Chapter 4

Dancing On My Own

Chapter 4


The manager came back after a few minutes and told Mei to tag along. The manager led her to a practice room a little distant from where her brother was practicing.

“Sorry if this room is far from where your brother is, it’s the only spare we got,” the manager smiled.

“Aniyo, it’s ok. At least I have a place to practice.”

“Arasso, then I’ll get going then. I have important things to do.”

“Neh, annyeong! Take care,” Mei said as the manager left.

“I better start practicing,” Mei said to herself.


Mei did some warm-up exercises then the radio that was in the room. Mei started dancing “HISTORY,” she repeated it some more then after an hour she decided to take a break.

“I have been dancing for an hour already?” Mei said as she checked her watch. She walked over to where her bag was and got her phone out and she dialed her best friend’s number, but her phone was unable to connect since she is in different country luckily her brother could still contact her.

“Aish…this phone,” Mei said as she put back her phone in her bag. She was drinking her water when she realized that she hasn’t eaten breakfast yet. She went to the practice room where her brother was practicing, or she thought it was.


Mei didn’t bother to knock and just entered the room. She turned to close the door, after that she turned around Just to see five pairs of eyes looking at her.


“Umm…mianhe, I entered the wrong room,” Mei bowed politely and left the room as quickly as possible.


In the hallway Mei heaved a sigh and mentally scolded herself for being so absent-minded when she entered that room, just then another door opened in the hallway not far from the door Mei opened earlier revealing her brother.


“Gege! There you are!” Mei said as she approached her brother.

“Waeyo? What are you doing here? Didn’t manager let you have a practice room?”

“No, he did, I was just looking for you. It’s already eight and I haven’t eaten yet! I’m starving!”

“Oh yeah that’s right, let’s go call the others first.”

“Oh…oppa can I ask you something? Who practices in that room?” Mei asked as she points to the room she have mistaken as the room her brother was in.

“It’s SHINee’s practice room, waeyo?” Kris asked as they started walking were EXO was.

“REALLY?!” Mei asked surprised.

“Yeah, but don’t go knocking in there just to see them. The sunbaes are busy preparing for their comeback, arasso?”

“I was just wondering if I could use that instead of where the manager put me in. I might get lost you know,” Mei said while mentally scolding herself again because of that embarrassing moment in front of her idols most especially because it was SHINee and she was sure Taemin was there.


Meanwhile in SHINee’s practice room, the five boys were discussing about who Mei was and what she was doing in the building.

“She might be a new trainee,” Onew said.

“Hyung she can’t be a new trainee. Auditions are not done yet,” Minho said as he drinks his water.

“Minho is right, she can’t be and she said something about entering the wrong room. She was looking for a certain room,” Key said as he sits down.

“She might be a sasaeng fan!” Jjong said accusingly.

“Hyung how can a cute girl like that be a sasaeng? You’re too harsh saying that she is a sasaeng,” Taemin said while doing some dance moves in front of the mirror.”

“Yah! Taemin, how could you say she’s cute when we just had a glimpse of her face?” Minho asked.

“I didn’t say something like that,” Taemin denied he said something like that while mentally asked himself if he really said that the girl earlier was cute.

“Yes, you did, don’t even try denying it. Do you know her? Is she the girl you like?” Onew asked Taemin teasingly while wriggling his eyebrows with a mischievous smile plastered on his face.

“Aniyo! Hyung I just came at the right age but having a girlfriend is still out of my mind,” Taemin said defensively.

“I was just joking Taemin and besides you, you can’t keep a secret like that,” Onew said and gave Taemin a pat on the back.


“PABO! PABO!” Mei said while hitting her head while she was on her way to the practice room after eating breakfast with EXO.

“AISH! How could I just enter without knocking?!” She continued scolding herself. She entered the room and started practicing again. When she finished dancing she turned off the player then heard someone clap.

“Omo! You scared me! How long have you been in here?”

“I was here before you entered while you scold yourself. You look so cute,” the girl smiled at Mei and approached her.

“That’s embarrassing!” Mei said while blushing a little.

“You dance perfectly by the way and I’m Angel,” the girl said extending her arms for a handshake.

“I’m Mei, are you a trainee?” Mei asked said while they shake each other’s hand.

“Aniyo…are you?” Angel returned Mei’s question to herself.

“Not yet…but I’m going to audition,” Mei said letting go of Angel’s hand.

“You’re not a trainee? But how come you are here?”

“Umm…I came with my brother; his manager gave me permission to use this room.”

“Your brother’s manager?” Angel asked with a curious tone.

“Yi fan is my brother but maybe you’re much familiar in calling him Kris.”

“Ahh…Kris-oppa,” Angel said.

“You know my brother?” Mei asked raising an eyebrow.

“Umm…yeah we know each other.”

“Oh I see…did you train together?”

“I am not a trainee here. I just came to visit my uncle here often and he lets me roam around the building once in a while.”

“And your uncle is?”

“Lee Soo Man…the CEO, the big boss, the president whatever you want to call him.”

“Waah! That’s great!”

“No, it’s not that great all the time. People call me a spoiled brat because I can freely come here at SM. I hate that so much,” Angel said and pouted while Mei smiles on how cute she acts.

“You cute like a cute child when you pout,” Mei said and giggled.

“I’m 16…that is still considered a child,” Angel beamed.

“You’re 16?! Then I’m older than you! I feel really old already.”

“Ani! You don’t look old!” Angel disagreed.


“Yeah, how old are you by the way?”

“I’m 18 actually,” Mei smiled at Angel.

“You are not that old yet eonnie. I can call you eonnie right?”

“Of course and I love having dongsaengs. You’ll be the first one here in Korea,” Mei said and they started chatting and opening up to each other that both of them forgot about the time.

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