Midnight Parade

Midnight Parade


He tried to stand up from the filthy, bloody floor. Placing his hands on the ground and pushing himself up, but failing. His arms  were too weak. The bowl of water was there, less than two meters away from him, but he couldn’t reach it. He tried to stand up but it’s impossible. Clenching his fists, in frustration, exasperation and anger, he dragged himself to the bowl. Miserably dragging his body on the filthy floor.

He reached with his trembling hands to the bowl, trying to lift it. Once he successfully lifted in the air, he drank the small amount of water furiously. At the last drop of water, he tossed the bowl with the little strength that was on his body.

He stood up, wobbling a bit. He reached to the window bars, for support. He stared outside, in awe, the sun shining brightly, the cotton like clouds and the vivid blue sky. He tightened his grip on the bars, wishing to break them and be free, but that wish seems to be impossible. Almost delusional.

As he heard heavy footsteps his heart started to beat fast, his hands sweaty, as the adrenaline washed over him entirely. The footsteps were more, and more closer, heavier in his ears. His breath quickened and his blood started pumping faster than usual.

Suddenly, the metal door swung opened, revealing a man with a pure black attire; a black hat and what seemed to be gown. He smirked at him before speaking, “As you know, today you will fight, like any other days.” He said carelessly, taking it like some joke. He nodded weakly, not wanting to kill any more, sometimes he just wanted to give up and let his opponent kill him but, his miserable life was lightened by someone special to him, dear to him. His beloved Lina.

“You see, I’ve prepared something special for you.” He said with a dark voice.

“What is it?” his voice threatened to cracked, but it didn’t, luckily.

“Did I asked you to guess? Or even ask? ‘what was it?’. You’ll see soon, you’ll love it” he smiled, not a kind, gentle, sincere smile. A dark one, full with amusement.

Sighing he stood up and gathered all his strength to walk to the door, but before going outside that suffocating small room the man stopped him. “Forgot something?” he asked in a little annoyed voice. Myungsoo looked up, remembering, he placed his hands behind his lower back and closed his wrists together. The man chuckled and put on the handcuffs tightly, painfully tightly.

Walking through that long hallway, he could hear people crying, begging for their lives, people yelling desperately and the sound of metal in contact. The smell of blood lingered by the hallways, the smell of death. Passing a cell with cryings of suffer, he tilted his head towards it and wished he hadn’t. Inside the cell, there was a woman, in her early 20s, kneeled on the floor, hands clasped together and begging to the man that was in front of her, tears flowing like a river. “P-please, I-I don’t want to d-di-“ , suddenly her eyes met his. Her eyes read despair, hopelessness and agony. Eyes reading, ‘Help me’. Staring at her eyes, he could see her tears steaming and rolling down her cheek. “Help m-“ she couldn’t finished her last words.

  The man heartlessly stabbed her heart, blood flowing from her chest. She still looked into Myungsoo’s eyes with sadness. “Help me.” That womans last words.

Myungsoo squeezed his eyes shot and then turned away from the scene. 

“We are here.” The man said, standing in front a long, rusty metal door. The door made a screeching sound when he opened slowly. Myungsoo, sighing stepped into the battle field. Looking up and see his opponent, he frozed, not being able to move, think or even breath. It’s like as if the world has stopped, to him. “L-Lina?”

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flabbycow #1
Holy crap. What in the world? Baby Myungsoo doesn't deserve to be treated like that. :( I really enjoyed the story, btw. :)
oooo~ interesting. I like it.