Our Love Story

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Chapter 2: I love this ....Keep on reading it!!!

Nice story unnie:)))))))
@UKISSandKISSME : thanks for reading ;) and for being the first one to comment! :DD

@applesrlol : thanks so much for reading! :) your long comment made me realise my mistakes and what I should work on. thankyou~

@mmangooes : thanks, and yeah. i guess i'll write more when i get to :L

@JungNyz902 : thanks for commenting and reading, and of course! I will write more ;)

@NerrNa : haha lool so did i. and thanks for your support ! <3
NerrNa #3
i loved this. wished it was longer...!!! keep fighting!! <3
Waaaaaa. Such a romantic story. Love it.. It is really nice.. Hope u will write more stories.. Keep on fighting...
mmangooes #5
I really like this fanfic you should write more for kiseop since this one was quite short
applesrlol #6
Nice One made me cry. I seriously loved the story and creativeness in it, I just really wanted this to be a little longer, and if the story line was more...explained and clear, this could turn into a real Korean drama! You have done such an amazing job on thinking about how the girl would feel about that boy she loved ^.^ but of course there's always room for improvement. I'll be waiting for another great story like this :)
loved this ㅠㅠ