


Youngjae was sleeping at the couch, and he heard the door creaked. He kept his eyes closed,hearing footsteps going to him, which was weird. He then felt a peck, on his cheek, and soon he heard the footsteps going away from him. He then touched his cheek, and was thinking, why did Daehyun dothat?
Daehyun would always come home late, and would go straight to his bed, without even bothering about him sleeping at the couch.Youngjae knew something was amiss, he couldn't sleep thinking about his life so far.
He met Daehyun when they were schooling, he was always been around Daehyun, making sure he wouldn't do any wrong.Daehyun didn't, but he was a flirt, girls were all over him. Youngjae was used to this, and he would be off, after seeing a girl with Daehyun. He didn't mind, and he knew he was having feelings for Daehyun.
Getting jealous over the girls,getting frustrated that he wouldn't hang out with him.
He confessed, on Daehyun's birthday, and Daehyun happily accepted his confession.Daehyun revealed to him he also had feelings for him, and they quickly become a couple.
They got a apartment after some years,their parents approved them of staying together, and Youngjae was working hard, while Daehyun was fooling around.
Youngjae was the only one working, and he knew Daehyun was going to night clubs. He knew that Daehyun wasn't that type to work, even when they used to school together,Daehyun was always the one slacking off and Youngjae was the one who was scoring well.
But even since Youngjae started working, both of them haven't be together so much.
True, they were loved each other, spending time together everyday,making each other smile.
Youngjae was busy working, he had to earn money for the two of them to survive and live.
One day, Youngjae was walking past the night club late one night, he was surprised to see Daehyun drunk, smiling and talking to girls.
He was heartbroken, the first time ever he caught Daehyun cheating on him, the first time he ever felt so sad, cheated.
3 years passed like this, Youngjae would be walking past the night club every night after work, just to see if Daehyun was there. He didn't need to worry where he was, he knew he was always there.
Daehyun always had girls all over him, Youngjae just watched from afar, wanting to feel nothing, not feeling sadness, loneliness, disappointment.But nevertheless, Youngjae would smile, seeing him being happily drunk and would walked away, with tears welled up in his eyes.
Youngjae would arrived home, sleeping in the couch.Daehyun didn't mind, as he came later, and would be knocking over stuffs as he went to his bed.Youngjae didn't want to sleep in his bed, he didn't want to be remind of Daehyun, who cheating on him.
For 3 years, they hardly spoke to each other, they hardly see each other especially when Youngjae was working hard for a living everyday.
"Good Morning"
"Bye"Youngjae would say, and left the house to work.
Youngjae knew he was a toy, was just a money-maker for him. Was just there so that he could survive, live happily, not the one to love.
Youngjae would cry, thinking about all this, he knew there was no love at all,even though he knew very knew, he loved Daehyun, even though he is cheating on him.
Youngjae would be at work, his table was piled up with papers needed to be done, and he sighed. It was the same everyday, he was used to this, to this horrible life he had always lived.
Nonetheless, he still worked hard,knowing he needed the money for the both of them. He was very careful with his money, he would be putting a little more in Daehyun's bank account, even if he was cheating on him. He knew Daehyun was always in his heart. 
Youngjae tried to erase his love for Daehyun, but heck, his heart was still there for him.It was all useless, useless to even try to forget about Daehyun.
Sometimes Youngjae wants to turn back the time, but he knew it was impossible.
He knew Daehyun didn't love him anymore, so why should he be still loving him so deeply?
Work was like a friend to Youngjae, that helps him to forget about Daehyun for a while, but Daehyun keeps coming back.
He wondered why he was silent, why wasn't he talking to Daehyun, about where he went.Why he still let Daehyun get away with all these, breaking his heart everyday.
He laughed, wondering how many hearts was broken by Daehyun, and knew he was a fool, a fool for loving Daehyun.
Youngjae knew no one could resist Daehyun, he lost count of girls who were chasing after him.
That insanely handsome guy, with his sweet talk, melodic voice, his intense gaze, beautiful lips.
Youngjae shook away his thoughts, but he knew his mind would only think of Daehyun.Youngjae would then wonder why, why he was living in a sad world, a cruel world where his loved one would break his heart everyday. He ignored Daehyun's action,knowing it would hurt him more if he remembered.
