
Baker Queen Yoon Jayoo

Song Ji-hyo, actress and a menber of the variety show running man. If you don't know that one you should check it out, it's really funny XD



“Agassi, Ta wasseumnida” The Taxi driver impatiently poked the sleeping girl's knee, since she wouldn’t wake up. Jayoo opened her eyes looking around, trying to recognize where she was. “We have arrived miss, please leave the car” The taxi driver told her.

“Ne, how much do I owe you?” she asked, reaching for her wallet.

“It’s all right, the young man paid already?”

“Who?” the still half asleep girl looked confused.

“The guy who gave me the address, he already paid.” The taxi driver pressed: “please get out, I still need to work.”

“Oh, all right, thank you” she got barely out of the car when that taxi took off again, making her jump and fall back on her bottom.

She groaned feeling as if she could just fall asleep right there if she lay down. But that not being an option she heaved herself up, brushing the dirt from her .

What a bad day for my body. First the knees and now my .

She looked around. She was surrounded by apartment blocks, and being dark at this late hour, didn’t make it easier to differentiate anything. Jayoo turned desperate. She was tired; all she wanted now was a nice and cozy bed. But just standing here, wouldn’t get her any closer to one. She randomly started with one of the buildings, having to look at the doorbells, to hopefully find Song Ji-hyo’s name on one of the plates.

She slowly turned hopeless, after the 4th building without success. After the 5th one she gave up. Exhausted she crouched down on the curb, resting her arms and head on her knees. She tried to suppress a tear. She didn’t want to cry, there was no reason to cry. The tear slowly rolled down her cheek.

“Jayoo? Yoon Jayoo?” a voice called from behind her. Jayoo’s head shot up. Behind her was a woman, slowly approaching her. The squatting girl stood up: “Song Ji-hyossi?”

The woman smiled relieved: “Yes, where were you, I was worried”

Jayoo didn’t say a word and run into her arms, hugging her tightly and started to sob.

“Omo, omo” Ji-hyo was taken aback, but returned the hug, patting the smaller girls back soothingly. “I called back the number from which you called me; you should have arrived a long time ago. But the guy on the phone said, you already left.” Jayoo didn’t say anything, but she started to calm down a little.

“Come on, let’s go inside. You must be really tired.” The Woman took her bag and put her arm around Jayoo’s shoulder, leading her to an apartment building far from where Jayoo was searching at.

Dang, that would have taken all night, looking for that flat.

Jayoo brushed the tears from her face: “choisonghamnida” she said embarrassed.

Ji-hyo squeezed her shoulders. “Don’t be sorry, I bet you were pretty scared all alone in a foreign country. Moreover at night.”

Jayoo managed to smile: “I’m happy to finally meet you” she said.

“It’s a rather unique way of meeting but I’m happy too. I’m glad that you made it here” The older woman, still holding her while walking gave her another tight squeeze.


Even after knowing each other for about two years, the two women never actually met. They were pen pal friends and had exchanged many mails during those years. After starting with martial arts, Jayoo wanted to learn the Korean language. It turned out to be pretty difficult though. all by herself. That’s when she found Ji-hyo on an internet site, who offered to help foreigners with their Korean studies. Jayoo contacted her, and they soon became friends talking about more than just language related things. Nonetheless, Jayoo could improve her Korean immensely by exchanging mails with her unni who was eleven years older and whom she never met. After hearing that Jayoo would come to Korea, Ji-hyo was thrilled and contributed her help by offering her to stay at her flat with two other flat mates.


The two women arrived in front of the apartment after riding the escalator to the 12th floor.

“Say, didn’t you bring any luggage with you?” Ji-hyo asked after she noticed the younger girl’s empty hand. Jayoo looked back, expecting her luggage to be there, bewildered she turned around starting to panic.

Oh god, where did it go. My stuff, it’s lost!

Then it hit her: “Ah! Behind the counter!” she face palmed herself

“What?” Ji-hyo asked buffled.

