Choices and roses

Intertwined fate , Unforseen destiny


For the whole night , Dongho’s words rang in my ears . Did he really mean what he said ? Or was he just playing with my feelings ? I rolled over the bed and tried to smoothen my messy hair . Whatever it was , I would find out when I got to school . I quickly got dressed and left for school.


☆ Luhan’s POV ☆

That guy , Shin Dongho . He’s nothing but a bad influence on ( your name ) . Who does he think he is that he can simply use her when he wants to ? He ignored her for so long , and now he’s crawling back to her ? It’s disgusting . He’s disgusting .

I hate him . I already know he’s asked her out to the event , but according to her , she hasn’t said yes . Hopefully I’ll still stand a chance against him ……


I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned behind to see Luhan . He looked so shy and he refused to look at me in the eye .

“ Luhan ~ What’s wrong ? “ I asked , concerned. He looked up and I saw that he was blushing . “ Why is your face so red ? Are you having a fever ? “ I anxiously put my hand on his forehead and started panicking . Was he sick ?

“ Aniyo ~ I’m not sick . “ He looked down at the floor , embarrassed . I looked at him curiously , waiting for him to speak .

“ ( your name ) ….. Will you go to the upcoming event with me ? As a …. Date ? “ Luhan looked so embarrassed . “ Please ~~~ “ He pouted and showed me his big puppy eyes . The aegyo that I couldn’t resist .

I didn’t want to reject him , so how should I say it ? Luhan looked at me expectantly , waiting for my answer.

“ I’ll think about it , okay ? “ Luhan looked really disappointed.  “ Don’t look like that ~We can always go as friends .” I smiled .

“ Take your time . “ Luhan flashed a cute eye smile at me before running off .

I stood there , thinking about how screwed i was . It was impossible to choose between Luhan and Dongho . 


☆ Luhan's POV ( continued ) ☆

Was i okay back there ? Was i too awkward and shy ? Aish ...... What if she dosen't accept me ? 

I'm such a nerd gosh . I can't even ask a girl out nicely . 

Hopefully she'll say yes , i really want to go with her . It's the perfect opportunity , after all ......... 


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This is. WOW.
okay ^^
Thanks ~
Dongho's death is for me to decide :>
New reader here~ ^O^ like your fic so far, dunno why but hope that luhan will get ~~~... >.<
Thank you ~~ ^^
This is so sweet omg ;u;
OMG OMG Luhan~~~ update soon XD