Nine; The King is dethroned.

What Do You Want From Me?


Luhan's P.O.V:


After I agreed to help Julia prank Lay, we had told the latter we were going out. Lay should’ve been a private investigator or a police interrogator because he didn’t let us go before we told him where we were going.  

“We’re going to walk around a bit,” I answered him calmly.

We did have to walk around, so technically, I wasn’t lying. Unlike Kris, who had a face to mask his emotions, my expression usually showed if I was being untruthful, and the fact that the tip of my ears turned a shade of red didn’t help me at all. Whenever I was asked a compromising question, I’d either give a vague answer, a half-truth, or steered the conversation away from the topic. Then again, I’ve been with some EXO members for so long that my tactics were useless and I just rendered the answer with a pout, but I was not going to do that now. I would never have the courage to perform a prank on him by myself, and the others were accepting of the trolling done by Lay and didn’t prank him back, so now that I had an accomplice who wasn’t afraid to do so, I wasn’t  letting the opportunity pass me by.

Lay had begun standing up from the couch he’d been sitting in. “Oh. Well, might as well come with you since I have nothing to do here.”

“Crap! Think of something that will make him stay- Oh, I know! He hates going to the supermarket! We could go in before coming back.” My brain came up with the idea fairly fast.

With an unchangeable expression and tone of voice, I interjected, “We’ll be stopping at the supermarket to buy some things.”

Hearing this, Lay threw himself back on the couch. Uninterestedly, and putting his attention back on the television, he shortly replied, “Not going.”

Alleviated that the prank hadn’t been soiled before even starting it, I chuckled inwardly. “And Kris says he’ll be the first one in a drama. I’m a bit proud of myself right now; I’m getting better at this.”

We left before Lay could change his mind and he was thoughtful enough to remind me to cover myself with sunglasses and a beanie. Julia raised an eyebrow at me as I closed the door. I threw her a small smile.

“Seeing Lay’s guitar triggered a memory,” She told me as we walked out of our apartment building.

 “The first week I came here, I took a day to go shopping for little souvenirs to send back to my family and friends, and in my quest, I entered an old junk shop and there were all kinds of things at extremely cheap prices. I went around the whole shop and I saw a guitar that looked exactly like Lay’s.”

I scratched my head, throwing her a side-glance as we walked side by side. “But what is it that you plan to do with the guitar?”

“What if,” Julia paused for dramatic effect, “Lay thought something horrible happened to his guitar?”

“Oh, I like where this is going.”

“What exactly?” I smiled with interest.

“What if “his guitar” were to be smashed into pieces in front of him?” Her devilish smile was back.

I wondered if that would be going too far, but Lay didn’t have a right to be mad at any of us after all the things he had pulled on us.

“How do you come up with this stuff? Are you, by any chance, distantly related with Kyuhyun?” I asked her, lips parted in wonder at the great idea she had come up with.

In confusion, she inquired, “Kyuhyun, who’s that?”

“He’s from Super Junior. I forgot you’re not familiar with music idols from around here yet.”

”Let’s just hope that the guitar isn’t in someone else’s hands already,” She sighed.

A bell indicated the owner a new customer had arrived when we opened the door, and he called out a friendly greeting, telling us to ask for help if we needed any. We bowed in thanks for his kindness and began our search. Julia couldn’t find it in the place she had seen it last, so we looked everywhere else for it. In the end, the exploration was futile, and with disappointed faces, we decided to ask the old man who owned the store about it before leaving.

“Excuse us, sir, but I came in here some time ago and there was a guitar right beside those clothes’ racks over there. Did you sell it?” Julia asked him, hopeful that he hadn’t.

The man tapped a finger to his chin and looked upwards, racking his brain. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers. “Now I remember! Yes, I have it in the back storage, because I haven’t been able to sell it in years. Almost five years it’s been here and no one’s bought it, so I was thinking of throwing it away. Why, do you want it?”

We both beamed at him, our happiness restored now that we didn’t have any more obstacles in trolling Lay. “Yes, please!”

“Yes, yes,” He smiled cordially and left us there, practically jumping in celebration, while he went to retreat the valued item in which our prank revolved around.

“We are so lucky! The pranking gods wants us to get back at him!”

“So, now you believe in luck and pranking gods? You’re so weird. I just hope you use your prank-constructing powers for the greater good,” I , patting the top of her head, and she lightly swatted my hand away, smiling at me.

The owner came back out with the guitar in his hands and put it on the countertop next to the cash register. I stared at it in awe at the resemblance it held with Lay’s guitar, but this guitar’s wood was a shade darker than his. It was still perfect, because he wouldn’t be able to differentiate this guitar from his while being in a state of astonishment after the prank took place.

The old man pressed a button on the cash register and it opened. “That’ll be,” He stopped, frowning slightly. “You know what? I don’t feel good charging you for it when I had already thought of throwing it away.”

We could not believe our ears, and profusely thanked the man. Out of the store and on our way back to the apartment, I again. “Those pranking gods of yours must really be on our side!”

