When I see you, you're already gone

When I see you, you're already gone



     Days passed like always, Jonghyun never realizing what exactly happened on that day, but it stayed in the back of his mind. He didn't ask Minho about it. Well.. he tried, but Minho had a special ability to fade away every time Jonghyun opened the subject about the guy at the window'sill.

 " So..." Jonghyun began, trying his new tactic. " I have a friend who started crying when he saw a stranger apparently, do you think they know each other? Maybe old lovers or something?

 " Hyung, I told you, I have nothing to tell you about that guy. Ask him about it  if you're so curious. " replyed coldly.

 Jonghyun sighed, defeted again.

 " I don't understand, why are you so stressed out about him? I was just asking..."

 " Don't. "

And with that their coversation was over, as the bell rang.


 Jonghyun was starring at his friend, his gaze never lefting him. From anyone's point of view he looked like a stalker, following Minho at his soccer practice, in the showers, at his way home, until he closed the door and even after one or two hours Jonghyun stayed like a guard dog, to be sure his friend won't  sneak on his watch and visit someone... someone that has been bugging his mind this last week more frequetly than Minho. Someone whom.. he didn't even knew his name, but his face kept popping in his head, and every time it happened, that beautiful face drown in tears appeard... which mentained his motivation to keep stalking Minho until he'll talk about it, either he wants it or not.


 "Jonghyun you can come to dinner with us if you want."  Minho's mother snapped his trail of thoughts.


 Jonghyun accepted gladly, finally his plan was making a step forward.


" Minho, would you walk him home? It's rude to leave our guest like this." his mother said after dinner.


Jonghyun's face lit up, happy that he'll finally get a chance to talk to Minho, and maybe he'll find out more about that guy. Jonghyun didn't stalk Minho because he was curious about his relationship with that guy,  but it just happened that his friend was the one who held some information regarding " the guy from the window-sill" as he called him. 


But even though Jonghyun tried his best, he didn't succed. Not even a single word was heard from the latter, Minho was quiet all the way, listening to Jonghyun's monologue, not wanting to participate in the conversation at all. It was all in the past.. and the past shouldn't become present. That would break apart every rule. The memories, the people should remain in the past, especially... him.

 But from some reason, things kept colliding into each other, and the things that he thought forgotten appeard right in front of his eyes.


" Oh, Minho-shii, I haven't seen you for such a long time! " the women in front of them said, she was taking her groceries from the back of the car. " It's been two years hasn't it? " she continued. " You could've come to dinner you know... like the old times." Maybe you could make Kibum come out and eat with us too..." the lady continued looking with nostalgic eyes at Minho.


" I'm sorry Mrs. Kim, I can't. " Minho bowed politely. " I guess you can walk  by yourself from here" he said looking at Jonghyun.


 And he left. Just like that. Without saying anything else. He faded in the shadows and streetlights, just like a lost memory.




 Jonghyun was looking at the lady, she seemed old, but her face didn't had any wrinkles, her features were calm and she had that sort of warm aura around her, that would make anyone like her, and feel better.

" Umm, excuse me.. would you want some help?" he said without even realizing.


" Oh, if you're kind enough, yes, please"  she said with a warm smile on her face.


 He didn't knew what made him help her, he didn't even realize that he was in the front of that well-known guy, which he's been watching. The lady's eyes remembered Jonghyun of someone else, but he just couldn't say exactly who. The boy  knew he saw those eyes before... but where?

 As they finished unpacking, she asked him if he wanted to stay for dinner. He was full, because he ate at Minho, but something made him say " yes, I would like to." The lady was oddly friendly, and polite with him, even though he was a stranger. Now that Jonghyun realized it, he didn't even mentioned his name.


" I'm sorry for being so rude. My name is Kim Jonghyun."


" There's no need to be sorry. I'm glad to have guests from time to time."


 Jonghyun smiled in response, watching her preparing lunch, while the door was heard and a man appeard in the kitchen.


" Hi young man."


" Hi sir."


 The atmosphere was quite awkward, they looked at Jonghyun with glittering eyes, kinda hoping something from him, and that strange feeling gave him goosebumps.  He didn't even knew them.. why did he accept to stay? They looked like a normal couple, happy... but there was somehing in their eyes and Jonghyun could hear their whispers.


" So.. are you a friend of Kibum's?" the woman asked with a big smile on her face, eyes sparkling with hope, while she placed the plates on the table.


 At that question Jonghyun was completely lost. Utterly lost, spechless.


" Umm.. Kibum is...?"


" Oh.." the lady's smile vanished." You.. don't know our son do you?"


"No.. I'm sorry. I've moved here two years ago"  he felt kinda bad to see those glissening eyes fade away. " But... can I meet him?"


" Two years ago.." she muttered, shighing.


" He doesn't come out of his room" the man sighed.


" I'm sorry that he can't be here and eat with us. I'm sure you guys would have a lot of things to talk about, since our son is about your age. "


 Jonghyun didn't know what to say, he just smiled, ate, and after bowing politely and waving goodbye, he left. 

This sure was a strange night.





Kibum felt like he was drowning again in the painful memories of the past. He thought that everything was forgotten, but it didn't seem like it. Not now, when he woke up with the image of his face, and he went to bed with the memory of his actions.  
 He sighed, lifting himself from the bed.  

