Performing a Party Trick



"One thousand years…" Luhan said again after he'd woken up on the mattress. He'd been saying the same thing for almost two hours and in that time had managed to depress Lay who was lying next to him.


"One thousand years…" Lay echoed with his head under a pillow. They were both acting like they'd got the hangover of a lifetime. All the while they'd been dealing with their lost years spent in glass tanks I'd been trying to cook. 


"Hungry?" I asked the figures. Luhan raised his head from his hands and Lay removed his pillow at the mention of food. It was a miraculous recovery. I remembered it had been centuries since either had eaten properly.


"Don't get so excited." I cautioned them while handing them bowls of something even I couldn't identify. In this world you couldn't afford to be picky about what you ate. 


"Wha-" Luhan began pointing to the bowl in his hands.


"Don't ask." I said, "It'll only put you off it more. Just eat it."


"Ok," Lay said, "Can I have a spoon?"


I handed one to him and was about to pass one to Luhan, who was sitting further away, when the spoon shot from my hand. It sailed into Luhan's outstretched palm and his fingers curled round it. We all froze, no one spoke.


"Please tell me you threw that…" Luhan said horsely as he held the spoon like it was an unexploded bomb. He carefully placed the spoon onto the mattress and hovered his hand above it. The spoon flew back into his waiting hand with no help. 


"Ok," Lay said slowly, "Nobody move a muscle…" No one moved. 


"Do it again." Lay said watching Luhan's arm closely. Luhan obeyed and repeated the action with the same outcome: one hovering spoon on a collision course with his hand. 


"You sure you're not magnetic or something?" Lay asked holding up the bandage I'd tied around his head the night before. That theory was defeated as we watched it shoot into Luhan's hand. Realising what it was Luhan dropped it in disgust. 


"I hope this is another side effect." I said beginning to eat before it got cold, flying spoons or not. This was bad: two patients had unfrozen without warning within a day of each other. Not only that but they also had freakish incidences: like being able to heal impossibly fast or moving objects without touching them. Something was not right…


"So do I." Lay said, "I'd hate Luhan to have that power perm-" His voice was instantly muffled as a cloth was dropped onto his head from nowhere.


"Permanently." Lay said as he removed the cloth from his head with a look of exasperation. Luhan smiled and stuck out his tongue. He looked younger than ever pulling that childish expression. He set his bowl down and took on an expression of extreme concentration. The bowl and spoon began to rise into the air before stopping to hover in front of Luhan's face. It was shaky and slow as the spoon moved towards his mouth but once he'd taken a bite he put his free hands in the air in triumph. 

"I could get used to this." he said watching the floating bowl and spoon. I began to wonder when the siren would sound again and instantly wished I hadn't.


'Here we go again' I thought as the raucous cawing started up again. What on earth was going on?!


"Another?" Lay asked as I slammed my bowl down on the ground in my hurry to get to the door. In shock Luhan lost concentration causing the bowl and spoon to plummet to the ground. 


"What's happening?" he asked as Lay and I bolted through the door. 


"Just come on!" I shouted to Luhan through the door and he ran after us, locking the door behind him.

- - - - - 

Ok this was originally supposed to be part of a bigger update but I haven't had time to write much today and I'm too tired to keep going so I'm dividing it into two parts (sorry)! I'll try to update one more time tomorrow before I go - a new character will be making an appearance then! Wonder who it is (clue: It'll be someone from EXO-K) ;) Hope you enjoy this part! :)

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Chapter 21: OMG OMG OMG FINALLY THANK YOU! Can't wait for the next chapter, so much suspence! Please update soon! ★
happycake #2
Chapter 20: yay omigod I'm so happy you updated:D this is one of the best fanfics I've read so far!!! <333
Chapter 18: update author-nim~
Chapter 2: won't you update author-nim? ^^
Oh My God! Never expected that! :DD Kyaaahh! >.<
Wow, so exciting!! I really like your writing cant wait for more :)