Introduction - Aged 15

Dangerous Ice

Age 15

"Minho. What have you done again?" Lucifer sighed, watching one of the demon slaves cower in the corner, Minho's dark, cold eyes glaring at it.

"Nothing, Appa. I was just bored." Minho tore his gaze away and looked at his father right in the eye. "Where's your tutor? You are suppose to be having your lessons now." Minho gave a dull laugh. "Burned him where he stood. He refused to let me go early." Lucifer stared, and suddenly erupted into laughter. "Hoho, Minho. Well done, son. But you can't keep burning your tutors. Even in hell, you need money to employ them." Lucifer chuckled, shaking his head.

Minho smirked.

His gangly, awkward 15 year old body shifted positions, making him stand a little taller. "Appa, wanna see what else I'm capable of?" Lucifer tilted his chin towards Minho, giving him the go-ahead. Minho spun on his heels, facing the demon slaves. Their red-black eyes widened in fear.

Muttering a few words, he shot out a hand, sparks flying from his fingertips. A red cloud enveloped the demons, and shrieks filled the hazy air.

"Alright Minho. That's enough. I have to do things now."

Minho's face fell slightly, then his eyes burned with the desperation of a teenager needing his parents' approval of him. His black orbs focused the red cloud, hands clenched tightly. The figures of the demons writhered and bent at unnatural angles in pain. More screams echoed in the room. A foul, sour smell drifted through the musty air."Minho. Enough." He bent his face forward, hair falling over his eyes. Without another look, he moved his glowing fist to the right, and the cloud disappeared, leaving nothing but wisps of smoke behind.

" Yes, Appa." He bowed and left the chamber doors.


*Back in Minho's room*

Minho entered the one room delegated to his needs. Not that he needed much anyway.

It wasn't like any 15 year old boy's rooms; No band posters on the walls. No dirty clothes strewn on every available space. No stacks and stacks of half-eaten dishes anywhere. No magazines stashed underneath beds, away from the parents' watchful eye. It was a simple room, white walls; a plain bed with white sheets; a simple brown closet and a small bathroom with essentials attached.

Minho slumped onto his bed, and buried his face in his hands with a groan. Lucifer never really bothered with him much; just checking on his progress time to time. Other than that, Minho barely saw him more than once a week. He threw his head back against his white pillow. He felt something hard prodding the back of his head, and he quickly reached into the pillow casing and pulled out a feminine white crystal necklace, that belonged to his mother. He knew what happened to his mother. Lucifer had killed her. But somehow, he could not bring himself to hate him. He'd crept around the castle once as a child, and found the necklace. Instinctively, he knew it belonged to his Umma. She didn't want him to become the heir to Hell's Throne.

So he wouldn't. For her. He wouldn't.

Hey! Just saying, there will definitely be romance in this fanfic; cuz I'm a er for romantic scenes :P Thank you for reading, stick around, there'll be more. :D Sorry for the random slow updates, I'm really busy with homework and also have two other fanfics to update #sorry #muchlove

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Flamingcharisma #1
SHADOW i demand an update pls update ty HAHAHAH
Please update please update
Jjang. Update soon (although I take 2monthS's to update a chappie)
Poor minho but he decisoin to not being lucifer heir for his mother really touch me and i hope he can doing that... And i think that girl will help him for make his heart beating again... Update soon.... ^^
So THAT'S how it happened! Wah, I look forward to the next chapter, so good!
love-lo #6
yeyey... update soon ^^
Oh Minho, the poor baby! I look forward to the next chapter!
whoaaaa daebakk! cant wait for the next chapter!
Thank you so much! I appreciate the comment! :)
Woah... Poor Minho! This chapter was fantastic baby!