49. Stripes

100-Theme Drabbles Collection : Taeny


An anxious blonde woman kept pacing back and forth in front of a door.


She occasionally glances at it while unconsciously biting her nails in anticipation.




After a few minutes, she finally spoke.



“Baby, are you done yet?”





Seconds passed by in silence.



The door suddenly opened.




The blonde abruptly turned her head towards the bathroom and saw her wife for two years.


Her other half was brightly smiling at her with tears in her crescent-shaped eyes.





The blonde smiled back.





They both knew at that moment,

Their married life has been changed forever.






All because of two red stripes.

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EMT0304 #1
wow, love it
lo.. :D broken nose.. bwahahah :D

embarassed HellFany <----- CUTE

haha :D