A step forward.

A step forward.


There was something about Kim Jong In that was hard to resist. The part of Jong In that I was attracted to wasn’t “Kai”, but instead the boy behind that mask of an idol.

Underneath those sparkling eyes, the unspoken story of a young boy lies. Under that seemingly innocent smirk, a hint of his mockery of the world hid.

I loved it.

Those were the traits that proved that Kim Jong In wasn’t flawless - the traits that showed that he was human.

My admiration of Jong In didn’t go unnoticed by fans – the fans constantly caught me mesmerised by him on stage. Deep down, a part of me would leap in joy whenever a fan brought up the topic of Jong In and I, but I felt that the feeling wasn’t mutual.

When EXO had went to Disneyland to let loose for a bit, we chanced upon this tiny tent, which seemed out of place in the extravagant theme park. Following our natural instinct, we poked our heads into the tent, only to find a young lady dressed in a witch costume with a table in front of her. At that moment, all she was lacking was a crystal ball to add to the cliché image of a fortune-teller.

We decided to give it a try. After all, it was harmless. Settling down, the lady explained the rules to us. It wasn’t a fortune-telling session, but more of a little friendship game, and the rules were simple – we had to choose a partner, and a card would be given to us. On the card would have a few colours printed on it. Using our instinct, we would have to choose the best colour that fits the personality of our partner. However, before our partner reveals their opinion, we had to mentally decide on a colour for ourselves too.

The members of the group shuffled around to chose their own partners, but somehow I had ended up with Jong In. I stiffened, not knowing if the current situation was a good thing, but Jong In only raised an eyebrow at me.

Once flimsy card of colours landed on my hands, I immediately could tell what Jong In was.

Dark purple.

I had no idea how I managed to arrive at a conclusion so quickly, but it made perfect sense – Jong In was the darkness lurking in the depths of the colour, and “Kai” was the purple, gingerly covering up the flaws of former.

Despite being so confident about Jong In’s colour, I had a rougher time choosing one for myself and gave up eventually. Stealing a glance at Jong In, I guessed that he was more or less done with the task – he was lying back on his chair, arms loosely crossed over his abdomen. I could feel his gaze land on me, and I fidgeted in my seat.

We were made, or rather coerced, to reveal our opinions. Jong In and I were the only pair that failed to determine our own colours, but when it came to each other’s, the both of us answered with much confidence.

“White,” Jong In declared when he revealed my colour. The other members’ jaws dropped initially, but after a moment of consideration, they started nodding their heads in agreement.


My eyes widened at how Jong In could read my personality better than I could. It was creepy, but also strangely adoring at the same time. Only Jong In could have that effect on me.

The game was over, thus the members left the tent, and eventually, I was the only one left. Preparing to take my leave, I felt a tiny hand grip my wrist. Whirling around, I saw that the young lady had stood up and was staring at me.

“Your feelings are obvious. Fate will assist you, but remember that eventually, you have to take things into your own hands.” Once she had said her piece, she proceeded to reclaim her seat.


Opening my mouth to find out more, I was silenced as Jong In’s head popped through the opening of the tent, urging me to join the members as soon as possible. Bowing slightly to the lady, I did as I was requested to as Jong In smirked strangely at me.

Once we had gotten back to our schedules, that day had been buried in the depths of my memories – or so I thought.

At one of the many EXO-K fanmeets, we were once again signing CD cases for the fans. Jong In was seated comfortably on a chair beside me, and fans were gushing over his alluring beauty.

“Kyungsoo-ah!” An older female fan smiled gently at me. “What’s your favourite colour?”

Before I could process the thought properly, the words “dark purple” slipped out of my mouth. I could feel my face warming up slightly as I signed the CD case and whispered my gratitude. Do Kyungsoo, you idiot.

I jumped as I felt Jong In’s hot breath on my ear as he murmured, “I thought your favourite colour was black?”

Eyes widening, I stared at Jong In blankly for a moment before he chuckled slightly, returning to entertaining the fans.

After the event, I fled to my favourite location – the rooftop – as soon as I could. Usually, the rooftop of the building would be without a trace of life, however, Jong In’s figure greeted me when I arrived.


