My Life Without You


They were going to be together forever, or at least that’s what they thought.

They were going to love each other endlessly, or at least that’s how it seemed.

They were going to get married, grow old together, and do everything that they wanted to together, or at least that was their original plan.


On the happiest day of their life, they are separated from one another. One is gone and the other has stayed.


Four years have already passed but the pain is an everyday reminder to Sungyeol. He attempts to live life his best, but with the constant reminder of his separation around, it gets harder each day.


But what would happen when someone comes along who starts easing that pain? Can the heart be healed so easily?


“How is she?” Sungyeol asked as he approached the doctor that came out of the white hospital room. The doctor had a solemn face on and Sungyeol immediately knew that it was going to be bad, but he wanted to hear confirmation, he couldn’t just jump to conclusions.

            “I’m sorry,” the doctor said as he bowed his head and took off the mask he was wearing. “We did everything that we could to save her. I’m sorry.”

            “W-w-what about t-the b-b-baby?” Sungyeol managed to ask as he attempted to hold back his tears. His body was already shaking from the previous news.

            “She is okay,” the doctor said as he face softened. “Would you like to see her?” Sungyeol nodded his head and followed the doctor into a different room where the baby was now sleeping soundly. “Mr. Lee, this is your daughter.”

            The nurse handed the pink bundle of blankets to Sungyeol who gently took it into his hands as he stared at the baby that was held within. His tears endlessly streamed down his face as he took in every detail of the baby. The doctor and nurse understood that Sungyeol needed some alone time and quietly exited the room leaving Sungyeol with his daughter.

            “Hey baby,” Sungyeol quietly said as he stared at her precious face. He was afraid of doing something to harm her. “Hi, I’m your daddy, you’re my daughter. Hana, your name is Hana, do you like that? I’m going to take care of you; I’m going to love you more than anyone else, okay? Everything is going to be okay, everything is going to be okay.”



Welcome to my 10th fanfic. Yes, 10th, I know, that's a lot, but 5 of them are already completed and this is my new one.

Since everyone always makes Sungyeol the choding, I thought about this storyline before and didn't have a main character. I just thought that maybe this would let people perhaps see him in a different light than just the choding. I think I even read an interview where he said that he wanted to get past his choding image. Here's the story :)

And I already put this story up before, but since the site was down, it was lost. So, here it is again.



❉ Bunny-Confectioneries ❉ for the graphic :D


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Chapter 34: i like it. update soon.
Chapter 34: wow im glad to read this story again..,hope sungyeol make a right desicion
foreverashawol01 #3
Chapter 33: I just want to know how Jisu died, I don't think that was ever explained
Chapter 33: i love this story/...sungyeol has been trough much in his life...hope he and hanna will happy
hellopanda23 #5
Chapter 32: You were gone for so long...all this relvelstion and drama ..gasp did it work ????
Chapter 29: What's with Sungyeol's parents?
hellopanda23 #7
Chapter 29: an ending..right when it gets dramatic? NOOOO.....and his parents are weird...they kidnap him...lock him up...what is he five? ha ha ha
Chapter 29: " Now Sungyeol was positive that his parents were probably on drugs." Hahahaha that certainly cracked me up. Woah i really don't get his parents and what they are trying to do. They are so weird, like, real weird. So many questions and i'm itching for the answers.

Update soon author-nim! ^^
Chapter 29: Stillll dislike Sungyeol's parents.
I have a feeling Soyun wrote the note, but I could be wrong. orz
Chapter 28: "Hey; how come you're oppa and I'm ahjusshi?" oH MY GOSh, DONGWOO. HAHAHA.
OMFG, I knew Sunggyu is Hyunwoo's father!!! Holy crap.
Soyun's such an a-hole! Sungyeol's parents are too!
I wish Myungsoo would break up with Soyun; she's a traitor!