping. There will be language, ual content, and /boys' love. There will be het! practices.

Please read responsibly. 



* * * 



y fluff Strange Feelings (2min, JongKey, OnTae)Amorous Adventures (MBLAQ + SHINee + het)

ery Follow the Leader (SHINee all OTPs - 2s only), Let Me Be Your  (JongKey)

Hardcore = Too Curious (SHINee OT5, all OTPs, JongKeyNew), About Last Night (JongKeyTae + het), MBLAQ Fantasies (OT4/5 + OTPs + het),

Red Light District (SHINee OT5, all OTPs, JongKeyNew + het & idol crossovers)

Hardcore + angsty = Land Mines & Battle Fields (JongTae, 2min, JongTaeHo, JongKey, MinKey)

Psychological + hardcore/ = Harem of Hell (SHINee OT3/4/5, all OTPs and variation you can probably imagine)


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 1: Hello there author-nim :) Are you planning to update this story any time soon?
GGSone #2
Chapter 1: Pls update soon and be safe. Fighting!!!
Chapter 1: Wait...what!!

Women how many stories are gonna write?!? I like this one lotz!
Chapter 1: Omo! I love it! XD
You're fics are really... well, my english is crappy so I don't know the right word, so I'm going to say your fics are cool xD
OMG I love Nana! She's really lucky! Mir maknae... fgjrshn well, I love Mir and Thunder, really! >W< And MirDoong lol
I just going to wait for more!
Good job <3
This was amusing. I'm a mini otaku myself and so I know everything you were talking about hehe. It's nice to see you writing Japanese! Maybe we should speak Japanese together sometime ^^ it would be really cool to skype some day, I'm super curious(oh im curious yeah~)about what you sound like. Also I think we might be soulmates: SHINee, mblaq, Kpop, our ships, what not to wear, anime, fanfics, writing, literature, Americans, dramas, gay supporters, f(x) and lessy\bi tendencies . It would be more perfect if you also liked Disney movies, Grease, project Runway, Friends, and Americas Next Top Model keke. I've read all your fan fictions!!!! *celebratory dance similar to Key's*

<3 your fan
I am really hoping you haven't forgotten this fic... oneshot? idk what it is! but i was enjoying this! I want to know what happened to nana!I loved her random thought pattern and how she kept remembering to not get ahead of herself!
Oh and y Mir sounded so cool! kekeke what teenage boy doesn't have a stash of magazines/access to such images?

please remember about this! *puppy dog pout*
Wait, Mir had a doujinshi under his bed? Chincha?!
Hehe ^____^
Omo, this is freaking adorable! >.<

Can't wait for more!!
Lol xDD Yay otakus FTW~ I'm one myeslf :3
Aw Mir you y guy~ xDDD

Can't wait forthe next entry(?) it's a journal so.. yeah xDDD
Update soon~ :D