She threw her head back in a short laugh. “Oh, shut up.”

The rest of the way, I almost skipped from how happy I was. We only stopped to buy milk and snacks, and we carried them inside bags to the apartment as proof that we had gone out to the supermarket.

“Okay, I’ll stay outside while you distract Lay. Lure him into his own bedroom or something. Then, I’ll come in and put the guitar under your bed until we find the perfect moment to execute the prank.”

I nodded at her and opened the door to find Lay in the same spot he had been in when we left almost an hour ago.

 “What took you guys so long?” He questioned, but as he saw no one come in after me, he asked where Julia was. “Why do you look so happy?"

I panicked for a moment and decided to use technique three and steer the conversation away, because my brain was not on a roll and couldn’t come up with anything that wasn’t a lie. “Uh, Lay?”

He turned his face towards me.

“That song you wrote, “My Girl”? It ,” I did end up steering, but my brain and tongue betrayed me and I lied in the process. He didn’t notice it because right after I said it, I ran away and into his room.

He burst in right after me, yelling “Take it back!” and pounced on me.

"I was kidding!"

When he leaped at me, we had both fallen onto Chen’s bed, and he kept flicking my forehead with his index finger until I the bag with snacks hanging around my face onto his face and exclaimed, “I have snacks!”

He snatched it away from me, mumbled that he forgave me, and abandoned the room.

“I can’t believe that worked,” I said out loud. Cautiously, I opened the door and Lay was at his previous place at the living room, laughing at God knows what he was watching, while eating the snacks. Julia was beside him with her own share of the food, and by beside him, I mean sitting at the other end of the couch.

Countless times I’ve thought Lay was weird. He wasn’t a bad person; he was just mischievous. Although he teased me endlessly, he was caring towards us and did his best to help us out whenever we were in need of help. In interviews, when I got stuck or couldn’t answer, he’d come right in and clear things up. In the week I couldn’t use my phone, I surfed the internet much more than I usually did and discovered the fans had deemed us a “ship”, combining our names into LayHan. It was a pretty amusing thing to find out.

I sat in between Julia and him, closer to Julia than him, just in case he wasn’t over the lie I had just told. I threw him a careful glance, but he seemed unfazed. I relaxed in my spot, briefly glancing at Julia. She gave me an almost imperceptible nod, signaling that she had been successful.

Kris and the others reached home shortly after and sat with us around the living room, contentedly chatting. They were laughing at Lay’s reenactment of Julia’s freak out when she intentionally bumped her knee against mine and subtly jerked her head towards my bedroom, where the guitar was.

“I guess this is the signal,” I thought and got up, excusing myself. I played with my phone until she came in five minutes later.

“I think you should record this,” She was laughing even before having made the prank.

“Why didn’t I think of that?” I poked my temple with one finger.

With the guitar on her hand, she turned towards me. “Make sure he doesn’t see you before I do it.”

I stepped out of the room and kept a distance from her. I pressed the record button as I walked. The video would’ve been of better quality if I would’ve been able to record it from a different angle, but this was better than not having it at all, so I didn’t think too much about it.

I could hear Lay still poking fun at Julia and I wondered how that guy could stretch a minute phone call into a ten-minute story. I shook my head and focused the camera on Julia’s back. When she reached the end of the hall and marched into the living room, she called, “Hey, Lay!”

I could see all of them now; Tao held onto his stomach, calming down; Chen and Xiumin were wiping tears from their eyes; Kris sat with an amused smile; and Lay wore a smug smirk; but at Julia’s call, their eyes found their way to her.

“Payback’s a ,” She said, and with all of her might she whammed “Lay’s guitar” against the floor several times until the only things connecting each broken part of it were the strings and the only intact thing was the neck of the guitar, which she had been holding onto. She let go of it and it made a sound when it hit the floor.

Only ten seconds had passed, but we had seen it in slow motion. I stood there, recording it, with my mouth wide open. I had known what was going to happen, but it hadn’t stopped me from being completely shocked at the scene, like the rest of EXO-M.

The atmosphere was eerily still, the only background sound being made by the television. Then, Lay stood up slowly, quietly, and dropped to his knees right next to the remains of “his guitar”. “Lola,” He whispered.

“What, Lay named his guitar Lola? How did I not know this? Is LayHan even real?” I almost laughed out loud at my thoughts.

Lay took the neck of the guitar, cradled it in his arms, while he laid in a fetal position on the ground. I was wondering when he would reach the state of anger when he sprung up and roared, “I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!”

Julia let out a frightened yelp and ran behind Kris, but he was still shocked, so he wasn’t much help as a shield. She continued running around the living room with Lay hot on her heels. In his haste to catch her and probably strangle her to death, Lay managed to bring down everything in his path. Twice or thrice she circled the area of the living room before she decided the best place to hide was my room. “Run, Luhan!”

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets and I ran inside my room, opening the door wide for her and slammed it on Lay’s face when she threw herself inside the room, like one of those movie scenes where there’s an explosion. I pushed on the door as Lay tried to get in, struggled against it. Hurriedly, Julia got up to her feet and helped me maintain it closed.

