06: Breaking the News;

Love On Wheels

Since Eun Jae was a drama major, and you were a choreography major, both of you spent the first hour in different classrooms. When lunch finally came, you met Eun Jae along the lockers. You punched in the code to your locker as it beeped open. You glanced at the messy locker and sighed. Like any other girl, you hated cleaning up.

“Hey, why so glum, chum?” Eun Jae asked.

You shook your head. “Just tired,” You lied.

Eun Jae obviously didn’t buy it but she didn’t show it either. “Come on, let’s go get lunch. I heard that it’s macaroni and cheese today!” She exclaimed and pulled you along.

After getting your lunches, both of you went to your usual spot in the cafeteria. You decided that it would be a good time to tell Eun Jae the truth. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and said, “I have something to tell you.”

You raised your eyebrows in surprise when you realised that Eun Jae had also said the same thing.

“You first,” You told her.

Eun Jae hesitated for a while before speaking. “My of a dad signed me up for some drama school in China. I don’t even know how to speak Chinese!” She grumbled.

You felt yourself feeling teary. Even though you were going to leave her as well, you never thought you would be unable to contact her as often.

She softened at your pained expression. “I’m so sorry, Hyemi. I tried persuading my father, but the old man was just too stubborn.” She placed one hand on your hand.

You shook your head. “Actually, I was going to tell you that I have to leave, too.”

This time, Eun Jae’s eyes widened.

“But I’ll still be in Korea! I’m just transferring schools!” You quickly added, waving your hands around frantically.

Eun Jae was stunned for a moment, before she broke out into loud guffaws. “I can’t believe we’re both leaving at the same time! We must be best friends, huh?” She laughed heartily.

You smiled at her words. Yeah, I guess both of us won’t get hurt too.

Stabbing her fork at the pasta, Eun Jae asked, “So, where are you transferring to?”

“SM High.” You replied nonchalantly.

“Whoa,” Eun Jae marvelled. “You’re going to that prestigious school in the city district for the rich kids? But how- Oh. Wait. Let me guess. It has something to do with that guy this morning, doesn’t it? Spill the beans!”

You squirmed a little in your seat uncomfortably. Eun Jae took it that you were shy, and nudged you even more.

“Yah, Jung Hyemi, you got a rich hot boyfriend over the weekends and you don’t even bother telling me, your supposedly best friend?” She frowned playfully, placing her hands on her waist. “You could’ve at least texted me, you know?”

“He’s not my boyfriend!” You huffed and nudged her back.

Eun Jae started laughing hysterically as you pushed her shoulder slightly. “Shove it.” You grumbled and stuffed a spoonful of macaroni into . Eun Jae choked for a while before her cheese-smeared lips.

“Fill me in.”

You told her about the contract, the house, and everything else, including Jongin, but left out the part about his girlfriend. Eun Jae gaped at you and punched your arm softly.

“Damn, woman! Aren’t you lucky!” Then she frowned. “I should’ve stayed in Korea, aish! Then you can introduce me to that hottie who came earlier and you know-” She wiggled her eyebrows at you.

“No.” You interrupted and continued chomping down your food.

“Meanie.” She grimaced. Now that Eun Jae knew about you leaving, you felt much lighter.

When the both of you were done with your food, she slung an arm over your shoulder. “When are you transferring? We should spend some bestie quality time before you leave.”

“Today.” You replied.

Eun Jae gaped at you, not expecting that. She removed her arm around your shoulders and stared at you.

“Oh okay, so you conveniently forget to tell your best friend you were leaving,” She smiled sarcastically. “AND you decide to give her a surprise. How nice of you, Hyemi!”

“Don’t be like that, Jae.” You shoved her lightly. “I didn’t want it either. It was a last minute thing.”

“Fine, leave me be and let me fend for myself. I’ll be a loner for the whole of next week before I leave for China. I love you so much, you know, Jung Hyemi?” She sneered.

You knew how cynical Eun Jae could get when she was disappointed or mad, so you ignored her snazzy remarks. After a zillion snarky remarks and tick offs from her, the both of you finally parted and went for your separate lessons.

“I’ll see you after school, okay?” You waved down the hallway.

“No.” She replied and entered the arts theatre.

You knew she would meet you after school, despite her cold reply. That’s just typical Eun Jae. You strolled into the music room and got ready for lesson.

When school ended, you found Eun Jae waiting outside your classroom. You elbowed her.

“Are you waiting for someone, miss?” You smirked slightly.

“No , Sherlock, I’m just posing like a supermodel.” Eun Jae rolled her eyes at you.

“Aww, Jae, I knew you would come for me!” You lightly hooked arms with her. A slight smile tugged on her lips.

“That doesn’t mean you’re forgiven. I just didn’t want to look like a loser, walking by myself.” She stuck her nose in the air and led the both of you to the main gate.

“Liar.” You snickered.

You saw Jonghyun chicly leaning against his car, wearing a different outfit from earlier today. He noticed you and waved at you, yelling your name across the school’s concourse. Heads turned to look at you, as students wondered how you knew someone like him. You mentally slapped yourself and dragged your feet (as well as Eun Jae’s) to Jonghyun.

“Hi Hyemi, hi Hyemi’s friend-” He chirped when Eun Jae interrupted him rudely.

“I hate you.” She declared and stormed off angrily, giving you a curt nod which probably meant ‘I’ll call you later’.

“What’s up with your snappy friend? Got her twisted?” Jonghyun frowned as he watched Eun Jae’s disappearing back. “Anyway, I wanted to give you a call for I realised I didn’t have your number.”

