
Baker Queen Yoon Jayoo

~~~~ "OH, don't worry about it, he didn't  really mean it like that."~~~~



Dongwoon lightly tugged on his father’s toes, causing the drooling man to grunt and flip is feet, he then peacefully snarled on. Jayoo had offered to wait outside, so it wouldn’t be awkward when he woke up. But Dongwoon said, it was all right, it’s the owners own fault, so he’ll have to live with it. She read the backs of some of the recipe books, when suddenly a slap was heard and one big snarl shook the middle aged man awake. His son had hit his thigh to wake him, since calling and tugging was of no use.

Confused, the owner looked around resting his eyes on his son and supporting himself by holding on to the armrests when his legs dropped off the table.

“What is it?” he snorted.

Dongwoon didn’t say anything and just motioned to the girl standing behind him. She had turned her back towards them, not wanting to embarrass the owner.

The man wiped away the drool around his mouth and straightened his half grey hair and the light brown suit jacket. He then cleared his throat giving his son a sign that he was ready for business.

Dongwoon sighed lightly and tipped on Jayoo’s shoulder. She turned around and made a ninety degree bow folding her hands in front of her stomach, just like she learned from hear gumdo Master.  “Yoon Jayoo imnida, mannaso bangabsuebnida”, she introduced herself.

He nodded, resting his elbows on the table and folding his fingers before his mouth. “Ne, ne, it’s nice to meet you, did you have a save trip? I apologize for the inconvenience, my son is incapable.” He added without even looking at the accused.

“What?” Jayoo was shocked, wildly shaking her hands. “No, no he isn’t at any fault, my flight was late, so…” she worriedly glanced at Dongwoon, but his face only showed indifference, looking at various things in the room.

The Man behind the table started shuffling through the mess before him. Paper, folders, ball pens and other random utensils were spread all over the table, making it impossible to actually work on it. His search seemed to be unsuccessful, but he outplayed it by looking at his wrist watch and saying: “well, it’s already pretty late. Why don’t we talk about the details of you internship here tomorrow, when we’re all a bit… fitter. You said you had a place to stay, right?” The owner asked.

“Ne, issuemnida”, Jayoo confirmed.

“Can you come by here again tomorrow at, let’s say, lunch?”

“Ne, kuereogessumnida”, Jayoo complied.

“Good then, see you tomorrow, have a good rest”

“Ne, annyonghi keseyo”, Jayoo made another ninety degree bow. She backed up toward the door, making sure not to turn her back against the owner, who waved her goodbye and stepped outside.

Dongwoon followed her, wishing his father good night as well, and closed the door behind him. The girl looked up at the tall guy, as it suddenly shook her. A sizzling shiver from head to toe.  “Are you all right?” he asked concerned, observing her closely. “Yeah, it’s just… I guess I was just nervous about this meeting. I’m sorry that he got mad at you because of Me.”, She bowed her head to apologize.

“Oh, don’t worry about it, he didn’t really mean it like that.” He said and smiled reassuring. “Where do you stay at? Do you know how to get there?” he asked leading her back down the stairs.

“Oh yeah”, Jayoo remembered: “Do you maybe have a phone that I could use?”

“Sure”, he reached in his pocket and gave her his cellphone. She fished her iPod out of her bag, in which she kept all important contact information’s. She found the number of Song ji-hyo and dialed it. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Jayoo excused herself and went to a corner on the other side of the store to make the call.

Dongwoon went to the counter where the cashier attended a customer.

“A very good choice ma’am, I can assure you, you will love it. That’s 7500 won then please.” She took the money, constantly smiling brightly, even though the older ajumma seemed to be in a rather bad mood. “Thank you very, much please visit us again.” She handed her the change and bowed.

“Are you ever in a bad mood?” Dongwoon asked her, as the ajumma left.

“Why should I?” she asked taking the question literal. “Where is your new friend?”

“She’s making a phone call”, he pointed to the corner where Jayoo stood at.

Hyorin looked over: “How did it go? Will she start working tomorrow? What did the owner say? Did he hire her?”

“Too many questions”, Dongwoon squeezed his eyes frustrated: “She was already to be accepted before she got her. Since she’s from Switzerland, this isn’t a normal internship”, he explained.

“Ah, I see”, the girl nodded understanding, not taking her eyes off the one on the phone all the while. “How is she? She’s cute, kinda quiet, must be very nice?”

“Hey you have a customer”, Dongwoon pointed out.

The cashier immediately turned her attention to the client, sporting a bright smile again. At that moment something tugged on Dongwoon’s jacket. He turned around, almost hitting Jayoo with his elbow in the act. She smoothly dogged it and handed him his cellphone; “komabsuemnida”

The startled boy took a step backwards, putting the phone back. “could you reach her?”

“Yes, she was still awake. Well, I’ll be going then, I don’t wanna keep her awake. Thank you for today”

“What? Oh, no problem. Uhm… do you know how to go there then?”

“Yes, I have her address”

“How will you get there?”

The Girl shrugged her shoulders: “I’ll take a bus or something.”

Dongwoon wasn’t happy with that answer: “I think you should take a taxi”, he demanded.

“That…”, Jayoo turned lightly red tapping her index fingers together in front of her chest: “ I don’t know how to halt a taxi…”

How cute

“I have no problem taking buses or trains, but we don’t have a lot of taxis in Switzerland.”, she explained.

The tall guy chuckled: “why didn’t you say so? I will get one for you.” He walked outside towards the street. After just two minutes a taxi drove by and Dongwoon swiftly motioned it to stop. He held the door open, and let the girl get in: “Where do you need to go?” Jayoo showed him the little piece of paper that now really threatened to rip apart. He told the taxi driver the address and informed the girl to meet in the store at eleven in the morning the next day. She nodded, hardly able to keep her eyes open. She thanked him again, bowing and the driver took off.

Dongwoon waved after her, doubting that she would actually see it.

“Yah, wait!” He jumped. The cashier came storming outside behind him. “Did she leave already? Ottokhaji?”

“Good lord you scared me” He breathed holding onto his chest: “what's wrong?”

“She forgot her luggage… poor thing what is she gonna do without her necessities?” Hyorin said looking after the leaving taxi.

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Supafast_Jellyfish #1
Chapter 22: WELCOME BACK! HAPPY 2013 XD

update soon
midnightangelxo #2
Love this story :)
Update Soon !!