The Black Kitten And The Owner!

Through The Kitten!


Lee Sungmin, 26, or can be known as Usagi Shiro… people might not recognize who is Lee Sungmin but if Usagi Shiro, people sure acknowledge him because the name of Usagi Shiro was so famous in novelists world… he’s the one of the best young novelist… two of his novels had became the best seller because its full of suspense, mysterious, conflicts, angst yet happy and unpredictable ending that always caught an attention from teenagers and adult… now he was working on his third book… he decided to make the third one full of happiness, fluffiness, sweetness and laughter…  just like his life, happy and cheerful…

Just like normal people, to do something, he also need some inspiration, so this time, his editor, Leeteuk hyung had found him a new environment for him to stay… well, Sungmin indeed need to be at new environment for a new inspiration…. For that, Leeteuk bring him to an alien resident that he never been before… it’s quiet and peace area… it was twined house… Sungmin and Leeteuk entered the house…

“Teukie hyung, the house next to me, occupied or not?” Sungmin asks, he was curious but eyes still fixed on the house structure that big and simple… that was his personal taste…

“ yup… but that person was not always at home… so don’t worry, you get the peace you want…” he crossed his arms, following Sungmin steps…

“Cool…” Sungmin eyes widen when he reach to the backyard of the house, forgetting about his new neighbor … a green grass that seems so fresh and wide area caught his attention and mind; big garden…

“Teukie hyung! I can live here?! For real?!” he’s excited now…

“yeah… but don’t sneak around… please do your work and finish it by the due date… 8 months from now…”

“Aww… that’s won’t work~ I need to be playful and naughty so that I can write something funs! Or my story will be as gloomy as your face now hyung….” he teased….

“Aish… whatever… as long as you do your work… well, will you excuse me… I need to go now… call me if you need anything… KEEP EVERYTHING LOCKED! Even though the security in this area had been verified…”


Next morning, Sungmin happily having his breakfast even with toasted bread spread with hazelchoc butter… then he sat in front of his laptop… ready to type… but…..

“hmm… what eh?” he still confused and lack of ideas now…

“uh, I should go to the backyard… the ideas might spill out like water!” he grabs his small notebook and pen… well, he can’t bring his laptop everywhere for 24/7 right…

Now he was sitting with his crossed legs in middle of the garden… his pen was clenched between his teeth… he eyeing the calm surrounding, up down, from left to the right, every edges… suddenly, he laid on the ground…

“humphhh….” He puffed… then he starting to spin around his body… with the notebook and pen on each of his hands, he was rolling on the grass…. Of course in happy mode….

“rolling~ rolling~…”

He was rolling back when he saw a black kitten was staring at him with it dark black eyes… he stopped… immediately, he jot down on his notebook..

“Black cat with beautiful eyes…” he said as he wrote it…. When he tilted his head to take a look at the kitten again, it was missing….


The next day, in the afternoon, Sungmin sat on the same spot but in different setting… he prepared a mat and some meal… he looks like he was picnicking in his own garden… he munched his homemade sandwich in a deep thought, looking through the blue sky… Sungmin flinched at the sight in front him… there was a black kitten from yesterday, sitting against his position and staring at him warily… after he recover from the shock, Sungmin try to lure the kitten come to him…

“Come here kitty, you want some food?” the kitten mewed softly and began to approach Sungmin…. Sungmin pinched off a bit of his sandwich and give it to the kitten which it eats gladly…

“Wow~ you ate sandwich? Cool!”… He patted the kitten on the head and the kitten purred… he saw the kitten was wearing a collar with small medallion, curved alphabet ‘K’ on it…

“K? Your name is K? Stand for what? Kitten? Kitty?” the kitten just stares blankly at him…

“uh? No? then I just call you K… it’s okay?” Sungmin gave the kitten a ….

Sungmin continue seeking the inspiration while the kitten curled into a ball and went to sleep… leaving Sungmin now in his own world… for several day, Sungmin had been visited by the black kitten and they always meet at his backyard of course… he loves it… at least the kitten keep him company so that he doesn’t feel so lonely…

That evening, Kyuhyun just finished his work… his work required him to left his house for several day, or a week or more than that… yeah, because he works as a young pilot, always fly all over the world, thank god he’s not the type that love flirting or having one night stand with anyone he hooked up… he just, do his job, that is…

Kyuhyun slumped down his body on the couch… the house was in a lonely atmosphere since he lives alone… no one will wait for him from work, always eat instant food, but thanks to his family concern, their housemaid will come every morning and cleaned the house, sent his dirty clothes to laundry and fed his cat… now he just remember about the kitten that his Ahra noona gave to him… he forgot to remind the maid to feed its…