Lay punched, kicked, and pushed at the door with all the strength he could muster, but it was two against one, and all he could do was push it open one or two inches before it closed again.

“I’ll kill you both! They’ll write songs about you!” He yelled while doing so. Lay kept it up for almost ten minutes before we decided it was enough and we should put him out of his misery. Plus, we were worn out from all the force we used to keep the door shut.

“Your guitar is on your bed, where you left it, Zhang Yixing!” I panted. A sweat bead trickled down my forehead and fell into my eye, making me stop for a second to rub it due to the burning. In that second I put my guard down, Lay kicked the door open and Julia and I fell to the ground.

He let out a malevolent laugh as he stood over us. “Now, what shall I do with both of you? Oh, I know!”

He looked at Julia. “Oh, but you did say you were afraid of sharks, Julia.”

Then, he turned his gaze towards me. “And you! I’ll just strap you to a rollercoaster until you die of fear!” He began laughing uncontrollably with a crazed look on his face. Frankly, he was starting to scare me.

“Hyung!” Chen yelled from behind him. He held Lay’s precious guitar in his hand, and Lay stared at it, mouth agape.

“What the –how –but –What is going on here?!”

“They were telling the truth,” Chen shrugged.

The rest had gathered around the door, still aghast.

“I cannot believe you did that,” Xiumin chimed in, seriously.

“Cannot believe you did that,” Tao repeated.

Lay just turned from the guitar to us and back, trying to make something of the situation, before it finally dawned on him. “I’ve been trolled,” He said, flabbergasted.

“Yes,” Julia and I said from the ground, simultaneously, before smiling at each other.

Doing strange hand gestures while he had an internal battle with himself, he wondered out loud, “How did you manage to do that?”

“It was all Julia’s idea,” I told him, and his eyes darted towards her.

Lay put both of his hands on his waist, looking at her in amazement. He extended a hand towards her and helped her up, while I pulled myself up.

He wiggled a finger at her. “Though, I have a newfound admiration for you, I’m not calling you Jiejie.”

He chuckled to himself as he left the room.

“His weirdness just kept growing and growing,” I thought, shaking my head. I let out a short gasp when I remembered the video recorded on my phone. I giggled happily, “I’ll just send this video to the rest of EXO!”

“There’s more of you?!” Julia yelled in surprise.

“Yes, you see…” I explained to her how they were two parts of EXO how we came from another planet, and all of the stuff a typical fangirl knew, but in the middle of my explanation, the members from our counterpart began sending text messages commenting on the video.

From Kai:

                  “She seems pretty badass to me!”

From Suho:

                  “Oh, goodness! Who’s going to clean the mess?! °o° ”

From Kyungsoo:

                   “I did not know my eyes could get bigger that they already were. (◎o◎)”

From Sehun:

                    “o_O The king was dethroned?!”

From Chanyeol:

                    “OH, WE’RE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN WHEN WE MEET! \(^o^)/”

From Baekhyun:

                     “I’ve fallen in love! I’ll propose as soon as we meet. ♥o♥”

“What is it?” Julia asked.

“ Nothing,” I answered, frowning at the last message.

To Baekhyun:

                     “Shut up, Baekhyun. She’s older than you.”

From Baekhyun:

                     “Oho, well, isn’t that just convenient for me, because I prefer noonas. ;D”



Author's Note:

Oh, we all know Baekhyun is just teasing him! He won't try anything!

Next chapter will have more Kris. It's not my fault he's either out or he doesn't speak to Julia that much when he's with her! 

Somehow, this chapter ended up being almost 2,900 words long... To make up for only updating twice a week, right?

I have the next chapter in my mind already; I was thinking of writing it tomorrow, but I can't make promises when it comes to this because the lazyness overpowers me sometimes.

It's 4am, so I'll leave you guys with this and hope you enjoy it!

LAYHAN IS REAL(and perfect)!


LAY, SHUT UP! You liar!

I'm sorry for unleashing my LayHan feels on you guys, really. Until next time, take care! :)

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Chapter 10 is still gone, and I'm waiting for it to appear to update... Be patient, lovely subscribers!


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I remember this chapter her parents are insane. I hope that they do actually go and visit her it would be epic.

Lucky you~ I go back to my hectic uni life tomorrow. >.<
Don't worry you'll get used to it in no time! ^-^
IceNicole12 #3
This story is so funny it's rlly good
I don't even know why it's rated M. It doesn't say bad words or have inappropriate things. It's just me explaining why I haven't updated!
Ohmaigod why is chapter ten rated M /does not read M
LOL Baekhyun. XD
Greasy Bacon is the best Bacon. (Oh my God, I'm a vegetarian; what am I talking about?) xD
@Serrae1 & @carelessenjoyment
So glad I'm able to get a laugh out of you guys! It's why I write in the first place! :D
Your comments are muchly appreciate and serve as a motivation.
you should totally get together with my friend and have a layhan worshipping session .__.