“I left it at the bakery, behind the counter” the girl explained, rubbing her forehead.

“Aigoo, Jayoo-ya what are we gonna do with you” Ji-hyo chuckled pressing in the code to open the door.

“By the way, the code is 1102, I hope you don’t forget that as well.” she said jokingly. Jayoo, scratched her head “Ne…” and followed her inside. The apartment was clean and open. A little small, but very neat. “Put your shoes here” the older woman instructed. Motioning her to follow she led her to the left. “Here is the washroom with a shower and a toiled” she pointed at the slim door. To its right was a second door. “This is the room of the other ones, be quiet one of them is sleeping right now”. The space then opened up to, what seemed to be the living room with a couch and a flat screen TV with several gaming systems attached to it. “Unni, do you like to play games?” Jayoo asked stunned.

“No, they’re not mine. I advise you to better not touch them without their consent” she warned and moved on toward the kitchen. It was small and stuffed, but it had a huge refrigerator that looked modern and new compared to the rest.

Ji-hyo opened a cabinet revealing a stack of all kinds of cereals. “You said you liked cereals right? You can eat them for breakfast. I won’t be here in the morning, I’ll have to go to work, but you can take them without any worries. The milk is in the frige.”

“What? You wont be here in the morning?” Jayoo asked shocked.

“Don’t worry I’ll be back at two o’clock in the afternoon…"

“But I’ll have to be at the bakery at eleven.” Jayoo blurted.

“Oh… Ok, well. I’ll give you my old cellphone, in case you get lost again”

The younger girl pouted at that comment, but didn’t want to complain.

“Well, let’s go to bed for now, it’s late all ready, I’ll have a hard time waking up tomorrow” Ji-hyo led her to the last door, that was on the other side opposite the entrance.

“There are only two bedrooms, so I hope you don’t mind sharing with me” Ji-hyo asked carefully.

Jayoo shook her head: “Not at all, but... I don’t have any pajamas.” She said, tucking at her shirt that she had worn all day. Two days actually counting in the hours of the flight.

Ji-hyo looked down at her and then back up, stopping at the girl’s torso. “I can help with the pants”, she pondered: “but I’m afraid my shirts will be too tight for you. I’m mean I'm not saying you’re fat, just… pretty big up there” she added.

Jayoo looked down on her body, embarrassed she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Hold on a second” Ji-hyo said and hushed to the other bedroom door, opend it carefully and tiptoed inside without turning on the light. After a few moments she came back outside carrying a dark blue shirt. “Here try this one”, she said and pushed her inside their bedroom. It wasn’t big; there was nothing beside a bed with just enough space to fit two people, a build in closet and a small coffee table with a mirror on it. Ji-hyo gave her a pair of black shorts, and they changed into their pajamas. Jayoo looked down at herself. The shirt was pretty big, almost covering the end of the shorts halfway on her thigh. “Isn’t that a guy’s shirt?” she questioned.

“Of course it is a guy’s shirt” Ji-hyo retorted.

Jayoo looked at her: “You mean… your flat mate is a guy?”

“Both of them are. Didn’t I tell you?” She replied puzzled.

“No… well, not exactly” (in korean sentences, you don't allways need to specify the object. So when talking about someone, it's not allways clarified what it is you're talking about. You have to know from context, so it can either be male or female)

“Oh really? I’m sorry. I hope that's no problem for you, they are really nice. Most of the time. About your age.”

Jayoo gulped: “No, it’ll be all right I guess. I was just surprised.”

Ji-hyo sighed relieved: “Well let’s go to sleep now, I guess tomorrow will be another long day for you.”

“Ne unni, chal chayo”

“Ung, chal cha”

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Supafast_Jellyfish #1
Chapter 22: WELCOME BACK! HAPPY 2013 XD

update soon
midnightangelxo #2
Love this story :)
Update Soon !!