“Oh ! Kyu! Kyutie! Where are you?” he wandering in his house, looking for his kitten, black kitten with brown gold eyes, maybe no one waiting for him from work but his kitten sure waiting for him…

The truth is, Ahra named its Kyuhyun too, but Kyuhyun felt so weird for having two Kyuhyun in one house, nevertheless, a kitten… so he just called it Kyu… Kyuhyun dashed to his room, usually, Kyu always dozed in its favorite spot, on Kyuhyun’s fluffy pillow… but it was not there too… with his sore body, Kyuhyun laid on the bed, took a deep sigh due to his tiredness… soon, he dozed off…..

Kyuhyun woke up in middle of night to find he was not alone, Kyu was asleep at its favorite spot now… Kyuhyun smile and patted softly the black fluffy kitten that curled into a ball on his pillow…

“I’m sorry for leaving you… don’t worry, after this; I’ll play with you…”


Next day, Kyuhyun woke up in the morning with a new energy… having a good sleep for the whole night sure help him to regain his energy back, this time he was alone…

“Aish… gone missing again? You sure busier than me….” Kyuhyun said as he didn’t see Kyu in his room…

 After a long time shower, washing and pampering himself, he wears a plain black shirt with jeans, adjusting his messy and almost brown short hair… his stomach was growling, pleading to be full by any kind of food… Kyuhyun heading to the kitchen and found that someone already made a breakfast for him…

“oh, must be the maid… lucky me…” he eat his meal silently while his eyes roaming in the house, in case if he saw Kyu wandering in the house… next thing he knows, he was sitting alone on his couch, sighed at his boring life… at that moment, Kyu walked pass through him, heading to the back door as Kyuhyun also followed it from behind in confusion…

Kyu? Where are you going? Come back here…” the kitten ignored Kyuhyun’s voice… as it reached Kyuhyun’s backyard, the kitten passed his body through the small hole on the wooden wall that divided those two houses backyard and Kyuhyun still followed his kitten… he open the small gate that connected the houses and entered the garden… he eyeing his kitten steps then, a figure of someone lying on the ground caught his eyes …. Kyuhyun slowly approaching the lad and knelt beside him without any sound… Kyuhyun start to admire the beauty…

‘A man? So beautiful… Uh, Cho Kyuhyun! You just said a man – beautiful!’

Sungmin was lying on the grass comfortably, shutting his eyes and not aware of Kyuhyun… Sungmin was wearing a white loose shirt with white pants, his dark black hair swaying softly as the wind blowing his bang and revealed his flawless beauty more that made Kyuhyun gaps in awed…

he-he perfect…’

The kitten surprising Sungmin by rubbed itself against Sungmin’s cheek… and once again, Kyuhyun was enchanted by Sungmin when he listens to the lad soft laugh because of what his kitten was doing… plus when he clearly heard Sungmin sweet voice..

“K! Here already… do you miss me?” Sungmin was asking the kitten while his eyes still closed and flashing a smile, too engrossed to the calm surrounding to open his eyes…

hmm… cute!’

The kitten sits aside Sungmin’s head, its paws… Sungmin who lost the attachment with the kitten crinkled his nose, wondering where is the cat… while Kyuhyun, forgetting the fact that he was here because of Kyu, instead, he stay silent because of the angel in front of him now… he unconsciously bend nearer to get a good view of the angel face…

“K? K??? Where did you go? You won’t leave me right?” Sungmin face crinkle up in a smile, and then he pouted when there was no sign the kitten near to him….

Kyuhyun? Yeah… every single movement or expressions from Sungmin give him a surprise but he just wait there, anticipating for the next action from Sungmin… the next action sure had made Kyuhyun caught by surprises...  he was taken aback…. Same goes to Sungmin, he also gasped of surprise and squeaked at the moment he opens his eyes, making him abruptly sit and move backward… Kyuhyun scratched back of his head, nibbled his lower lip and his eyes fixed on Sungmin’s while smile sheepishly… Awkward…

 “w-who are you?! H-how did you get in?! What do you want?! Don’t say you wanna r-rob me! You won’t believed it ,I-I learned martial art! You better be careful…” Sungmin stammered cutely (In Kyuhyun’s eye) and fidgeting clenched his fist….

“Well first, Annyeong! Cho Kyuhyun imnida… of course through the gate… I don’t want anything…” Kyuhyun who still calm stopped, in seconds, he proceeds….