He took out his Blackberry and passed it to you.

“Why would you want to call me?” You raised an eyebrow at him.

“Appa told me there were some… changes.”

You tilted your head to the side. Changes?

“I’ll tell you on the way into your school. Lead the way.” He bowed, gesturing to your school.

Apparently you were going to move into the mansion right after you complete your forms, so Jonghyun would need to drive you back to the orphanage to pack your stuff. When the both of you reached the front desk, Jonghyun lightly tapped the desk, causing the secretary to look up.

Your school’s secretary was a grumpy old lady in her 40s (although you were pretty sure she was turning 50 soon). She pushed up the pair of ahjumma spectacles that hung on the bridge of her nose and peered at the both of you with disgust.

In her usual cracked, raspy voice, she asked, “How may I help you?”

Jonghyun flashed his pearly whites, which seemed to have no effect on the secretary. “Excuse me, we’d like to get the transfer forms for her.” He jabbed his thumb towards you.

The secretary scrutinized the pair of you and tutted to herself. “Youngsters these days, dating at such a young age, tsk.”

Jonghyun didn’t catch that but you did. You widened your eyes but said nothing about it. You didn’t want to get nagged for half an hour. The secretary rummaged through a thick blue file, pulling out the sheets of paper and slapping them onto the desk.

“Fill these in and you may leave.” She emphasized the last word with such menace, you cringed. You hastily grabbed a pen and filled in your particulars, as Jonghyun watched you curiously.

“You major in song composition? Interesting.” He said, looking through your particulars.

“Shut up and fill in the form quick, this place is suffocating.” You muttered.

Jonghyun gave you a pointed look and filled in the parent/guardian portion. He didn’t seem to notice the dirty looks that the secretary had been casting at the both of you.

Once Jonghyun was done, you quickly thanked the secretary, who murmured something you assumed was negative, and led Jonghyun out by the hand.

“Hey, slow down. We aren’t catching a train.” He laughed from behind you.

You let go of him and ignored his comment. Jonghyun drove you to the orphanage, where you were warmly welcomed by Haneul (more of tackled down with a bear hug).

Halmeoni smiled at you. “Welcome home, dear. So, is this goodbye?” She chuckled lightly. “You should pack up quickly. I’ve already got your suitcase from the attic.”

“Thank you, halmeoni.” You placed your hands on her shoulders and gave it a light squeeze, before going into your room. You quickly tidied your desk and threw your clothes into the luggage without folding them. Jonghyun slowly strolled in after a chat with halmeoni, looking around your room.

He peered into your luggage and pointed at it. “Are all girls usually this messy, or is it just you?”

You grunted a quick ‘no’ and continued packing, dumping your books and necessities into your opened luggage. You tossed your Domo alarm clock in as well as several photo frames.

“Careful with the fragile items!” Jonghyun called and ducked, avoiding the flying alarm clock narrowly.

After packing, Haneul ran in and wrapped her little arms around your waist. “I’m going to miss you so much, unnie, even though you have bad breath and you almost ate Mr Jiggles.” Her muffled voice said.

You ruffled her hair lightly. “I’m going to miss you too, brat, even though you’re a pain in the most of the time.”

Haneul released you, then lightly punched your abdomen. “You know, unnie, you’re so lucky. You get to live with two good-looking men. What have you done in your past life to deserve such good fortune?”

You laughed. “Well, I can’t deny that I have been an angel all this while.”

A knock came on the door, as halmeoni came into view with a compassionate smile. Sensing that the both of you needed some time alone, Haneul slipped away from your embrace and left quietly. Your arms fell limp to your sides as you whispered, “Halmeoni.”

“Come here, dear.”

With trembling lips, you ran towards halmeoni, who caught you with wide arms.

“I’m going to miss you so so so so so much, halmeoni.” You sobbed into her floral dress.

“And I’m going to miss you too. So much, Hyemi.” She patted your back soothingly.

You pulled away. “Halmeoni, promise me you’ll call me at least once a week.”

She nodded. “I promise. Now go, don’t let Jonghyun wait.”

You reluctantly left with Jonghyun while waving back at halmeoni and Haneul. Halmeoni watched as you disappeared down the corner of the road with Jonghyun.

I’m sure one of my grandsons, if not, two, will take care of you, halmeoni thought.


I'd like to apologize for my lack of updates once again. Sigh. And the broken promise of updating.
Mom kinda threatened to confiscate my laptop and my phone, wtf. She claims I haven't been studying enough. I believe I'm putting in a lot of effort though. Hmph.
I'd also like to apologize for the boring chapters recently. Felt like I needed to clear some things up before I actually start on the plot.
Please bear with me for a few more chapters!
And also, please subscribe and comment! <3 thank you.

Have a great day ahead!



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How about a double update today? //wiggles eyebrows//


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update plz
Chapter 14: Kyungsoo's lips kinda remind me of tvxq's changmins lips
Chapter 14: thehunnie~ so cute!
hope u update soon~
really love your story!
unicornwhisperer #4
Chapter 14: Omg cute Sehun OMGOMG
Chapter 14: Here are the Kai moments! I hope it's enough to satisfy >< oh and can y'all see the gifs? I mean like, are they moving or not?! Because on my computer, they don't move... Which is weird b/c they're supposed to be gifs.
How many of you actually read my long- author's notes at the end of every chapter? Raise your hands so I can see them! ^^
Seoul-Less #8
Chapter 13: welcome back
lets have some me and kai moments eh?