" I need time... that's all I need. Time will solve everything..." he thought, and shivered when in his eternal silence, a sound was heard.  

The gentle knock at the door, and the usual monolog of his mother. 

" I've left your breakfast at the door honey. I'm going to work now. Mom, loves you. Bye." 

" I love you too mom, take care..." he wished he could say, but he couldn't. He didn't spoke for a while, and it would be strange to hear his voice again. Did he even had a voice anymore?  
 Kibum shook it off his mind and grabbed the book he started last night „ The perks of being a wallflower „ by Stephan Chbosky. It intrigued him since he saw it on the internet, so he had to buy it. There was a quote that caught his attention: "I wish someone would just tell me what's wrong with me. Just tell me how to be different in a way that makes sense. " 
 That’s exactly what Kibum wanted to find out… 

“I am asking for your homework Mister Kim Jonghyun “ 
“ And I’ve told you Miss, the pixies stole it last night from my backpack. I’ve found a light stone in my garden and I used the paper to wrap it. I thought I had hid it well… dammit, those pixies.” 
“ And how come you wrapped it exactly in your English homework?” 
“ That’s the first thing that I grabbed from the bag. I’ve told you Miss, I’m innocent this time.” 
“ Oh, of course you’re innocent. Like the last time when you said the parrot tore it apart, or the other time when the ninja came but gladly you defeated him with the special paper sword cut, or when the basilisk lurked in your room, or the phoenix who burn it, the mermaids... Honestly Kim Jonghyun... mermaids? Our city doesn’t even have a beach. How on earth did the mermaids manage to steal your homework? 
“ Oh, that’s a interesting story actually. I didn’t thought it would happen either. You see, I went to the beach three weeks ago and I found this interesting fish which I took…” 
“ I don’t want to hear any more of your unrealistic stories. Honestly, if you would’ve told me that your dog ate your homework I would have believed it” 
“ But that’s too plain and boring Miss. If I should invent an excuse why not do it in an original way?” 
“ Indeed” the teacher sighed, already used to this, writing something on a piece of paper. 

“ So... detention on Saturday at 8 a.m?” Jonghyun asked.  
 “  No... I’m afraid not. “ she finished writing, giving him the note. 
“ What’s this?” 
“ A warning. You’ll flunk the class if you won’t come up with all the homework I’ve given this year until next week. 
“ But that’s impossible!” Jonghyun rose from his seat. 
“ Really now?  I think it’s a lot more possible to make your English homework then for the pixies to steal it.” 
“ There must be another way! How about detention for the entire year? 
“ You’ve had detention every Saturday since the school started, and on every Monday you came back as always without your homework. It seems that the detention didn’t help you at all.” 
“ But Miss …” Jonghyun whined and continued to be like that for the next hour, ruining his teacher’s class.  Only when the bell rang, exasperated, she gave up. 
“ Ok! I can only delay your term, but you still have to bring them.” 
“Sure, what can I do?” 
“The director keeps pestering me and I haven’t managed to do anything about it. He’s your classmate, although I don’t think you ever met him. He stopped coming to school a month before you transferred. The director insists on him, since he has the highest marks on our internet tests, his essays are always elaborated. He takes the online courses, for finishing the high school. His name is Kim Kibum, and you must bring him back to school if you want to finish high school.” 
“That’s it?” he asked bewildered, not believing it.” That’s all?” 
“ Oh, believe me Mister Kim Jounghyun, it will be a miracle if you’d succeed.” She smiled slyly.” Here’s his address. You have until Monday to bring him back.” She wrote the address on a paper, handing it to him. 
“ Count on me teacher! Just don’t forget your promise!” Jonghyun jumped excited already running to the cafeteria. On his way, he read from the paper “ Kim Kibum… Oxtord street, number 57” Why does it sound so familiar? Where have I heard this name before? Oxtord street... that’s my street too... never saw this neighbor though.”


 A/N: Hi there! Quick update, I've also uptaded White paper cranes        for whoever wants to check it out.   Hope you enjoy this chapter, also I'm honestly sorry but I'll be on hiatuas until September *sigh*, but I'll try my best and find some internet connection and maybe update these fics. I hate hanging up on you guys like this but I do promise that when I'll get the chance I'll update, promise!

 See ya, I'll  miss everyone so much! *hugs*


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oh my gosh, havent read something like this xD such a masterpiece keke love it so far...it's weird but interesting (in a good way), cant wait for more and White Paper Cranes ;u;
that... was fast xD didn't think that Jonghyun would be able to make Key open up to him so soon... ^^;

lol I just noticed that every second comment is from me~ xD
ftshinebang #3
he got him out of his room!!!
What a nice mommy Kibummie has lol
I'm in live with this story. Can I marry this?
nice~ but there are some mistakes disrupting the flow of reading... uhm... so... the thing that bothered me the most would be "quest"... it's supposed to be "guest" so... yeah... hope you don't think of it in a bad way when I point it out to you... I really like the plot... ^^;
ftshinebang #7
This is a terrific start. I look forward to more updates ^^
you sparked my interest with Kibum's way of thinking... oh... and I liked the essay :D