"Love hurts,I am always a fool"Youngjae said, before he went off to sleep,dreaming of Daehyun and him,in their happier times.
He woke up early, and looked into Daehyun's room as usual. He was sleeping peacefully, as always and Youngjae quietly got ready for work. He made breakfast for him and Daehyun, leaving a note saying he was off to work.He would usually do this when Daehyun was not awake yet.
He walked inside his office, and before he could sit down, there was an announcement.
"Yoo Youngjae, please meet Mr Bang at his office now"
Youngjae sighed as he quickly ran to the office. He went inside, seeing his colleagues, Himchan and Jongup, were also there, standing in front of Mr Bang Yongguk.
"Hello Youngjae"Yongguk greeted cheerfully, Youngjae was hoping he was not going to fired him.
"Do you know why I ask you guys to come to my office?"
Youngjae,Himchan and Jongup were silent, they knew it was either he wanted to praise them or fired them. They knew the second option was most likely to happen.
"You guys always did your work so well, very good, excellent!"Jongup and Himchan widened their eyes, while Youngjae was raising an eyebrow.
"You guys are promoted!"The three of them looked at each other, smiling.
"But!"Yongguk got their attention and smiled.
"You need to move, move to the states,are you okay with it?"
"Yes Yes Yes!"The three of them nodded, but Youngjae suddenly thought of something, Daehyun.
"Great,you would be going tomorrow then, fine with you? I would be going to"The three nodded, and was hugging each other, happy hey got promoted.
"Oh yeah, you guys have no work today, have fun, and I meet you at the airport tomorrow morning, better pack your bags now"He dismissed the three of them, Youngjae was free today.
He took the time to walk around,looking at what he was missing for so long, the shops, the trees, the outside world. He was smiling, and he noticed someone familiar sitting down,sipping on coffee.
"Oh..."Youngjae said without emotion, as he noticed that guy was Daehyun.Daehyun was looking solemn, even though he was with a girl, who was talking like Daehyun was listening to every word.
"He is with a girl again."Youngjae thought, as he rolled his eyes at the girl.
Youngjae smirked, and he was walking away, walking past Daehyun.But then his eyes happen to meet his,Daehyun was suddenly stood up, as Youngjae continued to walk away, not bothering to even turn to look at Daehyun.
'Why bother?'Youngjae thought as he went to his apartment, packing his stuffs. He called his parents, who approved him of going to the states to work.
"What about Daehyun?"Youngjae felt silent but then he nervously laughed.
"He could take care of himself"
Youngjae was now left with one problem, Daehyun.
He was going to leave him, and Youngjae was laying on his bed,thinking on how to tell him he had to go.
But then he knew, Daehyun wouldn't care less, he knew he wouldn't even say goodbye, he couldn't care less.
He knew he was just a toy, and Daehyun was going to discard him anyway, he was just a tool, just for Daehyun to play with, just to make Daehyun's life easier.
Even though Youngjae's heart was broken everyday, he was still there for him.
Youngjae feels like trash, like he was being used.
He was losing hope, he wanted to leave, go as far away as possible, erasing his tears.He smiled at himself, even though he had tears in his eyes.
He then took a deep breath, and went to the night club. He thought maybe their love is gone, maybe everything is gone.
Everything for them was gone, he laughed at that fact, knowing he had to tell him.
He called Himchan and Jongup to meet him at the night club.
"Maybe, it is over for us"Youngjae thought in his mind, as he took a deep breath,walking into the night club. He saw Daehyun, who was sitting alone, drinking as usual.
"Daehyun"Youngjae called out,Daehyun turned, he was shocked to see Youngjae, happily calling his name.
"Can we talk outside?"They both went out, it was much quieter, perfect for a talk.
"Oh, it will be quick, and I think it is good news for you"
"I am leaving for the states tomorrow, I got promoted, don't worry I would still put money in your bank account"
"You are leaving?"Daehyun asked, looking at Youngjae's smiley face.
'He is happy that he is leaving me?'Daehyun thought as he looked at Youngjae, his eyes scanning for a hint of sadness.
"Yea, not good news? Well, maybe this is good news then"
"I know you always come to the night club, having girls all over you, I even saw you dated a girl,you are really smooth"Youngjae felt tears welled up in his eyes as he spoke.