“A-ah, Jong In. I’m sorry for disturbing, I’ll go down for now an-“ Before I could complete my sentence, he grabbed my wrist, eyes piercing into me. Mission to escape failed.

“Let’s not run anymore, shall we, hyung?” Jong In’s eyes glittered dangerously. “Admit it – the whole of EXO knows of your feelings towards me. Let’s play a game, hyung. By tomorrow, you have to somehow prove your affection towards me. If not,” his eyes darkened, “I’ll only see you as another person who only wants to take advantage of me.”

Releasing his tight grip on my wrist, Jong In started down the staircase, but stopped in his tracks. He turned around, smirking. “The game starts now. Meet here tomorrow at this time. We shall see.”

I stared at Jong In’s disappearing figure. Indeed, Jong In had all the right to distrust people – he was tricked into becoming a trainee when he was in his early teens and was unable to pay the severance fee when he found out the truth. His hatred for the world lurked only deep in his soul, and he sealed it with the idol, “Kai”.

If only I could convince him that I was different.

At that moment, I pledged to sacrifice my all – my life, my willpower, and my singing career – just so that I could win Kim Jong In over.

I would take a step forward to change Jong In’s impression of people.

The next day, I was a bundle of nerves. Despite being able to will myself to catch some sleep the previous, I was, however, unable to prevent myself from being jittery. One by one, the MC introduced each member individually, and I ended up standing with Jong In on my left.

“To start off with the whole fanmeeting, we shall have a small activity to increase the energy level. Each member shall choose another member and interact with him for a short while. Let’s start from D.O., shall we?” The MC declared.

I could feel the waves of mockery coming from Jong In, taunting me.

This is the moment. I had long planned out what to do.

Turning the Jong In, I reached out for him, pulling him into a tight embrace.

The crowd fell silent.

I could feel Jong In tensing up a little, but he relaxed, and let out a melodious laughter. Releasing Jong In to look at the result of my actions, I was more than satisfied – that genuine curve of his lips didn’t being to “Kai”, they belonged to Jong In.

Jong In had finally burst through from the cell that he had locked himself in.

There were cheers from the fans and flashes of cameras.

All along, the actions of the people around Jong In to isolate his feelings from the world, and but it was different now.

I did it.

After the fanmeeting, I rushed up to the rooftop, eager to see what Jong In had to say. However, when I reached the rooftop, the place was eerily quiet. My heart sunk.

“Hyung,” I spun around to see Jong In walking up the stairs. “Aren’t you a little too excited?” Jong In chuckled. Lips pressed together, I waited for the final verdict. Taking a step towards me, Jong In brushed his fringe away from his eyes, the corners of his lips tugging into a small smile. “Thank you, hyung. For once, I experienced the true meaning of happiness once again. From now on, I’ll change. I’ll get rid of the dark emotions that I had built up.”


“No,” I shook my head, my voice echoing my thoughts. Approaching Jong In slowly, I smiled, thinking of the previous day.  “Your flaws make you much more adoring than you already are. Remember, you’re dark purple, and dark purple is my favourite colour. There’s no need to change.”

Pulling Jong In close to me, I heaved a tiny sigh as I felt the heat from Jong In’s body.

“I’m sorry, hyung, I’ve always liked you too, but I was just too afraid.”

“It’s okay, Jong In.” We stayed in the position a little while more.

Take a step further.

I pulled away and smiled.

“You said something about experiencing the true meaning of happiness once again? Well, I’ll make sure you experience it more than once.”

Jong In’s smile grew wider.

“I’ll take your word for that.”



I'm sorry if this story doesn't really make sense or has loopholes here and there. D: So please comment to tell me how I could improve on the fluff/romance portion of the story and tell me how you felt towards the story! I know this doesn't have a complicated plot unlike my other fic, but this was just an attempt. ^^; Thank you for being able to last until here. :D

See you in another fic then. :D


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Awe, how cute :3
It's sweet and it's perfectly fine as it is, don't worry ^^
It's cute! if you wanted to add more I would suggest a kiss near the end but it's fine the way it is :)