Crash Landing


Suddenly it was over and we found ourselves face down in a snow drift. We'd landed in a tangle of arms, legs and backpacks. When I raised my head I realised we were a long way from the underground base. Something snorted in my face and I jumped to my feet with a cry.


"Whoa!" I shouted in surprise. I heard some of the others try to stand too. Someone fell down again with a plop into the snow. 


"What are those things?" Chanyeol asked brushing snow out of his hair. 


"Cows?" Luhan suggested blowing on his hands and stamping his feet.


"Really…fluffy…big cows?" Chen said skeptically. We looked around.


"Not cows," Kris said as he tried to stand, "Yaks."


"Yaks?" I echoed, "Does that mean we're in the…"


"Himalayas." Kris said grimly, "Yeah Kai's landed us in Nepal." Sehun and Luhan turned to glare at Kai who held up his hands with a look of frustration.


"It was the first place I thought of." he said. 


"The Himalayas?" Luhan almost shouted, "What planet are you from?! What possessed you to think that the HIMALAYAS were the best destination?"


"I didn't say best," Kai said defended himself, "I said first. Anyway the mutants…I thought they…looked like…" He started nudging snow with his foot awkwardly. 


"What?" Lay asked pulling Tao to his feet.


"Yetis…" Kai said quietly. A chunk of snow hit his forehead, soaking his hair and making him wince. Luhan looked murderous as he brushed leftover snow from his hands and Sehun had another chunk of snow waiting in his palm.


"Guys." Suho warned. He was also trying to find a foothold in the snow. 


"What?" Luhan said angrily, "We've gone from being surrounded by things that want to eat us to being dropped into a giant freezer! Do tell me at what point should I be grateful for being allowed to die in a different way?!"


"Luhan," Baekhyun said helping Kai brush snow out of his clothes, "You're being hysterical." Luhan made a funny noise that sounded like it was between a gasp and a snort of indignation. He yanked his backpack out of the snow and dusted it down all the while glaring at Baekhyun and Kai.


I looked around. We'd landed in the foothills of the Himalayas. Korea was thousands of miles away to the East. We had limited food, no shelter and an army of mutants with time to scour an almost empty world looking for us. The mountains disappeared into the clouds in one direction and a great plateau stretched to the horizon in the other. It was an isolated, harsh landscape, something I'd only ever seen in books as a child. The wind whipped my hair on my cheek and I screwed my eyes up against the glare from the light glinting on the snow.

"This is an improvement," I said to Luhan, "At least here you have a chance of getting out of this alive." He shrugged and folded his arms across his chest.


"Besides," I continued, "That girl wanted someone's power and my father's notes. Once she'd got these things the rest of us would have become dinner. Where would you rather be right now? Up a mountain? Or in a mutant's digestive system?"


"Ew." Sehun and Chanyeol said simultaneously. Luhan shrugged again looking out over the desolate landscape. 


"At least there's fresh air…" he said morosely. Suho raised his eyebrows at him meaningfully.


"Sorry…" Luhan said to Kai who nodded sulkily.


"That's my boy." Suho said jokingly. 


"Anyone want to get out of the cold?" D.O asked suddenly who'd been staring into space during the argument. Everyone looked at him. He was pointing up the slope to a line of dark, rocky crags sticking up out of the drift. A shallow-looking cave was set into them. The sky was turning purple, threatening snow, as the clouds gathered ominously. Far away the horizon was turning orange. 

"Lets go." Chanyeol said setting off to the cave. His feet burned through the drift leaving deep channels in his wake. It helped the rest of us to follow him. 


Inside the cave it was gloomy and littered with large chunks of rock interspersed with dry bracken. Baekhyun and Suho began ripping up the plants to try and make a fire. When they'd arranged the dry plants in a circle of rocks I reached into my back pack for some matches. I struck one and bent down to light it but Chanyeol got there before me. A burst of flame shot from his fingertips and lit the stove. 


"Too slow." he grinned up at me from his kneeling position in front of the flames. I rolled my eyes and blew the match out. As everyone fought over the best places to sleep I noticed Lay over by the entrance. I stood up and went to join him. 


"You got to see the sunset after all." I said as I approached him. He looked tired but smiled faintly. 


"How did that girl know your name?" he asked.


"Maybe she discovered it through Gogul." I said looking out at the snowy wilderness, "Though, honestly, I'm trying not to think about it until tomorrow."


"And why would she want Tao's power over Time?" Lay wasn't looking at me when he said this. We watched the sun appear for a moment above the horizon. It hung among the dark clouds, an burning sphere of flame, before falling away again. 

"I don't know," I answered, "We'll probably find out soon." He turned to look at me and gave me a strange look: a faraway half smile. 


"I hope so." he said turning to go set out his sleeping bag. He took a few steps and said quietly: "You have snowflakes in your hair." I ran a hand through my short hair.


"They suit you." he smiled and walked away leaving me with a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. I stayed behind to watch the horizon mulling over the events of the last few hours: why did Eris want Tao's power?

- - - - - - - - - -

So Kai's dumped them in the Himalayas because of a random thought he had...wonder what's going to happen next time! ;)

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Chapter 21: OMG OMG OMG FINALLY THANK YOU! Can't wait for the next chapter, so much suspence! Please update soon! ★
happycake #2
Chapter 20: yay omigod I'm so happy you updated:D this is one of the best fanfics I've read so far!!! <333
Chapter 18: update author-nim~
Chapter 2: won't you update author-nim? ^^
Oh My God! Never expected that! :DD Kyaaahh! >.<
Wow, so exciting!! I really like your writing cant wait for more :)