

I can’t believe I miss the autograph session. I’ve waited my whole life for it and I miss it. Poof, just like that and it’s gone. Urgh I’ll never going to meet them again. URGH.  Suddenly someone bumped into her, “ Sorry,” he said and handed his hand to help her stands up. Have met him before? His voice, I recognize it. Seems familiar, she thought, “ Um miss are you okay? “ he snapped her.

She reached his hand and straighten up. The guy was wearing a pair of sunglasses and a hoody, almost covering his face, “ I’m fine,” she says.

“ I’m sorry, didn’t saw you there. You see, I was in a hurry,” he apologized, “ Your left knee is bleeding, do you want me to bring you to the nearest clinic? “

She turn her head down, it was true. Weird, I don’t feel anything, she thought again, “ Oh it’s fine,” she said and gave him a smile. He returned it back, an awkward one. His smile, HIS SMILE! It’s him! It’s Kikwang! Wait wait, calm down Tasya. What if it’s not him? What if it’s just a look a like?, she forced herself to ask him, “ You uh you’re Kikwang right? “

He froze, No no how does she recognize me!? I was all covered up!, he thought, “ I uh yeah, I’m Kikwang. Please don’t shout my name and go crazy on me like other girls, I’m actually running away from them,” he begged.

She laughed a bit,” It’s alright, I’m definitely not like those girls,” she said,” Can I have your autograph? I missed the autograph session and I’ve waited years for it. Please? “ she asked and took out a notebook while making the most innocent face ever.

“ Oh, sure,” he said and signed it, “ You’re different,” he added.

She raised her eyebrows, “ Different? What do you mean? “ she questioned him

He smile and let out a sigh, “ Nothing. Um could we meet again? Here’s my number, call me when you free, we could grab a lunch or something,” he said and write on the notebook then gave it back to her.

“ Definitely! “ she said happily and took back her notebook then put it back in her bag. “ Kikwang! Let’s go! “ they heard a guy shouted from behind,” You should go, they’re waiting for you,” she says to him.

He turned back and sighed, “ Yeah, I should,”


“ JUST A SECOND FOR GOD SAKE CHILL OUT!, “ he retorted and looked back at her,” Bye,” he said “ Don’t forget to call me! “ he added before step inside the limousine. Tasya found herself grinning. She met him, got his autograph AND his number. “ Ah, life is so much better now,” she said dreamily before went home.

Kikwang finally arrived at his apartment. He didn’t talk to anyone or took his dinner that night. He locked himself in his room, thinking about what happen that noon. His heart was locked, by her. 

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I was literally waving my hands up in the air when I read this. XD
It was AWESOME! If this really happened to me, OHOHOHOHO! :3
Thank you, (should I say your real name?).