chapter one

Which is the truth?

You stretched your arms above your head, waking up. Guess my first day of college starts now, you sighed at the thought and groan in annoyance. "Aish, so troublesome this is" you got up from bed, slipping into your slippers and lazily dragging yourself into the little bathroom, to get ready. You brushed your teeth and then proceed to take a shower.

After you took a shower, you went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. You decide to make some eggs and ham, you were too lazy to prepare a complicated breakfast. You sat in the table, eating alone. You were already used to be alone all the time, you didn't have anyone, not even a family member. It's like, they all disappeared. Whatever, it's not like a person needs to have someone by their side. It's not something obligatory. I rather be alone than have someone by my side, because either way... they always go away and leave you alone, in the darkness when you needed them the most.

You have learnt by the years that you can't have feelings for someone, they always end up leaving .You don't believe in such thing as friendship or love.

You finished eating and leaved the dish on the sink. You were about to slip into your clothes, when you glance to your clock, in your night stand next to your bed. "Holy crap, it's already thirty minutes till eight, ugh I am sure I am going to be late for classes" you quickly finish to get ready and ran towards your college. 

You finally arrived and sighed in relief,  freakin' finally. You went up to the receptionist and asked for your schedule. 

"Thanks" you bowed and left, sprinting.

You raised your arm up to glance at your watch. Crap only five, gotta run you began to ran in look for the class that said in the schedule given. 

"Damn it where in the world is this classroom?!" you ruffled your hair in annoyance and continued searching, until you heard a chuckle behind you. Unconsciously, you looked behind you and glared at the person "What's so funny?" you raised an eyebrow to the shadow sitting by the stairs, holding a book.

"Nothing, oh and by the way the class you are looking for is right," he stopped to point his finger to a door, slightly close to where you were, "there." he turned to read his book. Tch, this guy, wait... how did he knew that I was looking for this classroom?... nah, whatever just forget it

You walked passed him and slowly aproach the door, you inhale air and turned the knob slowly. here we go...

"Have fun in your first day of college" you heard a voice say as you walked into the room, filled with people. "Ah, you are here Miss Lee iseul " the teacher greeted you with a warm smile. Now, all the attention of the people inside the room, was on you. As you always did, you put on a poker face and bowed, "Hello, I am Lee Iseul. Nice to meet you all" you said blankly as you stared at nothing.

"Alright Miss Iseul, please take a seat" you nodded as an answer. As you sat on your seat, you took out your pencil and pens. 

All the class, you were staring at the teacher, bored, since you already knew all these things. Ugh I wanna go now, you started to gaze trough the window, since you were besides it.

You saw a shadow moving really fast, almost as fast of light. You gasped and searched for it but it was no where to be seen, you sighed and looked back at the teacher. Speaking non-stop about mathematics problems. I want to find out if this school has a piano somewhere you amusingly though.

"Class dismissed" the teacher called out. 

After you've packed up your stuff, you headed outside, to find if this school had a piano somewhere. "I hope they do" you mumbled almost not audible, but someone popped out from behind you and asked you "Hope what? Do what?" 

You sighed and ignored the presence of the person questioning you right now. "Are you going to ignore me? fine then I will not tell you were the piano is" he was almost about to walk away but you called him out. You sighed first and then ask him directions to where the music room was, "Want me to take you there?"

"Nah, I'll just go by myself, thanks" he just nodded and started to tell you the directions. "Alright then"  you turned around and walked away, just when you were in mid way someone cleared their throat and you turned around just to see the boy that helped you moments ago. "And my thank you?", argh, me and my curiosity you scolded yourself ni your mind.

You gave him a blank stare and said thank you, with that you walked away and headed towards the piano department. Just like that boy said, "go upstairs, then go straight until you find a purple door, then turned right there, you will find a brown door old-like. Then you'll need to enter and inside there will be s big black door, enter and the piano shouhld be there"

"Too far" you panted and gasped for air. "Damn, the piano better be here" you groaned and turned the knob of the black door.

Your eyes widened at the room, it was so big, and fancy yet so simple. "Wah..." your jaw dropped opened when you saw the piano. It was really beautiful, it was made out of agarwood. Painted carefully and it's details were just perfect, it was really fancy.

You carefully sat on the little chair in front of it and gently touch the keys, one by one. You started to play a song that always calmed you. You got carried away and started to sing. "Baby don't cry tonight, after the darkness has lifted. Baby don't cry tonight, it'll be like nothing ever happened" your fingers moved smoothly on the piano. You closed your eyes and continued to play and sang.

You didn't realize that the break was finished a long time ago and scolded yourself, "Great, now I have extra homework" you sighed and stood up from the piano chair. You went out of the room and started to head towards your next class, which you didn't knew where it was.



(A/N: Wow I am so sorry if I disappointed you ;___;. BUT! kris will appear in the next chapter, i don't promise anything alright? I will try my best for the next chapter! ^_^)





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Alright, so in this new story I will try a new style of writing ^-^. I am in the process on making the prologue so the first chapter will be out soon!~


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So interesting! This is actually my first time reading a vampire fic... I'm such a loser. Anyways~ Update soon author nim! (BaekHyun... Why am I reading a Kris fic but not a Bacon one? ㅠ.ㅠ exo is ruining my bias list...)
Loool, no she is just a vampire xD oh my god murded/vampire I can't
Iseul killed someone!!!!
She is a murder/vampire!!!!
Was the the mysterious person Kris???!!!!
Lay is so nice!!!!
I can't wait for Kris to appear!!!
exooxe #6
Wow, so much suspense~ ♥
I wonder who was the person that helped Iseul?
I'm excited about this story, Please update soon! ^^
Sounds very interesting
Please update soon!!