Somehow I really wanna know you…” he murmured, focusing on the green grass…

“Pardon?”…. Sungmin exclaimed as he could not hear the last part… again, Kyuhyun showed his shamefaced…

 “Kyu led me here and don’t you think I’m too handsome to be a robber? In fact, I’m good looking man from the next door…” Kyuhyun amusingly explained…

“Oh really? OMO! Please forgive me for my words… please come in! Maybe you would like a cup of tea?” Sungmin stood up as he bowed for several times… here he goes… an easy going Lee Sungmin!

“uh? No.. no… it’s okay and thanks… I was the one in the wrong, rudely entering your house without permission and made you shocked… oh by the way… Thank you for taking care of Kyu umm

“Usagi shi- eh… Lee Sungmin! Sungmin imnida! Nice to meet you my good looking man from the next door…” Sungmin almost slipped out his pen-name, well, most people known him as Usagi Shiro… Kyuhyun blushed at Sungmin words, either was nervous or shy or mad?

“By the way Kyuhyun-shi, who was Kyu that you followed and I err… taking care of??” Sungmin asked as he sees nobody there except him and Kyuhyun…

“There! The cute one… he’s mine…” Kyuhyun lips pouted at the kitten direction, next to Sungmin where the kitten was playing with Sungmin pen….

“K is yours? I mean Kyu is yours?  So lucky!” Sungmin whispered the ending…

K! you are so lucky, having this handsome man to take care of you! Let’s change our role, you write the story and I, creating a precious moment with him.. I think I like you owner…’

In his deep thinking, a frown creased his forehead as he pouted at the kitten… but his thought was interrupted by Kyuhyun’s voice…

“Err… Sungmin-shi? Sungmin-shi!”

“Y-yes?” Sungmin fluttered his doe eyes… looking oh-so-innocent….

“I- I need to go now… if you want Kyu to stay here, go on… I’m okay with that…” Kyuhyun stuttered at the beginning, the sight of Sungmin who naturally look so cute and beautiful in the same time make his heart even his brain system not functioning so well…

“Oh really? Thank you! I love to… don’t worry, I’ll sent him to you…”

“You didn’t need to trouble yourself Sungmin-shi… Kyu knew the way home…” Kyuhyun smile at how innocent Sungmin is… before he take his leave, Kyuhyun give a last gaze to his kitten…

kyu! How I wish to be you right now…’


As Kyuhyun figure has been missing from Sungmin’s eyes, Sungmin abruptly lay on his stomach, facing the kitten as the kitten arched its back and hissed to Sungmin for making it shocked…

“Cool Kitty! Eh... No…Kyu~ aww… both of you had the same name….” Sungmin sound so happy… he tapped his forefinger softly the kitten nose as it sat in front of him…

“meow~” Kyu rubbed more its nose against Sungmin’s finger, loving the treatment…

“hey, could it be that you led him here because you want him to meet me?” Sungmin giggled of ticklish when Kyu his finger…

“meow~” another mewed from Kyu as it was answering Sungmin question….

“So, it is? I’m glad to know that! I like your owner… he so handsome, manly yet I think he’s funny… Thank you for meeting him with me, now my heart full of fluffiness and I know exactly what I should write… I owe you one Kyu~” Sungmin rubbed his nose against the kitten nose…


Kyuhyun was watching Sungmin behind the wooden wall… he really envy toward his pet now… but his focus was more on Sungmin… his heart gave him a flutter from each movement from… he palmed his chest, trying to soothe his own heartbeat that was so excited! When he saw how Sungmin rubbed his nose with Kyu, his face went crimson…

“oh no! I can’t stand this… he’s too dazzling!…” then he runs into his house, slumping hard on his couch, literally holding his heart that erratically pumping to jump out…





A/N: okay! the first part! whoever that knows me, sorry for my late update... I had been isolated from cyber world for a month and half! really!

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I'm working for the next chappy... maybe I'll post it tomorrow! perhaps only one or two chaps remain!


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Alice_K26 #1
Chapter 3: Awwwww... thiss story is soo Kyuuuutteeeeeeee
ayawani #2
Re-read this and still smiling.. Xd
redwine137 #3
Chapter 4: can i repost this ficts in indonesian?
i really like this ficts *.*
Chapter 4: i re-read it...pilot and novelist are sweeter characters..
Chapter 4: Awwww.... So sweeeet! >.<
I wish I had a boyfriend like that!
Chapter 3: I really love your stories n.n
That kitten captured my heart ^^
so sweet...
cute~~i like it
kwokjiayi #10
Chapter 4: Sweet and cheesy! :)