Deprived Stripper


Lee Hyukjae, a one of a kind biual hunk, a stripper at a private club to be added, decided to move into a different part of Seoul. He had always gotten into troubles because of his hormones, and because of that, he likes going rough at many things, especially , so he decided to move into a more quiet place in Seoul. As he moved to his new home, he met his new neighbor, just living next door to his, he rented a town house.


That's when he met Lee Donghae.


A sophomore in Parang High. Hyukjae thought that being with Donghae would help him become a Hyung, to be able to protect the younger since he's too young and alone, but no. Hyukjae thought wrong, as some time passed being with Donghae, Hyukjae began to become, deprived.






Hey guys, so some of you right now would be like "Whut da actual flipping , she's starting a new fic yet she can't even manage her first one?!" and maybe some of you would even roll your eyes when you see the username who created this fic. Well I understand if you guys unsubscribe (but please don't). But by the time I update Hyung, Donsaeng. It would be a load. I'm just having a hard time since that fic really reminds me of something I don't want to think about at the moment, ridiculous, I know.


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Chapter 2: Amazing, i love donghae, its soo cute, but.... *voices gets deeper, more... Seduces* i like aggressive Donghae even more. *returns to normal high pitch* Can you maybe, somehow add in an aggressive Donghae in it!! Thankz for reading this comment! And, continue!
B2utyMaknae #2
Chapter 2: i just started reading this and i love it! Kinda hope there's gonna be an intimate chapter later on ^^ but do as you wish!
hae be careful from that y ahjussi XD
interesting :)
update soon <3
update ASAP ~!!!!!! :))))))
Yea Hyukkie, you can keep him just need a lot od hardwork! Haha update soon as soon as you can :) i dont mind to wait
Hyuk you can keep Hae ;D he is yours (and mine)* cough cough* XD please update soon ^^
Like it.. Update soon please :)
I don't know why, but for some reason I subscribed when I saw the description >.>
Waiting for the next update~
MsHanee95 #9
O.o..hyuk.don't b naughty.hae's juz a 'kid'.hahah!
Looks interesting ^^ can't wait to read it :) and looks like hae gonna lose his innocence soon lol ^^