"You did?"Daehyun was feeling guilty before Youngjae told him all these. He knew he cheated on him, and Youngjae was still there for him,no matter what.
"Maybe, our love is gone, don't you think?"Youngjae asked as Daehyun wanted to shake his head.He could never get Youngjae out of his mind.Even when he was drunk, or on a date, he would be thinking of Youngjae, who was busy.Dreaming about him every night, wanting him right beside him when he slept.But he couldn't, he was stunned by Youngjae's words.
"I am sorry if I didn't spend time with you,it is my fault that you cheated on me, I wasn't enough for you.."
The sun is hot but your heart is frozen
Whose fault is this? But I love you baby
Everything else is the same but we changed
Whose fault is this? I still love you baby
The girl who can’t say good bye
The boy that can’t leave
The two of us are no longer in love
So no no no no no no 
I’m so busy that I feel guilty
I fill my wallet with money and make some time
Even though I don’t express my love
When I have dinner and watch a movie with you
I hope you might feel better but
I continue to be in debt to my thoughts            -The girl who can't break up, the guy who can't leave by Leessang ft Jung In
"No, it is my fault-"
"Daehyun, here comes the good news."Youngjae smiled as tears streamed down his cheeks.Daehyun looked at Youngjae confusedly.The one that he truly loves, he was making him hurt and cry, he was a fool. Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought about losing Youngjae.
Youngjae wiped away his tears, and Daehyun couldn't help but think that Youngjae was still the old Youngjae, that cutie beside him,the hardworking, caring, pretty guy that was always there for him. Daehyun looked upon his angelic face, couldn't help but to think Youngjae was still so beautiful, so adorable now.He was guilty, he couldn't understand why he did all these to Youngjae. Youngjae smiled as he looked at Daehyun, he saw tears in his eyes.
"We are breaking up"Youngjae smiled brightly at Daehyun, who was staring at Youngjae,shocked at what he said.
"You don't need to bother about me anymore, just the girls that are all over you"Youngjae smiled,blinking his tears away.
"Youngjae!"Himchan shouted, Jongup waving at Youngjae.Youngjae smiled, and he turned to face Daehyun.
"Goodbye"Daehyun instantly kneeled on the floor as Youngjae turned and walked toward his friends.Youngjae forced himself to leave Daehyun, he would just pretend to have a great day with his friends, so Daehyun would be happier playing around with his girls.Youngjae decided to stay at his friend's house for the night, wanting to forget Daehyun once and for all and that he would be able to go to the airport with his friends, not alone like he used to.But Youngjae was holding back his tears, not wanting to let Daehyun see how weak he is.To let him see that he still cares and love Daehyun.He didn't want to turn back, he doesn't want to know what his reactions were.
"How is that good news?"Daehyun spoke to himself, seeing Youngjae happily walked away with his friends.He then went back to the night club, drinking more than usual.He wasn't himself, he would be pushing people away if they wanted to come near him, he was more violent and he was losing himself.He went out of the club, bumping into strangers, he didn't bother to say sorry, he was walking home, but he hit the door, telling himself cry on the spot.He lost his mind, but no matter what, Youngjae was also there in his mind.
"Haha, Youngjae is gone...."He laughed, he was giddy, as he sat at the doorway.
"Youngjae..."He cried, letting his tears flow down.
"You are happy that we broke up?!"Daehyun punched the door,knowing it was useless. It can't bring Youngjae back in his life.He was living worst, he didn't get any love from Youngjae, as he was always so busy.
"How is that good news?"He cried himself to sleep, sleeping outside of his apartment,dreaming of an impossible dream of having Youngjae by his side again.

"Our love is broken right? One gives more than the other, or one doesn't love the other"Youngjae thought, but he knew he couldn't erase the spot in his heart, which was his love for Daehyun as he went to sleep at his friends' house, thinking he did the right thing.
Even if it hurts.
Because Love hurts.
That's what Youngjae thinks.
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I was thinking of a sequel...


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elliptical #1
congratulations on dah feature!
Krisyeolsdaughter #2
congrats on the feature!! ^^
Congratulations on the random feature! ^^ (: ~
milkytwilight_ #4
bellebonbon #6
Omg please xS make another chapter wt xD I LoVe ThIs StORY
congrats :) ~!
Congrats! ^^